Author Topic: russian votes shouldn't go to Lieberman  (Read 3629 times)

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Offline Relentless Partisan

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russian votes shouldn't go to Lieberman
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:47:29 AM »
Shalom lekulam
i've just sent a message to Chaim and i want you to have an opinion about this,here's part of the message:


as you probably know there are about 1 million people(enormous electoral power!) with russian origins in Israel (you should know that because you're responsible for that) most of them are jewish ,whether they're jewish or not,they have great intellectual and they understand very very well the intentions of the islam and the arabs that follow the koran orders so they're half way there but...
 lots of them are voting to Lieberman (Israel beytenu party) because they think its the real right wing party and don't know that lieberman will zigzag between opinions and cannot be trusted to do the right action when needed.
i strongly advice you to address those people ,first of all it would be a great GREAT move to simply add translation  subtitles in the russian language of all your talks about Israel and promote these videos with titles like "Chaim Ben Pesach, now in Russian" or add a relevant russian word to the title so if they surf in the russian language they will still find your movies.maybe you could emphasize the great delusions that lieberman is selling in a new series of movies and provoke the people to start thinking of another party to vote for in the next elections".

i am not from a russian origins so i do not know the language ,maybe some of you know russian and think it is a good idea?what do you think and how can we promote this interest?

Toda ve yom tov
Relentless Partisan

« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 03:39:13 PM by Relentless Partisan »

Offline soldierofgod

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Re: russain votes shouldn't go to Liberman
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 11:56:07 AM »
 righteous  people  vote to liberman because hes the the must righte's man in the government.

Offline Relentless Partisan

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Re: russain votes shouldn't go to Lieberman
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 02:06:57 PM »
sorry ,he is a politician with no principles ,he would and did go wherever the wind blows,if it is a left wingers that draw the rules he would go with them and vice versa if it's the right wing in power,although he is doing a lot of noise that definitely sounds like a real right winger with solid opinions so i understand why a person might be wrong about him.
please check all of the governments that he set in and see they had done some horrible decisions about the future of our country and Lieberman backed them without blinking,listen to what he had said in the past and understand he is saying one thing and the next day he does exactly what he had said he will never do.that's reminds me of the principles of Ariel Sharon and that's not healthy to Israel and not  righteous for this country.

Offline uzitger

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Re: russian votes shouldn't go to Lieberman
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2011, 08:56:29 AM »
Lieberman is no worse than the duplicitous Pipi Netanyahu.  (Chaim Ben Pesach gave him a good nameurine in Hebrew, )  I have better last names for hi, like Notayahud or Nachash-ra-hu which mean not a Jew and a he's bad snake.

Pipi says one thing while doing another.  He talks right wing while acting like the Bolshevik dicktator  and with his defense minister they persecute the Jews of Yehuda and Shomron by sending their YaSSam storm troopers to beat them in the middle of the night and lately firing plastic bullets at small children. 

With right wingers like Pipi, who needs leftists? 

He does the left's dirty work and Israelis still vote for his treaonous Likud party.