Author Topic: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore  (Read 1855 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« on: May 17, 2011, 11:48:11 AM »
This is so beyond sick, barbaric, and evil. Anyone who claims the muslim arab nazi's in Israel want peace are either deluded beyond all logic and reason or truly wish the same outcome for the Jewish people.

92-Year-Old Arab Gloats Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Wants Encore
by Gil Ronen

As the world is subjected to a hail of propaganda from Arabs regarding the 1948 “disaster” inflicted upon them by the creation of the state of Israel, Arab press watchdog MEMRI has released a video that places the Arab claims in perspective.

In the video, a 92-year-old Arab woman, originally from Hevron, glowingly recalls on Hamas-Gaza TV how the Arabs of Hevron, including her father, without provocation, massacred the peaceful Jewish neighbors they had lived beside for years in 1929 – almost 20 years before the 1948 War of Independence. Needless to say, there was no State of Israel then, no IDF, no "occupation" etc.

In an orgy of sadistic violence on August 24, 1929, 67 of Hevron's Jews were murdered. The Arabs murdered children in front of their parents, severed limbs, raped and burned people alive.  
The British High Commissioner in the Land of Israel, Sir John Chancellor, published a statement following the massacre, saying,

I have learned with horror of the atrocious acts committed by bodies of ruthless and bloodthirsty evil-doers, of savage murders perpetrated upon defenseless members of the Jewish population regardless of age or sex, accompanied as at Hebron, by acts of unspeakable savagery, of the burning of farms and houses in town and country and of the looting and destruction of property.
These crimes have brought upon their authors the execration of all civilized peoples throughout the world.

Photos of the victims of the massacre, which eventually led to the evacuation of all Jews from Hevron, until their return in 1967:
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Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2011, 12:06:26 PM »

Only Baruch Goldstein, Z''tl, gave these dogs what they deserve.

Offline Secularbeliever

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Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2011, 02:11:41 PM »
Only Baruch Goldstein, Z''tl, gave these dogs what they deserve.

I am not a supporter of what Goldstein did but if he had hit this b--ch I would have been all for it.
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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2011, 07:35:44 AM »
I am not a supporter of what Goldstein did

So you support these Nazi sub-microbes who deserve nothing but genocide?

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2011, 09:35:33 AM »
So you support these Nazi sub-microbes who deserve nothing but genocide?

I wasn't looking for a debate on this but I don't favor genocide.  I favor killing responsible people not indiscriminate killing.  Israel has the power to kill those responsible as it showed with two consecutive Hamas leaders.  If Goldstein had killed Arafat I would have sponsored a memorial to him.
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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2011, 07:09:31 PM »
I wasn't looking for a debate on this but I don't favor genocide.  I favor killing responsible people not indiscriminate killing.  Israel has the power to kill those responsible as it showed with two consecutive Hamas leaders.  If Goldstein had killed Arafat I would have sponsored a memorial to him.
You also say that we shouldn't make threads attacking homosexuals, etc. I think it's fair to say that you are to the left of the JTF mainstream.

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2011, 11:40:46 PM »
You also say that we shouldn't make threads attacking homosexuals, etc. I think it's fair to say that you are to the left of the JTF mainstream.

I dont recall saying not to criticize homosexuals.  Not sure what you mean by attack.  I would not assault them on the street.  I dont spend my waking hours obsessing over who is gay if that is what you mean.  I worry about people who do.
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Offline ProJewGreekChristian

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 03:16:08 AM »
Only Baruch Goldstein, Z''tl, gave these dogs what they deserve.

I am a supporter of what he did, δόξα τω Θεού (BARUCH HASHEM) !!!! May that WHORE'S name AND memory be obliterated! May 1,000 more Goldsteins emerge, Θεού θέλοντος (G-δ ωιlling).

look at this nazi whore oh my gosh it makes me so mad! they would do this to the Greeks if they could! you better believe it! THEY HAVE BEFORE!!! THE JEWS NEVER ONCE HAVE RAISED A FINGER TO A GREEK!


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Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 04:52:09 AM »
I wasn't looking for a debate on this but I don't favor genocide.  I favor killing responsible people not indiscriminate killing.  Israel has the power to kill those responsible as it showed with two consecutive Hamas leaders.  If Goldstein had killed Arafat I would have sponsored a memorial to him.

