Calling all Christian JTF forum members (and non-Christians who like to read up on other faiths):
Don't give a single cent to Philip Nancy(Philip Yancey)'s Amalek tabloid Satanism Today (aka "Christianity" Today). The vile fagazine constantly runs stories on the poor, exploited "Fakestinian Christians" and all of their trials and tribulations... and believe me, none of the "persecutions" they list come from any of the actual perpetrators (the Israeli Arab Muslim Nazis). They love to say that America as a nation and American evangelicals are at fault for "unilaterally" supporting Israel (what kind of crack are they smoking?), and in addition constantly run stories making Hindus and Buddhists look like savage beasts and painting Pakistani and other Muslims as misunderstood victims of American/Christian/Jewish prejudice.
The only thing Satanism Today is good for is tuchis paper when righteous people take drecks.