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Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« on: April 25, 2011, 07:13:27 PM »

[click link for video's]

If Barack Hussein Obama II is Malcolm X's biological son and ideological heir, it would uniquely explain the mystery of why he was so generously helped by so many Arab and communist "friends in high places" long before he was a "somebody."

Malcolm ensured his secret son would learn the ways of Islam, of revolution, tutored by the finest socialist ideologues of his time, and the future, funded by Saudi and Syrian financiers. He would be groomed for leadership, educated and trained to organize the community called the United States of America.

Morph of Barack O to Malcolm X courtesy Polarik.

In August I received a curious email. As a magazine that covers international politics, with a focus on Mideast affairs, Israel Insider gets more from its fair share of baseless tips and phony rumors. I ignore most and delete them unread. This one was a bit different. It came from a national security lawyer with extensive credentials and intelligence connections that checked out, and a phone number.

Israel Insider had been running a series of articles exploring the vagaries of Barack Obama's birth, and his concealed documentation, and this was the jumping off point of the email, which confirmed the claim that Obama was not born in Hawaii, that "Mossad are going with Mombasa" but "Proving Mombasa is not so easy, as NSIS in Nairobi are clamming up tight, as are MI6 in London, who have the original Mombasa file and full details of the birth."

He said that "Disproving Honolulu is child's play. You've already shown that the birth certificate put forward by Obama (whose people privately are not denying Mombasa, by the way) is a fake. Why fake it? If he was born in Honolulu he could obtain a genuine one. Hawaii Dept of Health would hardly denounce a potential presidential candidate's birth certificate as fraudulent without cross-checking birth records for August 1961. No birth was registered in the name of Obama in Honolulu in August 1961."

(This last detail may explain why Hawaiian officials last Friday confirmed that a birth certificate does indeed exist but conspicuously refused to release any details or even confirm that the details conform to those on the computer-generated Certification of Live Birth. The name on the "original" certificate may in fact not be Obama nor the birthplace Honolulu. But Obama's recent visit "to his grandmother" may well have had less to do with her health than eliciting this vague and inconclusive statement from the Hawaiian Health Department.)

The source continues: "There is no evidence Ann Dunham had even met Obama Senior in or around November 1960, the alleged time of conception, indeed it is not even clear Obama was in Honolulu at that time, although he may have been. Ann Dunham was only 17 and although she might have been in Honolulu the timing is tight." "More to the point, she was in neither of the medical centers put forward by the Obama campaign (question: why do they not know in which hospital he was born?) on August 4th, nor are there medical records to back up the claimed birth, nor has an attending physician been named. I've heard of births with the father absent, births with the mother absent a bit trickier."

"There are said to be photos of Ann Dunham on Waikiki Beach taken in or about July 1961, when she is supposed to have been in her third trimester, in a bikini, taken by a fellow female student. AD is clearly not pregnant. Media have not yet talked to fellow students, but it can't be long. There are bound to be other photos of AD in existence taken during the alleged 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Obama campaign are terrified some one will press for her medical records, which have been accessed by CIA."

"Moving to Indonesia the Obama campaign are also suppressing the Indonesian immigration and passport records, which I believe show him as a Kenyan citizen, and the naturalisation records. They have not denied Internet claims he was naturalised in Indonesia. If he was a US citizen there should be a visa record to back that up."

"Obama Senior was murdered in Kenya in 1982 to silence him. Interesting story re his sister Auma as well -- she appears to be a full sister, not a half-sister as he is claiming, i.e. they share the same mother. She was ordered back to Kenya in 2007 to prevent DNA testing .... CIA did a DNA test on the grandparents, using saliva from glasses, which conclusively rules out any relationship between Obama and the Dunhams."

"The source said that the Dunham family became involved because Stanley Dunham, Sr. was suspected of espionage. Boeing, he said, has "a 1944 security file on Stanley Dunham in connection with suspected sabotage of B-17G aircraft at their Wichita Kansas plant and the theft of B-29 blueprints, a full set of which were passed to the German Abwehr via Lisbon by June 1944. Ann Dunham appears to have been chosen as the surrogate mother in 1963 because of the family connection to German Intelligence. German assets in the US, including Rezko, who is connected to the Syrian Mukhabarat and the German DVD, sponsored his career.

