Did Glenn Beck ever say it should belong to anyone but Jews?
I don't think he has ever said that. However, there are a lot of Jews on the left and right who don't trust the intentions of non Jews' pro-Israel stance. At best, they take it with a grain of salt.
Why is this? Because of a bitter history between Christians and Jews that we cannot deny didn't take place. In the Israeli school systems, I assume they really get into it..(and unfortunately, they don't get into it about the Muslims half as much).
I can understand the guilty until proven innocent mentality. To each their own. But if you are going to have this kind of distrust of someone like Glen Beck, or let's say, Bachmann and Huckabee, who are born again Christians, where is that more outspoken distrust to the Muslim and Arab leaders then? Those are the ones who want to pursue Jewish and Israeli blood; not Huckabee, Bachmann and Glen Beck!
I embrace the righteous gentiles support so long as they understand what KWRBT and Muman have been saying. Israel belongs to the Jews, righteous gentiles are welcome. Their love and support are welcome. It is a commandment and a mitzvah for a rigtheous gentile to love the Jewish people. Those who bless us will be blessed and those who curse us will be cursed.
And appropriately, us Jews should have grace and love for righteous gentiles much like we have love for our fellow Jews. Even though gentiles are commanded to love the Jewish people, I believe, us Jews, should still say, "Thank you, and Gd bless you."