Author Topic: Abie Foxman Proponent of building mosques all over the U.S  (Read 2074 times)

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Offline mord

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Abie Foxman Proponent of building mosques all over the U.S
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:22:21 AM »
This sick fat little clown should move to Saudi Arabia or Iran   

Abandoning Foxman the Mega-Mosqueman

The capacity for humiliating, destructive behavior of the self-loathing Jew, Abe Foxman (and those Jews who fund the ADL), continues to astound and repel proud Jews across the world.

Ever since Foxman voiced opposition to the Ground Zero mosque (even a broken clock is right twice a day), he has been prostrating himself in front of any mosque or madman who would listen, trying to make amends. His latest dhimmi-jew stunt takes the cake. Foxman's Anti-Defamation League is now the leading advocate for monster mosque construction projects that have run into local opposition across the country.

Fauxman has launched the Interfaith Coalition on Mosques, a group begun by his Anti-Defamation League last September at the height of opposition to the Ground Zero Islamic supremacist mosque. Its objective is to fight for monster-mosque construction rights. The coalition includes some of the nation's top religious leaders. Imagine, if you will, an Islamic Coalition to Build Synagogues in Muslim Countries, or the Islamic Coalition of Muslims to Build Coptic Christian Churches in Egypt, or the Islamic Coalition to Build Hindu Temples in India, Kashmir and Pakistan (OK, you can stop laughing now).

Those pf us who have watched the 'inter-faith" war tactics of the Islamic supremacists for years know the talk is one way .... to Islam. Proselytizing to Islam. Infidels, non-Muslims, are always spoken to. We are admonished and scolded by our Muslim betters. There is never any candor or criticism of Islamic religious intolerance. There is no talk or strategy about OIC initiatives to denounce and condemn the relentless slaughter of non-Muslims and moderate Muslims across the West, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, across the world. There is no denunciation of Islamic law that commands and exacts the death penalty for "blasphemy," honor killings, clitorectomies.

Where is the inter-faith dialogue on the incomprehensible slaughter of Christians in Egypt and Indonesia Peaceful_flotilla_terrorist and Nigeria? Where is the inter-faith dialogue on the centuries-old vile Islamic anti-semitism that foments and rolls to a boil throughout the world and has targeted the tiny Jewish state for over 60 years, resulting in a war for survival for the Jewish people against scores of Muslim attacks and wars? Where is the inter-faith dialogue on addressing honor killings in the US -- Noor, Aasiya, Amina, Sarah, and all of the others? Where is the interfaith dialogue for the over 80 million Hindus murdered by Muslims?

The world's leading Muslim leaders broke off talks with the Vatican because the Pope spoke about the onslaught of Islamic genocide against non-Muslims in Muslim countries.

Where is the inter-faith dialogue concerning the challenge that Muslims are the first immigrant group that has ever come to this country with a ready-made model of society and government they believe to be superior to our Constitution and system of governance?

But Foxman is building coalitions to construct mega-mosques to teach the most vile anti-semitism on the planet today. And denying the Armenian genocide by Muslims. It's a sin.

Photo: peaceful devout Muslim killing Jews on the humanitarian jihad flotilla singing "Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammed will return.” Muhammad wiped out the Jews of Medina, for those unfamiliar with Islamic annihilationist history.

    Opponent of NYC Islamic center becomes advocate for mosques nationwide

    When the Anti-Defamation League - a leading Jewish group devoted to fighting anti-Semitism and "all forms of bigotry" - came out against the construction of an Islamic center and mosque near New York's ground zero last year, some critics alleged that the organization had lost its way.

    "I would have expected the ADL to support the building of this Muslim community center," wrote Alan Dershowitz, an influential legal and Jewish voice. "...At the very least I would have expected it to remain silent and not to lend its powerful and distinguished voice to an opposition that includes many bigots."

Ah, another self-important narcissist clown heard from. Dershowitiz, Obama's biggest supporter. How's that going Alan?

    Stephen Prothero, a prominent religion professor and CNN Belief Blog contributor, said the ADL's opposition to the Lower Manhattan Islamic center showed that the group and its leader, Abraham L. Foxman, "no longer occupy a moral high ground."

    CNN host and Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria returned an award and honorarium he'd received a few years earlier from the ADL, saying he hoped the move would "spur them to... return to their historic, robust defense of freedom of religion in America."

    But several months after the controversy over the New York Islamic center has died down, the Anti-Defamation League has quietly emerged as a leading advocate for mosque construction projects that have run into local opposition across the country.

    Last week, the group wrote a letter to the mayor and city council of Temecula, California, urging officials there to approve the construction of a 25,000-square-foot mosque project ahead of a vote on the matter this Tuesday.

    The letter cites opponents who alleged the proposed mosque would be "a refuge for terrorists," and a nearby pastor who reportedly said that Islam and Christianity are like "oil and water" and that Islam is "intolerant at its core."

    "We understand that such comments echo the fears and/or slurs that some Americans express toward Islam, but we urge you not to give in to them," the Anti-Defamation League's letter to officials in the Southern California city said.