"Effectively," the source concludes, "Obama is a German sleeper agent."

Well, this is a lot to take in, and on first reading it struck me that the source had been reading too many Le Carre novels or Bond movies. I mean, really: "The Manchurian Candidate" meets "The Boy from Mombassa"?

It seemed completely preposterous, and indeed I initially dismissed it as preposterous. Obama a "German sleeper agent"? Of course, in those days the East Germans were a Soviet satellite, and the DDR was perhaps the most feared and ideological of the communist states, with more than a sprinkling of rehabilitated Nazis uncured of their genetic fantasies and experiments. 1961-1963 were the peak years of the Cold War, with Berlin playing a central role in East-West hostilities.

But what made no sense to me was why anyone in the spy business, or anyone in East Germany for that matter, would give a damn to find a foster parent for a newborn illegitimate offspring of mixed black-white parentage. What made him so special that the Syrians and the German would go to all the trouble or see some potential value in protecting and grooming him? What could possibly make intelligence agencies cultivate from infancy a sleeper agent?

The source didn't answer this, nor could I, over the succeeding months of the campaign. We exchanged a few more emails, but the nagging question of "why" anyone would bother with this baby would not leave me. What did come out in the ensuing weeks, however, was a litany of unexplained facts in Obama's youthful history, of help from strangers in high places all along the way, benefactors who had either Arab-Muslim or Communist-Socialist connections. There was his Islamic education in Indonesia, the fact that he learned the Koran not in Indonesian but in Arabic. There was the fact that in Hawaii the boy was tutored in the ways of revolution by leading black activists, Muslim activists, and Communist activists. Influential black nationalist and Communist Frank Marshall Davis would become a huge influence in the young Obama's life.

There was his journey to the third-world, to Pakistan and East Africa, after his first year at Columbia. But things really got strange with the revelation that Khalid al-Mansour, close adviser to a Saudi billionaire and the Saudi royal family, was instrumental in helping Obama get into Harvard Law School (and reportedly Columbia before that), financing his education and advancement.

It was al-Mansour who asked Percy Sutton, a prominent black lawyer active in the civil rights movement and defending radicals in the 1950s and 1960s, to help Obama get into Harvard. In the interview with a New York news station (see video at left), Sutton described al-Mansour as "the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men. He told me about Obama and asked him to "write a letter in support of Obama's application to Harvard Law School, Sutton recalled. “"And his introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?" Sutton obliged:“"I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly."
How in the world would Percy Sutton know that Obama, a young man he had never met, was a "genius"? Why would he say that he met all of the qualifications to be president of the law review, even before he was admitted to the school? One possible clue: It turns out that Sutton was among the lawyers for Malcolm X.

And why would a big wheel like al-Mansour take such an interest in a self-admitted drug-taking party boy ("I inhaled," he joked. "That was the whole point" he joked on the campaign trail) from a second-rate college? While helping Obama get into Harvard, the Muslim form Texas was representing top members of the Saudi Royal family, Saudi billionaires Abdul Aziz and Khalid al-Ibrahim, and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, nephew if King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia. So there was, early on, a direct connection between Obama and Saudi royalty and an aggressive effort by a Saudi agent to make Obama's way in the world.

It was this connection to Saudi wealth that has led to Obama being dubbed the "Mansourian candidate".

Then there were the revelations about Weather Underground co-founder Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dohrn -- unrepentant terrorists and communists both -- who helped launch Obama's political career from their home. Ayers, indeed, may well have ghost-written Obama's memoir Dreams from my Father, creating the impression that Obama was also skilled in writing as well as "community organizing."

More substantially, there was Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Syrian born real estate wheeler-dealer and convicted racketeer, who helped Obama raise his first campaign funds and assisted him financially, and even facilitated his home purchases.

There were influential Palestinian scholars and propagandists Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said, colleagues and personal friends of Obama, despite his unconvincing efforts to distance himself from them and squelch his praise for their anti-Israel ideologies.

