Author Topic: Sharia Law is already here! Too late to stop it...  (Read 535 times)

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Sharia Law is already here! Too late to stop it...
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:46:07 PM »
I think that America is sliding towards a Sharia state.... Just this year several American courts have begun to administer legal rulings based on Islamic Sharia law. Meanwhile all attempts to have a rational discussion over whether such a thing is in the best interest of America have been stopped through intimidation and threats from the terrorist CAIR organization {which has definite links to terrorist activity in the world}.

I hope that whoever gains power in the next election has the gumption to put an end to this foreign invasion of American soil by islamic pests. Just like certain species are foreign to an environment the islamic faith is incompatible with democracy and freedom. America is NO PLACE for islamic law to be imposed. Anyone seeking islamic law should be encouraged to move away from America as fast as they can.
Florida Appeals Court Rejects Call to Block Judge From Citing Islamic Law in Ruling

A Florida appeals court has rejected a request to block a Hillsborough judge from upholding Islamic law in a case involving the former trustees of a local Tampa mosque that has garnered the national spotlight.

The state's 2nd District Court of Appeal on Friday denied without comment a petition filed by the mosque, known as the Islamic Education Center of Tampa, which is challenging Hillsborough Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen’s ruling in March that he intended to cite “ecclesiastical Islamic law” in the case, the St. Petersburg Times reported.

The former trustees have been suing the mosque because they claim they were unfairly removed as trustees. Nielsen said in March that based on testimony, “under ecclesiastical law” and pursuant to the Koran, “Islamic brothers should attempt to resolve a dispute among themselves.”

The two parties reportedly agreed ahead of time to use an imam and Islamic Law to resolve any potential differences through arbitration. So Nielsen only referenced Islamic law in deciding whether the two parties could resolve their differences through arbitration. He ruled they could.

The arbitrator ruled in favor of the former trustees, an outcome that would give them control of $2.2 million in mosque funds if the decision is upheld, the newspaper reported.

But mosque officials say the arbitration never happened, and they dispute the meaning of the appeals court ruling. Mosque attorney Paul Thanasides told the newspaper that an appeals court decision without a written opinion means the court wasn’t addressing the merits of the case.

But Lee Segal, a lawyer representing the trustees, told the newspaper that the ruling was a “big time” win for his clients and vindication for Nielsen.

Here we read about a conference which was set up to discuss the problem of Sharia law in the states.... CAIR shut it down...

Nashville Hotel Cancels Anti-Shariah Conference

A group dedicated to keeping strict Muslim law, known as Shariah, from being established in the United States had its conference venue canceled after the hotel raised safety concerns.

The Tennessee Freedom Coalition was set to meet Nov. 11 at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, Tenn. The group called the 300-person event the Preserving Freedom conference, and said it was the first of its kind in the nation that tackled the topic of “Islamization of America,” according to the group’s website.

Although the hotel received the deposit last week, management promptly returned the money after learning that two controversial speakers planned to attend the event.

“Our decision has nothing to do about the conference’s content,” Steve Eckley, the senior vice president of hotels for Amerimar Enterprises, the hotel’s parent company. “This has to do with the security of our staff and clients.”

Eckley said the hotel has received a plethora of discouraging phone calls and emails about authors Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer addressing the conference. The two are known for their strong views of the threat of the spread of Shariah throughout the U.S.

The group bristled at the hotel’s decision and said the move symbolizes Shariah’s threat to free speech, The Tennessean reported.

“I feel the Hutton is now under Shariah law,” Lou Ann Zelenik, a member of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition, told the paper.

The hotel’s decision was reportedly praised by the Islamic Center of Nashville, which said the conference would have promoted bigotry.

“We can just hope they don’t keep spewing hatred against Muslims,” Amir Arain, a spokesman from the mosque, told the paper.

The chairman of the Preserving Freedom conference told the paper that organizers are scouting for a new venue, but so far, no luck. Conference organizers are considering legal action against the hotel for breach for contract.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Sharia Law is already here! Too late to stop it...
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2011, 07:58:11 PM »

Shhhh! CAIR wants speaker silenced at U.S. law school
Claims former Muslim's criticism of Islam 'reminiscent of Nazi Germany'

Posted: October 02, 2011
5:20 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2011 WND

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is working to stop author and former Muslim Nonie Darwish from addressing students this week at Virginia's George Mason University School of Law.

According to a press release, CAIR wants the school to disinvite Darwish – whom CAIR calls "a notorious Islamophobe who has stated that Islam is a 'poison to a society' that is 'based on lies' and must be 'annihilated'" – from a planned Oct. 5 address titled "The West's Clash with Radicalism."

"Such hate-filled views should not be funded by student organizations or endorsed by professors," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "Darwish's genocidal statements are reminiscent of those used to target the Jewish community in Nazi Germany."

But Darwish, who told WND she sees Muslims as largest victims of Shariah (or Islamic) law, says CAIR is falsely equating criticism of a religion with hatred for a people because "the problem for CAIR is that they cannot debate us about the glaring truth, so they claim we hate Muslims, trying to deflect the attention of the American people from the true worldwide problem of Islamism, jihad, Shariah and tyranny.