    "In the words of Abraham Lincoln," the letter continued, "we would appeal to the better angels of our nature and ask you to instead honor the great American tradition of freedom of religion for all and of showing respect for all religions."

    The letter was backed by members of the Interfaith Coalition on Mosques, a group launched by the Anti-Defamation League last September, at the height of opposition to the Lower Manhattan Islamic center, to fight for mosque construction rights.

    The coalition includes some of the naton's top religious leaders.

    "When we had the debate on the ground zero mosque, it focused attention on mosques in this country and the fact that mosques were having problems getting permission to build," Foxman said, explaining the genesis of the coalition and of the ADL's mosque advocacy.

    Coalition members are a mix of Christians, Jews and Muslims. Rev. Joel Hunter, an influential evangelical voice, and Eboo Patel, a Muslim youth leader - both of whom have advised the Obama White House - have both joined the group.

    The coalition's first project was advocating for a proposed 52,000-square-foot Islamic center and mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, that was facing local opposition last fall.

    For the mosque construction projections is has supported so far, the ADL's legal arguments revolve around the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, a 1990 law requiring government to show a compelling interest if it imposes land use regulations on houses of worship.

    The advocacy has not been without controversy. On Friday, one of Interfaith Coalition on Mosques' highest-profile members, Southern Baptist Convention public policy chief Richard Land, announced that he was leaving the group.

    “While many Southern Baptists share my deep commitment to religious freedom and the right of Muslims to have places of worship, they also feel that a Southern Baptist denominational leader filing suit to allow individual mosques to be built is ‘a bridge too far,’” Land wrote in a letter to the ADL explaining the move.

    Foxman, for his part, acknowledges that the ADL's advocacy for mosque construction projects could give the impression that the group is paying penance for its opposition to the New York Islamic center.
    [..]Some prominent Muslims who the ADL later asked to join its Interfaith Coalition on Mosques declined the invitation, citing the group's stance on the New York Islamic center.

    But Patel, one of three Muslims on Interfaith Coalition on Mosques, says he's been impressed by the time and energy the ADL is putting into investigating mosque construction projects.

    "They are fulfilling the promise of organization,"says Patel says, who has taken criticism from some Muslims for joining the effort.

    "Just because I disagreed with them on Cordoba House," Patel continued, using one of the names for the proposed Lower Manhattan Islamic center, "doesn't mean I can't work with them in another area."

Yes, just because the dhimmi Jews opposed one mosque doesn't mean we can't use them to build hundreds, thousands of others that will elminate and destroy their miserable Jewish house.

Southern Baptist leader leaves mosque coalition KMIR TV

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A leader of the Southern Baptist Convention has withdrawn from a coalition that supports the rights of Muslims to build mosques in their communities.


    Richard Land, the head of the SBC's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, said he heard from many Southern Baptists who felt the work of the Interfaith Coalition on Mosques crossed the line from defending religious freedom to promoting Islam.


    "I don't agree with that perception but it's widespread and I have to respect it," he told The Associated Press.


    The Coalition was formed last year as an initiative of the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish group that fights discrimination. Its first action was to file a friend of the court brief opposing a lawsuit that sought to stop a planned mosque in Murfreesboro, about 30 miles southeast of Nashville.


    "My constituents, many felt, 'Yes. We certainly believe in religious freedom. People ought to have a place of worship. But it's a bridge too far not only to advocate for that, but to file suit,'" he said.


    Saud Anwar is the founder and co-chair of the American Muslim Peace Initiative and a member of the coalition. He said he was saddened and disappointed by Land's action, which he believes undermines Land's professions of support for religious liberty for all.


    "The Southern Baptist community is one of the finest examples of faith in action that I know of," Anwar said. "You are setting an example by your action."

    The other prominent evangelical Christian member of the coalition, the Rev. Joel Hunter of Orlando-area megachurch Northland, a Church Distributed, said he had heard "surprisingly little" opposition to his participation.

Maybe Hunter is deaf.


    "Most conservative evangelicals I talk to in my own congregation are really clear on First Amendment rights, that every religion has a right to free expression," he said.


    He added that, as a pastor, he is in a different position than Land, whose potential constituency includes all Southern Baptists. With almost 16.2 million members, the Nashville-based SBC is the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Abie Foxman Proponent of building mosques all over the U.S
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 10:30:18 AM »
There are days when I think Foxman (yimach schmo) is an Arab. Just visualize his skin tone a few shades darker.

Offline mord

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Re: Abie Foxman Proponent of building mosques all over the U.S
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 10:38:18 AM »
There are days when I think Foxman (yimach schmo) is an Arab. Just visualize his skin tone a few shades darker.

Yes with muslim clothes :laugh:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Abie Foxman Proponent of building mosques all over the U.S
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 12:30:42 PM »
Yes with muslim clothes :laugh:

Hopefully a heavy burqa with no eye holes.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

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Re: Abie Foxman Proponent of building mosques all over the U.S
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 11:15:42 AM »
Does he have a mosque in his back yard?
I suggest he allow several to be built there.

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Re: Abie Foxman Proponent of building mosques all over the U.S
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2011, 05:33:11 PM »
If he loves Islam so much, he should move to an Islamic country. Him and Obama both.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision