I have to say I was really disappointed with the
lets kill hitler season opener.
For people who have no idea what I'm talking about feel free to move on.
Firstly it had a misleading title.
Doctor Who Lets Kill Hitler For a start the characters end up accidentally saving him. Then they shove him into a cupboard for the rest of the episode.
I was hoping it would at least touch on the possibility that he might be killed and there would be a large discussion of temporal mechanics
and knock on effects of altering history.
lets kill hitler episode also had the opportunity to touch lightly on some of the atrocities comitted in world war two but this was all glossed over in the madcap plot.
Someone else suggested this and was met with cries of oh but its a children show and THATS TOO DARK!
Hmm okay, its fine for a creature called an ood to vomit its brain into its hands but world war two is too dark.
Also the character of River Song who was previously quite fascinating shows up as a bizarre psychopath and ends up trying to kill the Doctor.
Even though the title is lets kill hitler.
Very wierd.
The writers have spoiled the character for me and I want bad things to happen to them .
Yes I know the options in the poll are kind of the same.
I'm using an American voting system BWUHAHAHAHA