September 28, 2011
Arabs Lie. It’s Part of Their Culture.
by Bill Levinson
The Greeks were apparently well acquainted with the Arabs more than two thousand years ago, as shown by Aesop’s Fables. (This does not apply to Americans of Arab ethnicity, who have integrated into a superior culture in which lying is unacceptable.)
Hermes filled a cart with lies and dishonesty and all sorts of wicked tricks, and he journeyed in this cart throughout the land, going hither and thither from one tribe to another, dispensing to each nation a small portion of his wares. When he reached the land of the Arabs, so the story goes, his cart suddenly broke down along the way and was stuck there. The Arabs seized the contents of the cart as if it were a merchant’s valuable cargo, stripping the cart bare and preventing Hermes from continuing on his journey, although there were still some people he had not yet visited. As a result, Arabs are liars and charlatans, as I myself have learned from experience. There is not a word of truth that springs from their lips.
Little has changed since then, as shown by Mahmoud Abbas’ application for Palestinian statehood.
Another Abbas aide, Mohammed Ishtayey, said the letter will state: “Palestine is a peace-loving state and has contributed to human civilization, that it has succeeded in building state institutions.”
This statement contains at least two lies in a single sentence: specifically that Palestine is a peace-loving state and also that it has contributed to human civilization. The Palestinians have contributed nothing to humanity but a long litany of mindless violence and broken truces.
This is not surprising because lying is apparently an accepted part of Arab culture.
Palestinians have no compunction about telling lies and see truth as irrelevant, the former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak has claimed in an interview.
“They are products of a culture in which to tell a lie… creates no dissonance,” Mr Barak says. “They don’t suffer from the problem of telling lies that exists in Judaeo-Christian culture.”
The Palestinians’ long trail of broken truces–and a truce is a sacred promise among civilized nations–underscores the fact that their sworn word means absolutely nothing and that they are simply not to be trusted. Palestinians have always lied, and they probably always will: