Raul, if we can't mock the hideously evilness of this month, than we are a bunch of cowards. This month is wrong in every way, its wrong for people to be honored who look a certain way, and its especially wrong, since these people are FAR less deserving then those who dont look llike them.
I dont hate people who look a certain way, I hate the culture and hypocrisy of black idolatry, and it needs to be mocked.
Is it so difficult to oppose or even mock Affirmative Action without insulting races? I also oppose Affirmative Action because it's against my libertarian ideas. I believe in free competiveness without State intervention. Anyway, that picture you posted is not of an Afroamerican claiming his Affirmative Action benefits, but of an African primitive who claims nothing from us. Pirkei Avot says we must not despise any person or even any object because everyone and everything has a place in H"s plan.
And I hold that whoever is really happy and satisfied with his lot, doesn't feel the need to attack other's lifestiles or cultures. If you were satisfied with modern Western civilization, you wouldn't feel upset about primitives in a distant continent.
I use modern technology as far as my economical situation permits me, and I don't feel the need of approval from a distant tribe. If they reject and don't care about PCs, cell phones, TV and MP3's, it doesn't affect me in the least. I just enjoy it, and don't care if they are happy by just gathering and hunting.