Author Topic: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played  (Read 6045 times)

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Offline Yaakov Mendel

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The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« on: September 17, 2011, 04:25:15 PM »

First stanza

חיילים אלמונים הננו, בלי מדים,
וסביבנו אימה וצלמוות.
כולנו גויסנו לכל החיים:.
משורה משחרר רק המוות.,

 Unknown Soldiers are we, without uniform
And around us fear and the shadow of death
We have all been drafted for life.
Only death will discharge us from [our] ranks,


בימים אדומים של פרעות ודמים,
בלילות השחורים של ייאוש.,
בערים ובכפרים את דגלנו נרים,.
ועליו: הגנה וכיבוש

 On red days of riots and blood
In the dark nights of despair
In towns and villages shall we raise our banner
On which are inscribed defence and conquest

Second Stanza

לא גויסנו בשוט כהמון עבדים,
כדי לשפוך בנכר את דמנו.,
רצוננו להיות לעולם בני חורין,.
חלומנו למות בעד ארצנו

 We were not drafted by the whip, like a mob of slaves[61]
To shed our blood in foreign lands
Our will is to be forever free
Our dream – to die for our country

Third Stanza

ומכל עברים רבבות מכשולים ,
שם גורל אכזרי על דרכנו,
אך אויבים, מרגלים ובתי אסורים,.
לא יוכלו לעצור בעדנו

 From all directions, tens of thousands of obstacles
Cruel fate has placed on our path
But enemies, spies and prison houses
Will never be able to stop us

Fourth Stanza

ואם אנחנו ניפול ברחובות, בבתים ,
יקברונו בלילה בלאט,
במקומנו יבואו אלפי אחרים
להגן ולשמור עדי עד

 And if we fall in the streets and homes
We will be buried silently in the night
Thousands of others will fill our places
To protect and defend forever

Fifth Stanza

בדמעות אימהות שכולות מבנים ,
ובדם תינוקות טהורים ,
כמו במלט נדביק הגופות ללבנים
את בניין המולדת נקים

 With the tears of bereaved mothers
And the blood of pure babies
Like mortar shall we put together the cadaver building blocks
The edifice of the homeland shall we raise


Offline The proud Jew

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 09:41:00 PM »
What a beautifull song. I think once we take power in israel, we should change the national anthem.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2011, 05:19:04 AM »
Did you know that the Lehi were zealots who slayed a Jewess sl*t and her Arab Nazi lover?

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2011, 05:37:06 AM »
Did you know that the Lehi were zealots who slayed a Jewess sl*t and her Arab Nazi lover?

I know that the Lehi killed a number of Jewish traitors and I approve of their actions. Like I said before, I am all in favour of inflicting the most severe punishments on traitors. There is no worse ennemy than the ennemy within.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2011, 05:55:03 AM »

By the way, I think it is incorrect to label the Lehi fighters as "zealots". Did you know that Avraham Stern wrote, among other things, the following : "We want to establish the Kingdom of Israel and to rebuild it on the eternal foundations of Fraternity, Respect and Friendship to all the nation's sons whoever they are" ? (Lochamei Herut Yisrael (Lehi), writings, chapter 1, pages 70–71 )

Offline Masha

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2011, 11:29:42 AM »
Beautiful. Thank you for posting.

Offline Masha

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 11:35:24 AM »
If somebody could post the transcription of the Hebrew lyrics into the English/Latin characters, that would be great!

Offline Meerkat

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2011, 12:35:52 PM »
If somebody could post the transcription of the Hebrew lyrics into the English/Latin characters, that would be great!

chayalim almonim hinenu bli madim
u'svivenu eima v'tzel mavet
kulanu guyasnu lekol hachaim
meshura yeshachrer rak ha mavet

b'yamim adumim shel praot v'damim
hleylot haschorim shel yeush
birim ,bkfarim, et digleinu narim
v'aliav haganah v'chibush

lo guyasnu b'shot k'hamon avadadim
kdei lishfoch b'nchar et dameinu
retzoneinu leyot l'olam bnei chorin
chalomeinu lamut bead artzeinu

u'mchal avarim revavot michsholim
sam goral achzari al darkeinu
ahc oivim meraglim, u'batei asurim
lo yuchlu laa'tzor badeinu

v'im anachnu nipol br'chovot b'btim
yikveru'nu belayla b'la'at
bimkomeinu yavo'hu alphei acherim
lehagen u'lishmore adei ad

b'dmaot imahot shkolot m'vinim
v'bdam tinokot tehorim
kmo b'malat nadvik t'guphot l'lvenim
et binyan ha'moledet nakim

