Greetings Chaim.
BritishSword is back and unsheathed.
It looks as though this should be broadcast on the anniversary of 9/11. I'm adjusting my topics accordingly.
1. Just to comment on the terrorist attack. It's one of those things where you always remember exactly where you were when it happened. I was in a care home at the time. Just came down to make breakfast as usual and instead of the usual early morning TV was footage of the twin towers. At first I thought it was an accident, later I learned the truth.
One of the residents was jumping up and down and clapping his hands with excitement. See, he was severely autistic and couldn't even speak a word of english. He didn't understand what was going on, he just saw a fireworks display. Nonetheless I pushed him away and told him that that "wasn't nice"
I never told anyone that before
Just recently someone told me to check out a film called loose change which is about 9/11. He's saying things like why did they collapse so quickly, why was it so neat. Yeah right he's trying to sell me the idea there were controlled demolition charges. In fact you also mentioned in your interview, the terrorists expected the buildings to fall down and kill more people.
Now that I think about it, why the hell would that happen? Buildings are given deep foundations. Why would it fall over like a domino? It makes perfect sense for the fire to spread down and the building to collapse in on itself like a candle which is what happened.
I think I'll tell him where he can shove his conspiracy theory.
Chaim I am astounded. A large avalanche of evidence on muslim hostility doesn't make a dint in peoples skulls but they will eagerly chase after absurd theories like the one above. What is wrong with people? Maybe they feel they have more control over a fantasy world.
I was most displeased to recieve an appeal from the red cross. I seem to remember you dislike them for some reason. They showed pictures of starving children, freezing elderly ladies, and tried to trap me in psychological consistency by giving me a bunch of stickers with my name on it saying I support the red cross. Fortunately for me I am an icy heartless bastard and it all went into the compost heap.
Oh yeah the computer problems that stopped me getting to the site. One word. Windows. It sucks. What other operating system has an error while trying to display the previous error?
Smart people use linux. I encourage every one to switch to it. In Olam Haba, software will be open source and bug free.
This is BritishSword broadcasting from a Linux Mint desktop.
Have a productive week everyone.