Author Topic: A War On The Truth  (Read 357 times)

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A War On The Truth
« on: December 15, 2010, 01:33:51 PM »[PIZ5110A]&rrid=306930734

Julian Assange is public enemy No. 1… and possibly Time‘s Person of the Year. The founder of the WikiLeaks website, which specializes in releasing the information Global Governance doesn’t want you to know, is either a traitor, a spy, a terrorist or a hero, depending on who is talking.

The release of diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks has embarrassed the ruling elite. It revealed that they are a cabal of petty, backbiting, untrusting and untrustworthy tyrants, eager to do or say anything to have their way and grow their empire. And that embarrassment is at the heart of the public uproar that has ensued since the cables were released.

The latest is, in fact, the second embarrassment. The first came earlier this year after WikiLeaks published a video of soldiers using a United States Army Apache helicopter to slaughter two Reuters photojournalists and a van full of Iraqi civilians that came to their aid… yucking it up all the while. Two children in the van were also injured.

The leaks show the result of a secretive, unaccountable and over-powerful government; a perfidious empire that seeks to rule the world by guile, cunning or force, if necessary. And the response by the United States government and by authorities in some of the U.S.’s puppet states — like Great Britain, which arrested Assange, and Sweden, which brought spurious charges of rape against him — demonstrate the length the ruling elites will go to suppress the truth.

Truth is the enemy of a totalitarian regime. Fooling, lying, spying: That is the way of the totalitarian regime. Fooling, lying to and spying on friends and enemies, and even worse, its own citizens.

There are bashers of President Barack Obama who will say this type of behavior is typical of someone like him — a man with a Marxist background and big-government, pro-communist sympathies. There are bashers of former President George W. Bush — a neocon who allowed a false-flag terrorist attack to occur on U.S. soil in order to spur passage of liberty-crushing legislation and stir up war passions — who will say that Obama inherited this mess, and it’s all Bush’s fault that Obama is caught up in it. There are defenders of both who will say that they were only trying to “protect” America and keep Americans safe.

The truth is WikiLeaks has exposed the evil of all-powerful government. It has exposed those in power for what they are: Agents of an entity that seeks to wield its might and influence to gain more might, influence and power.

Most seem surprised at this turn of events. They can’t believe that their government  — the government that was designed to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” — could behave in such a manner.

They fall in with the corporate media — Big Government’s propaganda arm — and follow the idea that America has been harmed by this treasonous Assange. They cheer at the thought that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating to determine whether charges can be brought against the man who simply published information that was given to him by a source in government — a source that saw an opportunity to reveal that the real enemy of the American people is their own government. And they cheer some more at the thought that Congress might pass laws that will make what Assange did illegal… a tacit admission that what he did wasn’t.

For the corporate media, it’s okay if it reveals state secrets it received from anonymous sources. It’s just journalism if your name is The New York Times or the Washington Post or one of the alphabet soup networks. In fact, they are complicit in the release of WikiLeaks documents. The truth is, major media outlets around the world are working with WikiLeaks to release the documents.

There are many of us who aren’t surprised at what the cables reveal. We recognize that long ago the American Dream was stolen by an evil cabal of foreign banksters. These elite and powerful players operate on a different plane from the rest of us. They function without a moral compass, playing by the rules of money and control.

The powers of governments from all over the world are now bearing down on Assange. He claims the rape charges against him are a Pentagon-initiated smear campaign and that members of the Australian intelligence community warned him that such smears were coming. There is evidence that at least one of the two women at the center of the rape allegations against Assange is a Central Intelligence Agency operative or has ties to the CIA. This would seem to indicate that Assange’s claim holds some truth.

The evidence is compelling. According to reports in the British press, the woman helped bring Assange to Sweden for a speaking engagement and invited him to stay in her one-bedroom apartment in Stockholm. They went to dinner, then back to the apartment, where they had consensual sex. The woman’s complaint stems not from the sex, but from the failure of Assange’s condom, which she claims was a deliberate act by Assange.

The woman is known as a militant feminist who believes consensual sex is rape and has blogged that women should take revenge on their ex-lovers and make them suffer. The other victim’s story is equally dubious.

So, two of Assange’s one-night stands who were either there to set him up for a fall or were merely unhappy with his performance have cried rape. And Assange was charged with sex by surprise, whatever that means in Sweden.

For this, a warrant for Assange’s arrest was sent to Interpol, the worldwide police organization that can operate inside the borders of any country. Assange never went into hiding — told United Kingdom authorities he was in their country, in fact — but the corporate media played up the “massive manhunt” angle.

Pressure was brought to bear on PayPal, which accepted donations to WikiLeaks, to drop the site. It did. Pressure was brought to bear on the Swedish bank that held Assange’s legal defense fund. He can no longer pay for his own defense. Pressure was brought to bear on the New Hampshire firm Dyn, Inc., that hosted WikiLeaks, and the site was shut down. Pressure was brought to bear on MasterCard and VISA and they ceased handling WikiLeaks donations.

The U.S. Justice Department recently shut down a number of Websites it claimed were illegally peddling copyrighted music, videos and other products. It did so in a broad sweep, taking down sites that linked to music and videos and sites that just mentioned other sites, a move that demonstrates the U.S. government no longer cares for the rule of law.

The Federal government is also working to give itself the authority to shut down portions of the Internet, just like the government of Communist China does whenever it decides there is a threat to national security. Who decides whether there is a threat? The same fascists who were featured in the embarrassing WikiLeaks revelations.

Many are outraged that Assange would publish the secret government documents, and his actions are being portrayed as an irresponsible, willy-nilly release of state secrets.

The outrage should rightfully be directed at the policies the documents reveal, the people behind those policies and the efforts of governments around the world to shut down and control the free flow of information over the Internet.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline muman613

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Re: A War On The Truth
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 01:42:07 PM »
I find it troubling that the author thinks that people have a right to steal property which belongs to others.

The U.S. Justice Department recently shut down a number of Websites it claimed were illegally peddling copyrighted music, videos and other products. It did so in a broad sweep, taking down sites that linked to music and videos and sites that just mentioned other sites, a move that demonstrates the U.S. government no longer cares for the rule of law.

It is illegal to copy DVD/CD in America as it well should be. Intellectual property must be protected or else there will be no innovation in technology. I have worked in digital video field for almost 20 years and it really sucks to work so hard only to have your work stolen and shared by immoral teenagers and chinese media pirates. I fully support the law which makes it criminal to share copyrighted music and video.

Any site which advertises stolen goods is a criminal site... Clear and simple... I don't know what the author of that piece was getting at in that paragraph. Maybe they think that Assflange is a Robin Hood character who inspires people to 'STEAL FROM THE RICH AND GIVE TO THE POOR'. This goes against the Torah thinking {which establishes the rights of an owner to his property}.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14