Author Topic: GOP Governor Hosts CAIR Event On Michigan Muslim Day  (Read 443 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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GOP Governor Hosts CAIR Event On Michigan Muslim Day
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:40:10 AM »

You can’t trust any of them

More and more, supposedly Conservative GOP legislators are becoming increasingly Pro-Muslim and Pro-Islam. If this keeps up, jihad will be irrelevant because the GOP is handing them the keys to America on a silver platter. Sharia law? When it gets implemented here in the US, and I am telling you it will be, it will not be the radical Islamics who forced it on us, it won’t be the far-left Libs, and it probably won’t even happen at the hands of our Muslim President. It will be the GOP and “conservatives” who do it.  Let me go on record by saying I have lost all faith in confidence in the Republican party, they are not one iota different or better than than the Liberal Progressives. Red and Blue in 2011 are 2 wings on the same bird. Don’t trust any of them.

Remember Scott Brown…

Check out this story from Debbie Schlussel:

“Why is Republican Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan yukking it up with HAMAS-financier CAIR Action Network and other Muslims who openly hate Jews and support terrorist groups that blow up Americans? Why is he urging more Muslim foreign immigration to Michigan? Told ya this would happen. I was on to him, early on.

Yesterday, he hosted the CAIR Action Network and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan, both openly pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah, kick off Michigan Muslim Capitol Day. In his speech to these extremists and open Islamic terrorism supporters, Snyder called for more foreign immigration to Michigan as the way to solve the state’s economic woes. Not kidding. Alhamdillullah [Praise allah].

Click here to read the rest of this excellent expose by Debbie Schlussel…