There was Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama's spiritual mentor, who conducted his marriage, baptized their children, and gave Obama's campaign manifesto "Audacity of Hope" its title before being distanced (at least for the duration of the campaign) when their close twenty year relationship came to light.

And, of course, there is neighbor Louis Farrakhan, current leader of the Nation of Islam, who recently spoke of Obama as the "Messiah" and as Ken Timmerman confirms, enjoys an "open channel" of communication with him.

Why did all of these important scholars and ideologues, fundraiser and networkers, these millionaires and billionaires – especially from the Arab and Islamic world, and extreme socialist and communist party activists -- reach out to help this unknown, undereducated young man, many before Obama was anybody of known importance? Was it just that he was tall and handsome and bright, with a silver tongue?

Or was there some other factor – a genetic factor, a secret legacy of heredity -- that mysteriously opened the doors and wallets and elicited the kindness of strangers?

Last week, a long and rambling post attributed to one Rudy Schultz was made to the Atlas Shrugs blog of Pamela Geller. The starting point for the post was revelation of school records that show that the supposed mother of Barack Obama enrolled in the University of Washington just a few weeks after her son was purportedly born in Hawaii. But the intention of the poster was apparently to imply that Obama's father was unlikely to have been Barack Hussein Obama, Senior (photo at left).

The post provides photos and a video of Malcolm X, with a notation that he and Obama had the same height (6'2-6'-3") and striking physical resemblances: identical hairline, jawline, and other distinctive facial features, similarities not shared by Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. or other members of the Luo tribe bloodline.

The post noted striking similarities in speaking cadence and style, not to mention a bright flashing smile and a wry sense of humor. The man born in Nebraska as Malcolm Little also was a light shade of brown, the product of a mother from Grenada who, he said, "looked like a white woman" and a black father.

See more striking similarities from insider Octaman here.

The post also traced the path of Malcolm X in the late 1950's and early 1960's, a journey that took him to Africa and the young leadership circle to which Barack Hussein Obama Sr. also belonged, including the activist Tom Mboya who was behind the program which airlifted, with US funding, young African leaders to Hawaii to study at the university, a cohort to which Obama senior belonged.

But Schultz concludes his post by pulling his punches a bit: "While Malcolm X may not be Obama’s biological father, Malcolm X is demonstrably Barack Hussein Obama’s philosophical father, and the lineage is undeniable! Obama Jr. was sired in the social soup stirred by Malcolm X."

While Schultz backed away from claiming that Obama's biological father may in fact be Malcolm X, the hereditary claim cannot be discounted. If he was indeed the illegitimate offspring of Malcolm – the closest that one can get to "royalty" in the messianic broth of black radical Islamic and Communistic politics – that would explain the otherwise inexplicable:

why this "illegitimate" baby, and later this young man – a druggie and underachiever -- would have had paved for him the royal road to privilege and power, paid for his Ivy League education, got him jobs and a home, raised millions of dollars for his political career, got him selected to address the DNC in 2004, got him into the senate in 2006, and led him straight to where he is today, just two years hence, on the verge of the US presidency, powered by hundreds of millions of untraceable overseas contributions.

In the minds of the leftist and Islamic leaders, he is the heir to the throne of "freedom fighters", the revolutionary prodigal son – heir to legacy of black powers and black Islam -- come home to rule.

Nothing short of a DNA test is going to prove who Obama Jr.'s father really is, or, indeed who is real mother is, or is not. His long-suppressed birth certificate, which he wrote about possessing in Dreams from my Father and which Hawaii now admits is on file, could help solve the mystery.

No one to my knowledge has explored the possibility that Stanley Ann may not be the birth-mother. That would explain the lack of hospital records in Honolulu and the fact that no one can remember seeing her pregnant. Suddenly she just appeared in Washington state with a little baby boy.

There is, too, a curious comment that Stanley Ann Dunham reportedly made after high school, remembered by a friend, that "I don't need to get married or date to have a baby." And the fact that in June 1960 her family – who were reportedly highly sympathetic with left-wing causes -- suddenly left Washington state for Hawaii, where they continued to be involved with socialist-communist causes and personalities, such as Frank Marshall Davis (identified by Obama only as "Frank" in Obama's Dreams from my Father), who proved so influential in his upbringing.

