Author Topic: The rape of Serbia: NATO/Terrorist ethnic cleansing campaign imminent?  (Read 760 times)

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Tension in northern Kosovo is reaching breaking point, with NATO/Albanian special forces units getting ready to take action against the Serbian residents in what is under international law a province of Serbia. Meanwhile the Serbian Government in Belgrade facilitates as the West rapes the soul of Serbia and tears out its heart.

Serbian political analyst, journalist and candidate for the Serbian Presidential elections in 2004, Milovan Drecon (Serbian revival) presents some shocking information, backed up by sources within Northern Kosovo, who are trying to get the news out of a generalised mobilization against the concentration of the Serbian population in this province of Serbia.

As the international media commits yet another blackout and as the Serbian politicians in Belgrade look on and do nothing, appearing to many like bunch of traitors and snivelling cowards, there is evidence that Albanian ROSU special forces are being deployed to the area and that American Apache helicopters are being readied for action. They have been flying over the region in recent days continuously and we have seen how these are used to "protect civilians" in Libya - strafing them with machine guns.

Milovan Drecun further informs that vessels are prepared on the Lake at Gazivode to carry the ROSU special forces and KFOR forces to attack the Serbian positions in the demilitarised zone. It is claimed the majority of these forces will be transported through Podujevo-Bajgora-Banjska so as to avoid the Serbian blockades set up at Zvecane.

Due to the fact that NATO (KFOR and EULEX) has already authorised the deployment of heavy military equipment, there are fears of an imminent onslaught against the Serbs in what is after all their own country, by foreign elements and the terrorist forces they protect (as we have seen in Libya, where Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office aids a group listed in its own documents as a terrorist organization - LIFG - in direct breach of the UK's Terrorist Acts in force).

Eye-witnesses have localised 80 mercenaries from Albania and Macedonia stationed at Bajgora and Svinjare. The operation, according to Milovan Drecun, is set to begin after September 16. Will this be another act of ethnic cleansing, as happened in March 2004, when 70,000 Serbs were cleansed out of their homes by Albanian terrorists while NATO looked the other way?

"These are the details of planned military-police operation, scheduled immediately after September 16th. I succeeded to get in possession of this plan, and I am very disturbed with the prospect and potential for crisis and destabilization of entire region, this plan has! I brought it publicly, because I believe that knowledge of this plan is crucial to all powers that have potential and willingness to oppose to this dangerous and criminal adventure. We are talking here about planned joint operation of Kosovo police force, "ROSU" Albanian special forces (Albanian police and "ROSU"- are made of former KLA terrorists), KFOR and EULEX western forces. This is classic military operation, more precisely "combat assault" and likely will result in number of casualties among unprotected Serbian population. It is crucial that domestic and international public be advised of these details..." (Milovan Drecun)

Eye-witness accounts in the region have also provided credible evidence that the ROSU elements are ready to move into the area at any moment, giving rise to the fear that September 16 is the date the operation will start to take control of all the checkpoints on the frontier with Serbia.

This is effectively a knife in the heart of Serbia, as the birthplace and heart of the Serbian Nation, Kosovo Polye and the province around it, is carved off by western imperialist powers to give control to Albanian terrorists who in turn will obediently provide for control of the lucrative drugs trade in a mafia state of Kosovo, vassal of NATO and the cabals which control this evil organization.

Next stop: Vojvodina, to eliminate Serbia once and for all from the Balkans equation. Payback? Why, membership of the EU! For those who represent the Serbian people in Belgrade, it is difficult to find adjectives which express the utter contempt people who sell their people's souls deserve. If the Serbian people think the EU will get them anywhere, take a look at Greece.

May history bear witness against those who have sold Serbia and may the history book register that not all the Serbs allowed their country to be raped by foreigners and that not all the international media looked the other way.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

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Re: The rape of Serbia: NATO/Terrorist ethnic cleansing campaign imminent?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 09:05:48 AM »
3,000 Serb civilians were massacred by the Ottoman beasts in Srebrenica before the city was liberated by Serbian forces.


Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, 30/6/2005 14:44

(RES-French-German Press Agency.)

Serbia-Montenegro. Published list of more than 3,000 Serb civilians were killed in Srebrenica. The Bosnian parliament failed to adopt a decision on Srebrenica.

A list of 3,287 Serbs killed by Muslim forces in Srebrenica and its environs during the war in Bosnia (1992-1995), established by various Serbian organizations, released today by the Belgrade newspaper "Novosti Vetsernie".

The list, published by Vecernje novosti, including dates of birth and death of victims, of whom the youngest, the Ntimitrigevits Rantisav was nine years old and the oldest, the Mitrovits Stanko was 92 years.

The list was drawn primarily from a "council of war victims' families", an "association of prisoners in the camps" and organize militants RS (RS, Serb entity in Bosnia).

"They are the victims sacrificed on the altar of the fatherland, faith and freedom. Their lives are the foundation of the Republika Srpska," writes Novosti Vetsernie a brief introduction.

The newspaper announced that a memorial service will pragmatooiithei on July 12 in Bratounats (eastern Bosnia near Srebrenica), a day after the commemoration of the massacre of Muslims in Srebrenica by Serb forces in July 1995.

