This country would be better off if we deported this moron and spears and lohan to mexico or the congo. We need this white trash as much as we need the blacks, the mexicans, the moozies and the rest of the turd world invaders. It is amazing to me that an airhead liberal slut such as this hilton ho would be so afraid to go to jail where she could be around the 'oppressed', the 'downtrodden', and the 'revoluntionaries' that are trying to build a much better America through crime, bastard low IQ kids, drunk driving, drug dealing, shop lifting, rioting, vandalism, welfare fraud and just downright low simian behavior. I was under the impression that these hollyweird types love the darkies and wetbacks? Was I mistaken? I can't believe that these hollywood people would be frightened to live with these people who they profess so much love for. I thought that they consider these creatures on the same level as their pets. I think that paris should undergo racial sensitivity indoctrination where she would learn how important diversity is and how it will enrich her life so much more than the millions of dollars that she has. What a phoney. Let her be thrown into the general population and let her get a taste of what we,as regular people, must deal with surrounded by these animals.