There is also new information, published in Atlas Shrugs and confirmed elsewhere, from the University of Hawaii that she was only enrolled only in the fall of 1960, and that from the Fall of 1961 (weeks after Barack Jr. was reportedly born) and through the following spring, she was enrolled at the University of Washington.

There is the fact that she abandoned this baby on repeated occasions, and the fact that Obama returned the favored when he refused to visit her as she sickened and died. If she was merely his foster mother, then she was just a means to an end, to be discarded when she had outlived her usefulness.

If Barack Hussein Obama II is Malcolm X's biological son and ideological heir, it would uniquely explain the mystery of why he was so generously helped by so many Arab and communist "friends in high places" long before he was a "somebody."

Malcolm ensured his secret son would learn the ways of Islam, of revolution, tutored by the finest socialist ideologues of his time, and the future, funded by Saudi and Syrian financiers. He would be groomed for leadership, educated and trained to organize the community called the United States of America.

Malcolm broke with Elijah Muhammad in large measure because the then-leader of the Nation of Islam had conducted illicit affairs and sired illegitimate children. If Malcolm himself had sired a boy, it is not something he would have wanted to advertise, or to bring along with him in his hectic and dangerous revolutionary path. But he may well have arranged to give the boy a first-class upbringing and education, free from the burden of his own violent legacy, his history as a convicted felon, his likely fate as a martyr, to realize the legacy he never could. He knew he was "a walking dead man," marked for death -- how could he perpetuate his principles beyond the grave?

Malcolm X was marginalized even from the black leadership after he said, following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, that the "chickens had come home to roost." That term would be resurrected by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, much to Obama's chagrin, in a sermon discussing the reasons for the Islamic attacks on the United States, reasons that Obama echoed in his own post-9/11 statements, in somewhat less inflammatory terms.

Malcolm himself was assassinated in 1965, reportedly by agents from the Nation of Islam.

If indeed Obama is not just Malcolm's spiritual son but his biological one as well, it would represent the realization of a lifelong preparation to seize power, not by guns but by genes, and the genius of Obama's handlers, mentors and assistants along the way who prepared his path to power.

According to this scenario, the sleeper agent is now wide awake, although it is also conceivable that Obama himself may not be fully aware of the role he was programmed to play. Nor is it clear who has supplanted his initial handlers -- which my source identified as East German and Syrian -- although the Saudis and their allies, including those within the US government and not just the Democratic side of the aisle, clearly seem implicated with pulling some of the strings and pouring some of the huge funding that has brought him to where he is today.

Those who have helped him reach to the threshold of power -- some knowingly and some "useful idiots" -- have been working in concert to fulfill the revolutionary goals of Malcolm's by putting his boy in power, using the system to destroy the system. Early voting. ACORN. Untraceable online funds. Brilliant. But that, of course, is just the means to the end.

Barack Obama wrote, in Dreams from My Father, of the huge impact this black revolutionary hero's memoir had on him, as none others did: “Only Malcolm X's autobiography seemed to offer something different. His repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me." Self-creation indeed.

If Malcolm X secretly sired Barack Obama, then the title Dreams from My Father would indeed take on a whole new meaning, with Obama Sr. revealed as a kind of paternal proxy, a stand-in for a revolutionary of a higher spiritual and political order whose identity the self-creating son could never reveal if his own ambitions, and his real father's ambitions for him, were to be realized.

In 1964, the year before his death, Malcolm gave an address, "Ballots or Bullets" (audio available here) in which he urged African Americans to turn away from violence and create revolutionary change through the US electoral system.

If the O is in fact an X, and wins the red, white and blue tic-tac-toe on Tuesday to become the President and Command in Chief of the United States then, truly, America's chickens will have come home to roost.

Red States may soon take on a whole new meaning.

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 07:33:44 PM »
One thing is crystal clear to me... Obama is not who he pretends to be...

