There are doznes of nuclear stations in the United States that have been quietly cranking out hundreds of megawatts day and night for decades, and at modest cost. Some of those stations are so productive that they can only be called monuments to the technical genius of mankind.
As for what happened in Japan, let's wait for the official report and not whack-out on incomplete data like the Germans.
This will not please some earlier posters in this section, but this must be said: Anybody who suggests that thre will be an easy transition to wind and solar is certifiably delusional. I've written this before, the USA could go fully solar and wind in ten years, if we're all willing to pay a ten-fold increase in our power bills, while seeing all business flee the country. Utilities place solar and wind projects strictly for PR ..... such projects are absolute losers economically.
As for fusion, the only place where that exists on earth is where somebody detonates an H-bomb. I'm aware of absolutely no successful tests of controlled fusion even in the most advanced laboratories on earth. Even the most optimistic dreamers admit controlled fusion is decades away.