I am not in favour of indiscriminate killing either as a general rule. But that's not what Baruch Goldstein did. He killed Arab Muslim Nazis who were planning a new massacre in Hebron with a view to preventing Jewish bloodshed. True, when he entered the so-called "mosque" (odd way to call the occupied Cave of the Patriarchs !), he opened fire without prior investigation and careful examination. True, he may have killed people who were not primarily involved. But I view them essentially as casualties of war. This war was started and fueled by the Arabs, therefore it is the Arabs who bear the ultimate responsibility. Why would you feel sorry for the lives of these people who would gleefully slaughter you and your loved ones without the slightest remorse ? You have to realize that you are not dealing with decent, respectable people here. You are dealing with Arab Muslim Nazis who want to exterminate us. You are dealing with animals who would do again exactly what they did in 1929 if they had the opportunity. We need to show these people we are not afraid of using violence against them. We need to scare them. It is a condition for our survival.

Baruch Goldstein did not go on a wanton rampage, as the Arabs regularly do when they murder Jews. He hit a place notorious for sheltering extremely cruel people who were about to carry out a massacre. He sacrificed himself to protect the Jewish community of Hebron. This is heroic.

Offline Brett

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2011, 07:13:35 AM »
Absolutely mind boggling how people (Muslim Nazis) can have so much hate.

Hate, hate, hate I pity them. Their day is coming.

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2011, 09:49:41 AM »
My point was that even as someone who did not support what Goldstein did, I think it would have been good if he killed that woman.  I think Goldstein was a good man who snapped that night.  The claim that he prevented a massacre was something his parents said, I am not aware of any other evidence of it.  I would love to agree with those who thought his actions were heroic but the facts just don't lead me there.
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Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2011, 10:39:40 AM »
My point was that even as someone who did not support what Goldstein did, I think it would have been good if he killed that woman.  I think Goldstein was a good man who snapped that night.  The claim that he prevented a massacre was something his parents said, I am not aware of any other evidence of it.  I would love to agree with those who thought his actions were heroic but the facts just don't lead me there.

I understand your point.
As regards Baruch Goldstein, I realize that this is off topic, but I want to say I do not agree with your claim that his parents made up the story that a massacre of Jews was impending. Immediately after lynching Baruch Goldstein, the Arab mob attempted a large-scale pogrom in Hebron; in the following week, nine Jews were killed. There are indications that this pogrom was premeditated and prepared before. For instance, one day before, Arabs rioted in the Maarat Hamachpela, and shortly before Baruch Goldstein arrived, they were chanting “Slaughter the Jews”. This is all in the Shamgar report. Despite the high tension, the IDF and Border Police did not bring reinforcements.
That said, there remain a lot of obscure points and the official version of the Shamgar report is just not plausible. I found the following analysis on the Samson Blinded site. I certainly do not endorse all the views expressed on that site, but this one is quite relevant :

"The official story accuses Dr. Baruch Goldstein of opening fire on Arabs. Any sensible person—and that doesn’t include the leftists of the Shamgar Commission—would ask how the doctor could achieve at least 154 Arab casualties, including 29 dead, with 140 bullets? He is claimed to have walked into the Cave with four cartridges, thirty-five rounds each for Galil rifle. Shooting into the dense crowd of Palestinians, it would have been just impossible to reach 154 of them. It would have been impossible to spend one round only for each casualty. It is very hard to kill with a single shot in such hurried circumstances. Even allowing for all those incongruities, there is physically no way to score 154 Arab casualties with 140 bullets.

The Arabs murdered Dr. Goldstein when he tried to reload his rifle, so at least one of the four cartridges was still unused, bringing the number of bullets down to 105. It is completely implausible that almost every bullet wounded several Arabs, passing through their bodies.

Shooting four cartridges in rapid-fire mode would not have produced that many casualties, and might have jammed the rifle. Shooting 105 or 140 bullets in semi-automatic mode would have taken considerable time, giving the guard just meters away enough time to react, and the Arabs time to flee.

Even the best shooter cannot realistically score 154 casualties acting alone, with a single rifle, hurrying, in a dense crowd. And Dr. Goldstein was not a great shooter. Neither before, nor after him, in thousands of terrorist acts throughout the world, was such a score ever achieved. No shooter came even close. Only in the totalitarian Israeli state which controls the media, can people be brainwashed into believing such nonsense. To compare, the Arab who inflicted nineteen casualties in Merkaz HaRav yeshiva in March 2008 spent about 600 bullets.