He has acted completely against the interest of Americans. He has bullied Americas allies while simultaneously helping Americas enemies. In my opinion it is completely reasonable to assume that he was 'selected' for this position by communist agents.

We must make sure that the next presidential election is free from any shenanigans. I find it hard not to suspect Obama would not resort to some tampering with election results {or engage in intimidation from the black panters.}

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 08:12:13 PM »
Obama came out of Malcolm Xcrements arse.

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 08:27:48 PM »
What did White Americans think they were going to get by putting that black animal into the White House... Even Pastor Manning begged White Americans to do the right thing and not vote for the shvartza Candidate... He told White Americans just what they were going to get from the shvartza Administration...If the situation was not so dangerous it would almost be comical... White Americans have become so brainwashed by progressives they will reinstall the animal again in 2012... Of this I have very little doubt.
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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 12:14:57 PM »
Whoever fathered this donkey eared Muslime Obamokey is not important.  He is a destructive force against the US and Israel and that's more important than which animal fathered him.  He is probably and Al Qeada (misspelling intentional; it means the toilet seat in Arabic) operative.

The leftist vermin JINOs Jews in Name Only) went out of their way to support this Muslime.

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2011, 12:19:25 PM »

Obama won’t produce birth certificate because it would reveal TRUE identity of his father: Hawaii senator’s extraordinary claim

    * Republican Sam Slom issued the claims in a radio interview
    * He does think Obama was born in Hawaii but questioned Barack Obama Sr as father
    * Trump: There's a 'big possibility’ President Obama has violated the Constitution
    * Arizona vetoes bill requiring presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens

A member of the Hawaii State Senate said today he believes Barack Obama is not releasing his long-form birth certificate because he may want to hide the identity or citizenship of his father.

In an extraordinary outburst, Republican Sam Slom said the 'real issue' behind the reluctance of the President, who says he was born in Hawaii, to release full details from his birth certificate was unlikely to be because he wanted to hide his place of birth.

'My particular point of view... is that [Obama] probably was born [in Hawaii] and that the real issue is not the birth certificate, but what's on the birth certificate,' Slom said in an interview on New York's WABC 770 AM radio station.

Hawaiian Senator Sam Slom, left, said Barack Obama is not releasing his long-form birth certificate because he may want to hide the identity or citizenship of his father.

'It could have to do with what his name is on the birth certificate, who is actually listed as his father, the citizenship of the father,' Slom said.

In recent months, the birthplace of Obama has become a burning issue, with detractors of the President questioning whether he was in fact born in Kenya - even though Hawaii officials have certified he was born in the U.S. state.

Slom, who said he once lived in the same building as Obama in Hawaii's capital, said: 'My belief is that there is a birth certificate, he was born here, but that there is information that for reasons known only to him he doesn't want released.


So-called 'birthers' claim there's no proof Barack Obama was born in the U.S and is therefore ineligible to be president.

Many of the sceptics suggest he was actually born in Kenya, his father Barack Obama Sr's home country, or even Indonesia where he spent part of his childhood with his mother and step father Lolo Soetoro.

The President maintains he was born in Hawaii but, although the Obama campaign issued a Certificate of Live Birth in the run-up to the election, he has since refused to produce a long-form version, leaving opposition, including a very vocal Donald Trump, questioning his eligibility to serve.

President Obama's mother Stanley Ann Dunham met his father at a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960.

Obama Sr, from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Kenya, had been the school's first African student. He was 23 and had come to Hawaii to get a better education.

Obama Sr and Dunham married on Maui in February 1961, when Dunham was already three months pregnant with Barack.

What Dunham didn't realise however was that her husband had left behind a pregnant wife Kezia and child in Kenya.

Baby Barack was born on August 4, 1961, supposedly in Hawaii. In fact 'Barack Hussain Obama II' is seen highlighted in a computer generated birth index from 1960-1964 in a Hawaii State government binder held at the State Department of Health in Honolulu.

His mother Dunham was just 18.

She lived in Seattle with her young son, while Obama Sr continued his studies in Hawaii, graduating in 1962.

He then won a scholarship to Harvard and in the autumn of 1962 moved to Boston, Massachusetts, leaving Dunham and the young Barack behind.

