I know many of you think I sympathize with them. Just here me out.
Islam was started by a sick, disgusting person who will remain in Hell for an eternity. His followers went around the Middle East, North Africa, and to Europe killing innocent people and by fear and by the sword converting good-decent people. They stole land which never belonged to them. They have only 1 land and that's Arabia the rest of these countries Jordan, Syria, Iraq, etc.. were never Arab or Islamic countries. Today most of these people are brainwashed others are not religious and don't care about this ridiculous fake religion. Yugoslavians, Azeri's, Uzbek's, Turks, and others are not Arabs but other nations that were forced to convert. A huge percentage of these Muslims are scared to speak up just like they're ancestors were scared to die and converted.
Do I support "Palestine"? no. Palestine never existed.
Do I Love Arabs? No. I love ONLY Jews.
Are all Jews good? No look at teh liberal-self-hating-Jews who are probably not even Jewish at all.
are all Muslims evil? No