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Brits for yrs hiding info of Israeli POWs
« on: December 18, 2010, 06:12:56 PM »,7340,L-4000938,00.html  

Zacharia Baumel  Reproduction photo

Report: Britain hiding info on MIAs

Jewish Chronicle says Foreign Office can shed light on Sultan Yacoub battle between Israel, Syria

Roee Nahmias
Published:    12.18.10, 19:21 / Israel News
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The London-based Jewish Chronicle has reported that Britain refuses to publish a document containing information on the three soldiers who may have been captured in the Battle of Sultan Yacoub, which took place during the Lebanon War.

The report published Thursday says the British Foreign Office fears publishing the document may harm its relations with Israel's opponent in the 1982 battle, Syria.

Zacharia Baumel, Yehuda Katz, and Zvi Feldman went missing on June 11 of that year, and remain so to this day.

But the Chronicle is claiming that on the day of the battle Britain's ambassador to Syria, Ivor Lucas, reported that the three had been captured by Syrian forces.

Miriam Baumel, Zacharia's mother, is currently spearheading a legal battle in London against the continued silencing of the report, claiming that it could shed light on what happened to the three soldiers.

But the only response Baumel and her lawyers have received from the Foreign Office, the Chronicle says, is, "We are conscious that the release of sensitive information would cause harm to our relationship with Syria."

The paper quotes Baumel as saying, "I just want the public to know this is a humanitarian matter. We keep getting information that these boys and my son were seen in Damascus and that there were witnesses, and anyone who saw something or who could help must help."
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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