These young Ulstermen, who even use the Star of David as their symbol, could happily stand and drum and fife all day long, such is their pride in their belief-system, traditions, and past victories, and to show the world that even though they're outnumbered 8 to 1, they will never submit to the Catholic-Papist Bog Irishmen.
How unlike the poor, undisciplined, unmiltaristic, gormless, devoid of pride Israeli youth, who after 3 years of demoralizing mind-destroying service in Zahal come out as vacant-expressioned, anti-Zionist, anti-G-d, anti-Jew wimps and traitors, who can't wait to flee to California or Bolivia or Katmandu to get stoned on drugs for 5 years and then come back to Israel as petty drug-dealers.
When Kahanists one day take over, then R.Kahane's 2 main principles of Kahanism viz. mishmaat and hadar will be forceably rammed down the throats of both chilloni & charedi conscripts, as Zahal service, combined as well with yeshivah service, will be compulsory for all: no all, as the Rambam rules!
Zahal should have morale boosting military drum bands Yehoshua had at Yericho & as in Shlomoh's Temple!