Offline Masha

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2011, 01:11:02 PM »
chayalim almonim hinenu bli madim
u'svivenu eima v'tzel mavet
kulanu guyasnu lekol hachaim
meshura yeshachrer rak ha mavet

b'yamim adumim shel praot v'damim
hleylot haschorim shel yeush
birim ,bkfarim, et digleinu narim
v'aliav haganah v'chibush

lo guyasnu b'shot k'hamon avadadim
kdei lishfoch b'nchar et dameinu
retzoneinu leyot l'olam bnei chorin
chalomeinu lamut bead artzeinu

u'mchal avarim revavot michsholim
sam goral achzari al darkeinu
ahc oivim meraglim, u'batei asurim
lo yuchlu laa'tzor badeinu

v'im anachnu nipol br'chovot b'btim
yikveru'nu belayla b'la'at
bimkomeinu yavo'hu alphei acherim
lehagen u'lishmore adei ad

b'dmaot imahot shkolot m'vinim
v'bdam tinokot tehorim
kmo b'malat nadvik t'guphot l'lvenim
et binyan ha'moledet nakim

Meerkat, thank you very much. I'll save this.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2011, 11:38:54 PM »
By the way, I think it is incorrect to label the Lehi fighters as "zealots".

Label? only leftists and other Jew-haters consider it to be a label. And I don't see the logic behind your comment. Do you even know the definiton of a zealot? How Jewish, holy and loved by G-d is zealousness?

Did you know that Avraham Stern wrote, among other things, the following : "We want to establish the Kingdom of Israel and to rebuild it on the eternal foundations of Fraternity, Respect and Friendship to all the nation's sons whoever they are" ? (Lochamei Herut Yisrael (Lehi), writings, chapter 1, pages 70–71 )

If you quote Yair Stern hy"d, don't quote selectively. Even Yair Stern defined the Lehi heroes as zealots:

Quote from: עיקרי התחיה, סעיף ה

חינוך העם לאהבת החרות וטיפוח נאמנות קנאית לקנייניו הנצחיים. השרשת הרעיון כי גורל העם נתון בידיו הוא. חדוש ההכרה "הסיף והספר ניתנו מכורכין מן השמים" (ויקרא רבה, ל" ה חי)
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 02:00:11 AM by Fourth Philosophy »

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 03:03:33 AM »
Label? only leftists and other Jew-haters consider it to be a label. And I don't see the logic behind your comment. Do you even know the definiton of a zealot? How Jewish, holy and loved by G-d is zealousness?

Some members of the Lehi, including Stern himself, lent on examples from the history of the zealots. However, Lehi members were not a homogeneous collective with a single political, religious, or economic ideology. They were a combination of militants united by the goal of liberating the land of Israel from British rule. And many of them were not orthodox Jews.
There is nothing disrespectful toward the zealots in stating this fact. I am neither a Jew-hater nor a leftist.
You know, just as you should not insult and make senseless personal attacks on members of this forum, you should not assume that you know everything about Judaism and Jewish history and that the others know nothing. How "Jewish, holy and loved by G-d" is your lashon hara ?

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: The great Lehi Irgun anthem beautifully played
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 04:24:46 AM »
Some members of the Lehi, including Stern himself, lent on examples from the history of the zealots. However, Lehi members were not a homogeneous collective with a single political, religious, or economic ideology. They were a combination of militants united by the goal of liberating the land of Israel from British rule. And many of them were not orthodox Jews.
There is nothing disrespectful toward the zealots in stating this fact. I am neither a Jew-hater nor a leftist.
You know, just as you should not insult and make senseless personal attacks on members of this forum, you should not assume that you know everything about Judaism and Jewish history and that the others know nothing. How "Jewish, holy and loved by G-d" is your lashon hara ?

From all of what I wrote, this is what you have to say? and where did I speak Lashon Hara?