Thanks for sharing the post. As difficult as it is to look at, it really needs to be shown, so people can be educated about what Islam is actually all about.
I will be honest with you. I actually used to be sympathetic to muslims and muslim nations and I was anti-israel. Theres so much left wing propaganda in the media, schools and the liberal left wing churches, that nobody really has any truthful perspective of whats happening in the Middle East, and people have absolutely no clue about Islam in my country. After hearing the truth in the Bible about the Jews rights to live in Israel, and after living in a neighbourhood with a newly built mosque, and seeing the devastating effects Islam was having on the community, I experienced first hand a taste of what the settlers in Judea/Samaria are facing. And after reading most of Rabbi Kahane's books I became totally convinced that Islam is evil and from the pit of hell, how liberal Jewish politicians can allow Muslims to live in Israel is beyond my comprehension. Those mosques are nothing but militant bases for organized violence against others, I have personally witnessed this first hand, I really believe G-d allowed me to live near this mosque in my neighbourhood, so I could witness first hand what Islam is doing.
I cannot believe the lies contantly being given to the citizens of my country. Everyday theres a full page story in the newspaper telling the public how great muslims are, and what an amazing effect Islamic immigration is having on our country. The propaganda is in full swing over here in Australia, and Christians and Jews are being duped by it.
As disturbing as that photo is, people need to see it, because that is the face of Islam. Islam should be banned and the Koran should be banned in any civilized country.