"If anyone criticizes the ideology of Islam, jihad and Shariah, CAIR spins it to an attack on the Muslim people, confusing the American people between criticism of an ideology and being a racist against a whole group of people," Darwish told WND. "I hope that the American people are more intelligent than to fall for this kind of childish spin."

As for being labeled a "Islamophobe," Darwish said, "The truth is that I am afraid of Islamic laws that condemn me and thousands, if not millions of others, who have left the religion of Islam. Shariah is the only religious law in the word that condemns those who leave the religion to death. I do not think it is unreasonable phobia to speak against such a tyrannical law. Actually, it is my duty towards myself and the civil and human rights of many others."

Darwish's address is sponsored by the Federalist Society and the Jewish Law Students Association.

A former Muslim who lived under Shariah for the first 30 years of her life, Darwish is the author of "Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law."

CAIR's objection to her appearance is based partially on a previous speech, in which Darwish addressed a rally in Florida sponsored by Stop Islamization of America, a organization headed by Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, whom CAIR calls "two of the nation's leading Islamophobes," blasting their organization as "a hate group."

CAIR has also attempted to block Geller, author of "Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance," from speaking.

In May of last year, CAIR attempted to have Geller removed from the list of speakers at the inaugural Tennessee Tea Party Convention. Event organizers rebuffed CAIR's objections.

Geller later wrote on her blog, "CAIR is trying to get good, decent Americans in the Tennessee Tea Party to crush free speech by dropping me."

"Islam is a poison to a society. It's divisive. It's hateful," Darwish told Geller's Florida rally. "Islam should be feared, and should be fought, and should be conquered, and defeated and annihilated, and it's going to happen. Ladies and gentlemen, Islam is going to be brought down. . .Because Islam is based on lies and it's not based on the truth. I have no doubt whatsoever that Islam is going to be destroyed."

For these comments, CAIR blasted Darwish as "filled with anti-Islam hate."

Darwish, however, says she's speaking not from hate, but from a desire to see people – especially Muslims – freed: "What I speak about, and what CAIR is afraid of being exposed, is my standing up against the tyranny of Shariah law, the radical ideology of violent jihad, the commandments to kill Jews by many sheikhs in the Middle East and in many Muslim scriptures, my stand against atrocities happening today in the name of Shariah law to thousands and perhaps millions of people, including Muslims, in over 54 countries around the world.

"Criticizing Sharia, Islamic law and other radical laws against women, Jews and non-Muslims is a crime against Islam in Shariah," she concluded, "and CAIR has convinced some Americans that it's a crime in America also."
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Maimonides

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Re: Sharia Law is already here! Too late to stop it...
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2011, 08:29:07 PM »
I think that America is sliding towards a Sharia state.... Just this year several American courts have begun to administer legal rulings based on Islamic Sharia law. Meanwhile all attempts to have a rational discussion over whether such a thing is in the best interest of America have been stopped through intimidation and threats from the terrorist CAIR organization {which has definite links to terrorist activity in the world}.

I hope that whoever gains power in the next election has the gumption to put an end to this foreign invasion of American soil by islamic pests. Just like certain species are foreign to an environment the islamic faith is incompatible with democracy and freedom. America is NO PLACE for islamic law to be imposed. Anyone seeking islamic law should be encouraged to move away from America as fast as they can.

Florida Appeals Court Rejects Call to Block Judge From Citing Islamic Law in Ruling

A Florida appeals court has rejected a request to block a Hillsborough judge from upholding Islamic law in a case involving the former trustees of a local Tampa mosque that has garnered the national spotlight.

The state's 2nd District Court of Appeal on Friday denied without comment a petition filed by the mosque, known as the Islamic Education Center of Tampa, which is challenging Hillsborough Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen’s ruling in March that he intended to cite “ecclesiastical Islamic law” in the case, the St. Petersburg Times reported.

The former trustees have been suing the mosque because they claim they were unfairly removed as trustees. Nielsen said in March that based on testimony, “under ecclesiastical law” and pursuant to the Koran, “Islamic brothers should attempt to resolve a dispute among themselves.”

The two parties reportedly agreed ahead of time to use an imam and Islamic Law to resolve any potential differences through arbitration. So Nielsen only referenced Islamic law in deciding whether the two parties could resolve their differences through arbitration. He ruled they could.

The arbitrator ruled in favor of the former trustees, an outcome that would give them control of $2.2 million in mosque funds if the decision is upheld, the newspaper reported.

But mosque officials say the arbitration never happened, and they dispute the meaning of the appeals court ruling. Mosque attorney Paul Thanasides told the newspaper that an appeals court decision without a written opinion means the court wasn’t addressing the merits of the case.

But Lee Segal, a lawyer representing the trustees, told the newspaper that the ruling was a “big time” win for his clients and vindication for Nielsen.

This is ruling is limited to arbitration cases where the parties agree ahead of time to abide by certain rules. It is no different than a party agreeing to let a Beth Din decides a matter or any type of law they choose.

Yes, I know it is Islamic law the parties chose, but what do you expect when the parties are Muslim. The Judge really could not deny them the right to arbitrate among themselves using Islamic law, which why Western secular values are no backbone when it comes to standing up to Islam.
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