Another scenario is more likely, and supported by the large body of evidence: Dr. Goldstein appeared on the scene when the Palestinians had already started the riot they had prepared for months. The doctor was the first Jewish victim of the Arab mob. Israeli soldiers on duty shot at the Arab crowd, achieving the impressive 154 casualties. But at that time of rampaging peace process, the Peres-Beilin-Rabin clique could ill afford the picture of Arabs massacring Jews in Hebron, so they invented the story of Dr. Goldstein’s “massacre.” So the subsequent Arab riot became “justified” instead of being a normal Arab pogrom. As an added benefit, Peres-Beilin-Rabin framed the Kach Party, the only force which could stop the suicidal peace process. The Israeli establishment used the fact that Dr. Goldstein was a member of Kach to ban the party (it’s good that they did not ban the medical profession, since he was also a doctor).

At the Shamgar Commission hearings, two Israeli soldiers on duty that morning (Kobi and Niv) testified that Dr. Goldstein entered the Cave wearing his standard M-16 rifle, not the Galil used in the shootings. Independently of each other, they also said they saw another man entering the Cave with the Galil rifle. Shamgar rejected their testimonies.

A search for a mystery man with a Galil rifle walking in the Cave beyond the army posts at dawn could lead to one place only: Shabak, the Israeli security service. Just like they framed Yigal Amir and murdered Rabin, they also sent their man to shoot into the Arab crowd. The objective was tremendous: to end both the Jewish presence in Hebron (a major issue for Jewish zealots) and the only real political opposition, Kach (Netanyahu, that farce of an opposition, transferred Hebron to Arab jurisdiction).

It remains unclear how Dr. Goldstein entered the Isaac Hall, full of Muslims, without anyone noticing him in such a highly unusual movement. No less likely, he was murdered elsewhere in the Cave and his body later dragged into the Isaac Hall. Several Palestinians testified they saw Dr. Goldstein shooting, but even the Shamgar report notes numerous severe contradictions in Arab testimonies. Shamgar conjectured that Dr. Goldstein entered through the Yosefia route, but his fingerprints are absent on the door.

Conveniently for Shamgar, the CCTV on the site was found not to be operating at the time.

Israel’s rulers had a tremendous interest in murdering Dr. Goldstein. After the assassination of R. Meir Kahane, Dr. Goldstein became the link between several feuding Kahanist factions. After Dr. Goldstein’s murder, R. Binyamin Kahane became the leader of Kach, and was also assassinated. R. Binyamin Kahane was also ostensibly killed by Arabs, but the fact that the assassins “accidentally” pumped sixty-two bullets into the front seats of his car while not touching the kids in the rear seat reveals Israeli snipers. Years later the IDF arrested the alleged assassin, but since he had several murders on his hands, it was no problem convincing him to also accept responsibility for R. Binyamin’s."

Offline ProJewGreekChristian

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2011, 01:17:56 PM »
The claim that he prevented a massacre was something his parents said, I am not aware of any other evidence of it.  I would love to agree with those who thought his actions were heroic but the facts just don't lead me there.

But honestly, who cares? I, however, understand the strategic point in pointing this fact out. Nevertheless, those Muslim Nazi animals just being in that holy site, a site which they've desecrated by constructing there a so-called mosque, is a provocative act, and thus makes them guilty, deserving of the worst of the worst. Sorry but I don't have pity on Muslim Nazi mass-murdering butchers who would rejoice from news of Jewish or gentile Christian children being butchered; and anyone who would say, "we have no prooooooooooooooof they would rejoice," is clearly in "the dark" on the tenants of Islam and the strict adherence to them by these smelly Arab Nazis.

BTW, he did not "indiscriminately" kill--he was aiming for Muslims.  :dance:

May his name and memory be immortalized.
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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2011, 03:23:08 PM »

It seems that that samson blinded article makes a single assumption which can be easily dismissed. He questions how 154 could be casualties when at max he only had 140 bullets. But what if a 'casualty' doesn't require being hit by a bullet. Not that I am arguing against whether it was right or wrong what he did {and I still think he was right} the answer to that question would be that 154 people were wounded as a result of the attack, maybe they were trampled or maybe there were ricochets, etc.... I don't think that we can decide if there was a conspiracy based on this fact alone...

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Re: Arabs Gloat Over 1929 Rape-Massacre, Want Encore
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2011, 09:28:54 PM »
Yacov. Just for the record I am not saying his parents lied or made things up.  They are interpreting facts in a way most favorable to their son which they should do.  I don't think they are objective nor should they be.  In terms of conspiracies I prefer the simple and obvious to the far fetched and convoluted.  In terms of one bullet hitting two people ask John Connelly if that ever happens.
In any case I prefer to move to something we all can agree with.  May that 92 year old witch know misery and pain the rest of her life and may America free itself from the yoke of Obama.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.