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Offline Hank64

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Barbarity of nonwhites in Russia.
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:13:02 PM »
I got several topics that I could find on the internet. There are all about the race problems in Russia. Crimes against white Russians are committed regularly, but these are the crimes committed by foreigners.

Egyptian man kills his Russian wife out of jealousy

An Egyptian man murders his wife by stabbing her with the knife for several times. Despite no longer loving her, he still considered her as her property, which is according to the Islamic Sharia law.

Ahmed met his wife Inna, then 17-year-old student walking a dog, in the year of 2000 at the Rostov Medical University. He was a tall handsome dark-skinned Arab guy who she fell in love with by first seeing him. They married in a mosque after she converted to Islam. But their love story ended when he began to treat her as a slave.

Ahmed never gave her any money if it was not for his interests. Inna was forbidden to leave her house without husband's permission. Inna had tolerated him for three years because she was worying for her kids. But Ahmed was watching her. When asked for a divorce, Mufti did not agree because Ahmed didn't want it.&nbsp On August 5 of 2006 (that day when she was murdered), Inna has come to a priest for divorce because she already had a Russian lover. A few hours before murder, Ahmed's brother's girlfriend phoned him: "Your wife went into the porch with some men!" - that slut explained. He entered her appartment and stabbed her like a savage, leaving her dead and her boyfriend a handicapped.

On a court, he told the judge that he does not feel sorry but proud of what he had done.

Sudanese man burned his wife and disabled son to "be free" and to return home

In the Krasnodar region, a native of Sudan is charged the brutal murder of his wife and son. According to investigators, the African has decided to get rid of annoying him a household, "to become free and return home with two daughters. Investigative Department of the Prosecutor's Office of Krasnodar Region indicted in double homicide native of Sudan who lived in the village Medvedovskaya Timashevsk region, reports

According to investigators, in June 2008, 39-year-old Sudanese man set fire inside the house where he lived with his Russian wife and three children. In this case, a father with two daughters managed to escape the fire, said a senior investigator of the investigation of particularly important cases of regional management UPC Andrey Shirokov.

"According to our data, he (the Sudanese), was tired of living with his wife and disabled son. He wanted to become a free man, pick up daughters and leave them in the Sudan" - added Shirokov.

To carry out his evil designs man brought into the house where he slept, his wife, son and two daughters, a gas cylinder, and then open the valve. Then Sudanese woke daughters and brought them into the street. When the attacker tried to set fire to a building, an explosion occurred, which led to a fire, IA Regnum reports with reference to the UPC.

As a result, the head of the family itself was badly damaged by fire, it had burned about 60% of the body. For this reason, Africans spent a long time in hospital and after discharge he was placed under arrest. The investigation continues.

As previously reported, 7 June 2008 about 4:00 there was a fire in a private home village Medvedovskaya Timashevsk region. In the fire killed a woman and a boy two years. The husband of the deceased and two daughters - 6 and 12 years old - were rescued. According to the preliminary version, the cause of the fire was burning inside the house.

The criminal case was instituted on Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code (murder of two or more persons).

Egyptian guy had killed the resident of Samara by stabbing him in the chest

Soviet Interdistrict Investigation Unit SU UPC on the Samara region are investigating the murder at a party at a nightclub "Star".

November 16 about six o'clock in the cultural and entertainment center of "The Star" was found dead 25-year old Andrey Kazakov. The Death of Andrey Kazakov was caused by a knife into his chest. Into the killing of staff inter-district department opened a criminal case "- said in a statement.

During the investigation of this case it was found that the commission of the crime involved 27-year-old native of Egypt, Hassan Abbas Helmy Hassan.

Currently, steps are being taken to apprehend the suspect, according to

Race Riot in Nizhniy Novgorod

A massive clashes between whites and [censored] had occured in Nizhniy Novgorod. According to eyewitnesses, the conflict broke out in Pushkin Park where 100 students began to beat each other with bats.

"The fight involved about 50 Africans and as many local people", - as quoted in RIA Novosti by police representative in Nizhny Novgorod region. He clarified that during the showdown, both sides used bottles and bats.

The fight was stopped by Nizhny Novgorod regional police, pushing the fighting groups in different directions. For this they had to involve several police patrol, to this day they continue in the enhanced mode to patrol the park. As a result of collisions, several people were hospitalized, mostly with head injuries.

Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural University, where many [censored] are studying, is located near the park.

The last case was a loud discharge of almost "traditional" Airborne Forces Day celebration on Aug. 9, 2009 which was ended with a mass brawl near the Central Market in Kanavinsky district. About 30 former commandos, who celebrated Day of Airborne Forces, began to fconfront with the Muzzies. Scuffle ensued, in which, from eyewitnesses, was also attended by about 100 people. In one of the hospitals of the city with bruises and cut wounds were hospitalized about 20 members of collision.

Q.: Why is Africa such a [censored]-hole?
A.: Because no Jews ever lived there.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Barbarity of nonwhites in Russia.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2011, 11:15:40 PM »
The biggest crime Russians face are those they commit against themselves through rampant alcoholism. If they take care of that problem the Muslim problem would be easier for them to deal with.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Barbarity of nonwhites in Russia.
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2011, 02:13:20 AM »
No more Vodka for Boris.