The Srebrenica pocket in eastern Bosnia with predominantly Muslim population before the war, became a protected area by the UN and was surrounded by Serb forces during the war.

The Muslim forces stationed in the enclave, and the eponymous site, conducted from 1992 to 1995, many outings against the Serbian villages around Srebrenica.

The worst slaughter of Serb civilians held in the village Kravitsa the day the Serbian churches celebrate Christmas on January 7, 1993. Then massacred 46 civilians.

The commander of Muslim forces in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, the, tried by the International Criminal Court in The Hague for violating the laws and customs of war.

Serb forces began to occupy the Srebrenica on July 11, 1995 and executed some 8,000 Muslim men and boys in the worst carnage has been in Europe since the Second World War.

Meanwhile, the parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina failed to adopt a decision on the Srebrenica massacre because all the Bosnian Serb MPs voted against, reported today in Sarajevo local media.

The House of Representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia were to adopt this decision, which is similar to one taken earlier this week the U.S. Senate say the reports.

By voting against the decision, the 12 Bosnian Serb representatives prevented its adoption.

This decision would be the official position of the parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina for the Srebrenica massacre.

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Re: The rape of Serbia: NATO/Terrorist ethnic cleansing campaign imminent?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 09:06:44 AM »
Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal, leaders of the UCK who have left or chapel and tomb of Serbs in Kosovo and the Croatian leaders in Croatia and the Bosnian Muslims are respectable persons, members of the international community.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal, as Bush, Blair, Clark, Albright, Holbrooke, Pearl etc pulverizing Serbia without even the consent of the UN Security Council is not.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal for the massacre of Srebrenica, the presidents Clinton, Bush (father and son) responsible for the deaths of more than 1,500,000 souls of Iraqis and 4,500 Americans died about because of two wars and the embargo on Iraq and Afghanistan, it is not.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal for the Srebrenica massacre, American presidents (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon) to 7 years on razed Vietnam with millions of dead Vietnamese and 45,000 Americans dead, thousands are not.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal for the Srebrenica massacre, the Israeli criminals who carry out systematic genocide of over 60 years the Palestinians are not.
Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal for the massacre of Srebrenica, the Turkish warlords slaughterers of the Cypriot people are not. [This has not only the international community solemnly acknowledged the massacre but also themselves sfagiasthentes Cypriots now they kiss the bloody boots for a 'solution' to the Cyprus]

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal, but not the Turkish warlords who led the pogroms of Greeks of Constantinople in 1955.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal like Hitler was a war criminal, but as Churchill and Roosevelt who razed Dresden and other German cities with civilian victims. But for the burning of the American planes with napalm incendiary bombs on Tokyo killed 150,000 civilians.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal like Hitler was a war criminal, but President Truman who threw the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal, the rule of Young Turks that killed 1.5 million Armenians, 750,000 Pontians hundreds of thousands of Greeks in Constantinople and Asia Minor and exerrizose 3.5 million Greeks from their homes is not. Only the Holocaust of the Jews considered genocide.

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal, but not the Turkish deep state set aside more than 5,000 Kurdish villages, killing, and continues to kill tens of thousands-Kurds. Turkey is the best ally of Israel and the U.S..

Radovan Karadzic is a war criminal and responsible for crimes against humanity, but the U.S. is responsible for a host of coups, strikes, embargoes and other acts of violence, looting and brutality around the world.

Now that is in your hands its prey, judge and convict Radovan Karadzic to the Special Court in The Hague, to wash all your sins because you could not do with Milosevic because you do not took the testimonies. Now Karadzic is the scapegoat you. We clean the bloody boots and bow your innocent blood.


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Re: The rape of Serbia: NATO/Terrorist ethnic cleansing campaign imminent?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2011, 09:19:44 AM »
NATO is becoming a joke
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: The rape of Serbia: NATO/Terrorist ethnic cleansing campaign imminent?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2011, 01:49:14 PM »
serbia would never have to deal with this BS if they had nuclear bombs.

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Re: The rape of Serbia: NATO/Terrorist ethnic cleansing campaign imminent?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2011, 06:17:03 PM »
serbia would never have to deal with this BS if they had nuclear bombs.
Very true. Many Serbs hope to get nuclear arsenal from Jewish brothers or Russians. For us Kosovo is what Jerusalem is for Jews. God has given this land to us to build hundreds of monasteries and churches. Our entire male population lost their lives in Kosovo Battle of 1389 when Turks had been pushed back and returned after 70 years. Sooner or later we will take our holy land back.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline syyuge

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Re: The rape of Serbia: NATO/Terrorist ethnic cleansing campaign imminent?
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2011, 06:18:33 PM »
Very true. Many Serbs hope to get nuclear arsenal from Jewish brothers or Russians. For us Kosovo is what Jerusalem is for Jews. G-d has given this land to us to build hundreds of monasteries and churches. Our entire male population lost their lives in Kosovo Battle of 1389 when Turks had been pushed back and returned after 70 years. Sooner or later we will take our holy land back.

All the best.
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