I need to know something and to convey the information to people like myself. I'm a Jew, my great grandmother having been a Morano in Sicily; but I however now keep Torah and Mikvah. I want to know if there is an organization that will, during a time of crisis in Israel, will fly me to Israel to fight against any and all enemies of Israel, even if it happens to be America that is an enemy (G-d forbid). Anyway, there are quite a few of us who would go to Israel if we were called upon to do so. I'm getting older, will be 53 in January, but my eyesight is still good and I can squeeze off rounds and hit what I aim at. I'm even better when I'm shooting at someone that I have a particular hatred for. Anyway, if anyone at JTF could give me that info or hook me up with that organization I would surely appreciate it. Shalom Mishpochim.