Shalom Chaim,
with president Osama having revealed his final solution, do you think a significantly lower number of American Jews will vote for him in 2012?
I was recently invited to a "Lion King' performance, but I turned it down. I couldn't remember exactly why, but I remember that the movie subliminally promotes an anti-white, anti-western message. Am I remembering correctly?
Which disney movies strike you as the most evil?
According to your sources in Israel, has the general-Israeli perception of pres. Osama shifted to the right?
If, chas ve chalilah, Mike Bloomberg ran against Osama in 2012, what would we do?
Todah Chaim hayakar,
PS I've heard that Rabin was an alcoholic. I was too young to notice it, but someone told me that when he got off the plane for the whitehouse handshaking ceremony, he was reeling and staggering. Was he wasted at the time?