I know this is sorta an unfair comparison, but when the Nazis took control, they needed a way to legitimize their control over all speech/press, and all the other stuff that the Wiemar constitution guaranteed, so when a crazed Dutchman who was a complete nutjob burned down the Reichstag, they used THAT as an excuse to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree limiting all free speech, and giving the Nazis control over all press
THe sad thing is that its the EXACT same story. The Nazis kept saying that the Dutchman was in fact working with their enemies to bring down the regime, and they kept saying this over and over again, till eventually everyone beleived that he was in cahootz with the anti-government and Bolshevic groups.
The Left in America has been waiting for such a tradgedy to use against the Tea Party, and they have finally found it.... and its irrelovant that the lunatic was a leftist, ultra-progressive.... because the media will say, over and over again, that he was in cahoots with the Tea party.
Its not a coincidence that Obama decided to make the victims funeral a HUGE media event, MUCH LARGER than the funderals of victims of previous mass murders... or other high profile murders.