Dunham went back to Honolulu and continued with her studies, while her parents, WWII veteran Stanley Armour Dunham and Madelyn Lee Payne Dunhm helped to bring the young Barack up.

The relationship between her and Obama Sr soured and the couple divorced in January 1963 - Obama Sr did not contest it.

The last time Barack Obama saw his father was in 1971 when he was 10 years old. Obama Sr was killed 11 years later in a car accident in 1982.

Of his early childhood, President Obama has said 'That my father looked nothing like the people around me - that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk - barely registered in my mind.'

Dunham moved with her six-year-old son to Jakarta, Indonesia in October 1967 to live with her new husband Lolo Soetoro.

As well as his birth certificate, the U.S. President has fought to keep his school records, employment records and medical records hidden.

'Why would anybody, let alone the president of the United States, spend millions of dollars in legal fees to keep that hidden?

'As long as that goes on,' he concluded, 'I think it's a legitimate issue,' Slom said.

Earlier this month Donald Trump publicly questioned the location of Obama's birthplace in an interview with the Today show, claiming there is a ‘big possibility’ President Obama has violated the Constitution.

The real estate tycoon, who is running in the race to be the Republican presidential candidate, said he had sent investigators to Hawaii to uncover 'one of the greatest cons in the history of politics and beyond'.

'I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding,' Trump said.

In an interview with CNN Trump pointed out that there are no photos of President Obama from when he was younger, only in his teenage years.

He also claims that no one remembers him from school.

He said: 'If you go back to my first grade, my kindergarten, people remember me. Nobody from those early years remembers him.

'If you're going to be president of the United States, it says very profoundly you have to be born in this country.'

Sarah Palin has also jumped on the Trump 'birther' bandwagon, despite claiming earlier in the year that the issue was a distraction from more important issues.

'Obviously there is something that the president doesn't want people to see, that he sees going to great lengths to make sure it isn't shown. And I think that's perplexing for a lot of people,' she said.

Last week, Republican Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, vetoed a bill that would have required presidential candidates to prove their U.S. citizenship before their names could appear on the state's ballot - which was widely viewed as targeting Mr Obama - calling it a 'bridge too far.'

The bill requires presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens before they can be included on Arizona's ballot and receive any votes from the state.

Candidates who don't have a long form of their birth certificate are also given the option to show two alternative documents, including a baptismal or circumcision certificate, a hospital birth record or a post-partum medical record.

The Obama campaign has previously released a 'certification of live birth in the run-up to the election.

The Associated Press also found a listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, in a record book at the Hawaii vital records office. This is the only government birth information, called 'index data,' available to the public.

Trump has repeatedly stoked the birther fires recently, and last month called on Mr Obama to 'show his birth certificate.' Trump said he has investigators in Hawaii searching for more information.

'Nobody has come in and said they're investigating for Donald Trump,' Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo, told AP, after acknowledging they could've come in without identifying themselves as representing Trump.

What the would-be sleuths won't find is Mr Obama's 'long-form birth certificate,' a confidential one-page document containing his original birth records kept on file in the first floor of the Department of Health.

Those original birth records typically include additional birth details, such as the hospital and delivering doctor, said Dr Chiyome Fukino, the state's former health director who twice looked at and publicly confirmed Mr Obama's original long-form birth records.

But the birther conspiracy theory refuses to go away.

The latest New York Times-CBS News poll found that 45 per cent of adult Republicans said they believe Mr Obama was born in another country, and 22 per cent said they don't know.

Only one-third of Republicans said they believe the president is native born. The same poll a year ago found that a plurality of Republicans believed the president was born in the U.S.

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2011, 12:29:03 PM »

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2011, 08:32:31 AM »
He sure has ties to many Terrorists, whats One More!

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2011, 09:56:18 AM »

Offline mord

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2011, 10:01:56 AM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: Is Obama the secret son of Malcolm X?
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2011, 10:35:41 PM »
You think the So Called Hussein can't have it forged

Quite true.

While he may not be Malcolm X's biological child, he certainly is his ideological child.