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Ask JTF for Sunday, May 8, 2011

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Shalom Chaim

1 .Do you think the the leader of the squad who killed Bin Laden deserves the Medal of Honor?

Shalom Shalom Chaim,

NOTE: Although I'm almost positive you won't, don't take my comments and questions personally.

How does your view that you’re for abortion for blacks—morally and theoretically—comport with prior statements you've made that abortion for white women who are raped and impregnated by ugly, gorilla, criminal savages, i.e. negros,  is “absolutely forbidden”? That rape-resultant baby is, if anything, far LESS innocent than babies created by Negro lust.

I personally consider it horrifically immoral for a white woman in that circumstance to NOT have that baby aborted; and I would implore any white woman impregnated by a negro via the act of rape to have that baby aborted, pronto! And for the White "mothers" who get pregnant by [censored] through consensual sex, I'm for abortion too, retroactive abortion.

I am pro life in general, however...

Gd bless you Chaim, may we see the day when the Jewish State of Israel possess borders stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Apostolos (Απόστολος)

I have the great fortune of having a co-worker who is a closet neo-nazi or nazi sympathiser. The closet racist and anti-Semite doesn't have a problem with der fuhrer because the chancellor didn't kill his superior people. So he doesn't believe he should care that the great orator, not to be confused with the great orator in the blackhouse, hated der juden.
Probably hopeless. What's your take?

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Chaim,

Here are my three questions for the week.

1: Is it really accurate to call ADL-type Jews "self-hating" the way we would Noam Chomsky, [censored] Silverstein, Nellie the Weasel (yimach shemam), etc.? It seems to me more that they are a specific subset of Jewry that is very organized, very proud, and very determined (for its evil causes). Most ADL members if asked would claim to be very proud of being Jewish and they do have several Orthodox members (supposedly). So, it seems to me that they are bad Jews, but not necessarily self-haters.

2: In response to last week's question, you said that anyone thinking Israel was responsible for 9/11 is very evil, no matter what. You are probably right but let me give you this hypothetical: an eleven-year-old kid whose zombie parents ONLY permit Alex Jones shows/books to be listened to/seen/read in their household who has literally never heard anything other than that line.

3: A former member of JTF is a proud Croat Nazi. This person was constantly causing problems on the forum with all sorts of people, especially Serbs, and had absolutely no respect for any of the mods/admins. He is a proud Ustasha supporter who bragged to a well-known Croat Nazi on Zootube that his ancestors murdered Serbs. He frequently posted links to JTF from PressTV (Iranian state news) until the admins made him stop and never explained why he used them as a source. He threw a huge tantrum when he didn't get to be a moderator and left the forum in a rage. Since leaving he has said many absolutely vile things about JTFers on splinter forums. This is just a small fraction of what this animal has done. Tell me Chaim, is it okay to give this individual the royal y-s?

Blessings as always,


Kahane-Was-Right BT:

What do you think about claims that Bin Laden was already dead years ago based on a youtube clip showing an interview with Benazir Bhutto before she was assassinated?   Personally, I think it's pretty obvious that she misspoke in the video, and the reporter assumed that as well, thus explaining his complete lack of reaction.   To me it seems pretty clear that she meant to describe Omar Sheikh as the one who murdered Daniel Pearl (because he did, and he's in jail for it to this day), and then to add that he has ties to bin laden (he did because he wired money to 9/11 hijackers leading up to 9/11).     In this video, Bhutto is listing off the people who want to assassinate her, and when she mentions Omar Sheikh, she describes him as the one who murdered Usama bin laden.    Her very next sentence is, " now I know, having ties with a terrorist does not necessarily mean they are doing terror"  etc.   Isn't it obvious that she meant to say Omar Sheikh has ties to bin laden, not that he murdered bin laden?    Why do so many people (it's gone viral) want to believe that bin laden was already dead?


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