Shalom Chaim
Was fdr ysv racist against japanese-americans? (among other people he was racist against)
Will a Kahanist takeover in Israel trigger more conversions?
Should Israel develop a car manufacturing sector? how would a Kahanist government encourage this? We might manage to pull this off while simultaneously encouraging the use of non-petrol cars.
I remember you said that the anti-oil battle is an american battle, but wouldnt it be easier to have it start in Israel? i.e. start having Israel develop and implement the technology and then have it taken to other larger countries? should we fight this battle in China as well? how will Europe's attitude to Israel change once oil is worthless?
I am actually not a huge fan of electric cars, sure it is better than oil, but I think that as an energy medium hydrogen is the way to go. hydrogen releases a lot of energy at once, meaning we can apply it to very large vehicles and machines pretty quickly (heck, NASA uses it for its rockets). Only problem is that the refinement process, or electrolysis is still fairly expensive, but investing in technological development will make it much cheaper to do. plus, hydrogen combustion could accelerate the water cycle, meaning more rainfall to boost israel's (and everyone else's) agricultural yield (though once the desalinization plants are up, irrigation will be a lot less of a problem, but the extra water is still nice).
You said last week that a lot of the aryan brothehood "people" were meth addicts. I don't know about you but I think it is very good that members of the superior race use hard drugs.
I bring good news. I have more evidence time and demographics are on our side. I was recently talking with my friend from Netanya on facebook, a secular highschool student. I have the following image set as my profile picture

She asked me what it was, meaning she didn't even know who Rabbi Kahane was. I told her about what kahanism stood for and she totally agreed about more Jewish construction in Yosh is the proper solution to the housing problem and that encouraging the arabs to leave en masse will stop terror אין ערבים = אין פיגועים
Please dish out another YSV to ehud barak for endangering the country (as usual), now he wants egyptian muslim nazis to re-militarize in the Sinai.
while were on the subject, when a kahanist government takes back the sinai and the suez west bank (thus securing control of the suez canal), will it use this newly liberated vital asset to counter-pressure the rest of the world?
Please answer this egyptian cancer, I told him jerusalem needs to be liberated by knocking down those 2 muslim nazi mosques on the temple mount (just to put it into some context). I doubt you seen English this bad even in prison.
zorrogooba:That's so good it will make removing process for this cancer more faster
,what nazis did if they really did gonna to be massage! comparison to what will happen