
Did that episode suck

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Author Topic: Lets kill Hitler - did it suck  (Read 771 times)

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Offline BritishSword

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Lets kill Hitler - did it suck
« on: November 23, 2011, 01:24:01 PM »
I have to say I was really disappointed with the lets kill hitler season opener.
For people who have no idea what I'm talking about feel free to move on.

Firstly it had a misleading title.
Doctor Who Lets Kill Hitler
  For a start the characters end up accidentally saving him. Then they shove him into a cupboard for the rest of the episode.
I was hoping it would at least touch on the possibility that he might be killed and there would be a large discussion of temporal mechanics
and knock on effects of altering history.
The lets kill hitler episode also had the opportunity to touch lightly on some of the atrocities comitted in world war two but this was all glossed over in the madcap plot.
  Someone else suggested this and was met with cries of oh but its a children show and THATS TOO DARK!

Hmm okay, its fine for a creature called an ood to vomit its brain into its hands but world war two is too dark.

Also the character of River Song who was previously quite fascinating shows up as a bizarre psychopath and ends up trying to kill the Doctor.
Even though the title is lets kill hitler.
Very wierd.
The writers have spoiled the character for me and I want bad things to happen to them .

Yes I know the options in the poll are kind of the same.
I'm using an American voting system BWUHAHAHAHA  :laugh:
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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Lets kill Hitler - did it suck
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2011, 05:35:25 PM »
Good luck.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Lets kill Hitler - did it suck
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2011, 08:11:50 PM »
I laughed at the part where he gets shoved into the cupboard  :::D. It was almost like a gay joke, with him being in the closet.

And they don't actually kill Hitler, but River does kill a bunch of Nazis and then scare a bunch more Nazis, so that was pretty funny too.

Also River was always like that, we all knew she had been in prison, but we didn't know why. Remember when the Doctor had asked her previously why she was in prison? She said she killed a man. He said who... and she didn't tell him. Now we know that it was more than likely the Doctor himself who she went to prison for harming.

She was the one in the space suit in the Nixon episode.

We also know how River learned the Doctor's true name to whisper to the 10th in the library episode with the Vashta Nerada.

The season opener wouldn't make a lot of sense to a lot of people but if you watched the 10th plus last season of the 11th it will make sense and tie up some loose ends.

Another highlight was the faint/feint joke.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 09:09:29 PM by Rubystars »

Offline BritishSword

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Re: Lets kill Hitler - did it suck
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2011, 01:31:06 PM »
I knew Rubystars would respond as thats our big DW fan in the states.

Actually if you listen carefully to the last episode, River says Rule One is the doctor Lies.
It showed clearly unless I'm very much mistaken that he didn't whisper his name he said look into his eye.
Therefore revealing the miniature doctor in the time travelling shape shifting thing.
  So how she knows the name is still unclear.

Also in that first episode Amy is saying something along the lines of, maybe its a clone or a duplicate or something.
And this feller shows up and says, let me save you some time that is most definitely the doctor and he is most definitely dead.

But we find out hes in the tesselecta or however you spell it, so it is a clone or duplicate or something.

Its OK to lead your audience to assume things but to blatantly commit a falsehood like that.

Rule one, the doctor lies.
So does Steven Moffat apparently and its not on.
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Re: Lets kill Hitler - did it suck
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2011, 01:37:46 PM »
Great points! There are so many directions this could go.

You know in spite of the liberal bent of the show I do have to say it has really good writing and the fact that we can find so many twists and turns and possibilities in it is one of the things I love about it.

I just hope the 12th and 13th doctors are still European looking and men, you know how PC that show is. I liked Martha but I don't want them to do that to the Doctor himself.


Offline BritishSword

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Re: Lets kill Hitler - did it suck
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2011, 07:35:47 PM »
By liberal bent I assume you mean the muslim who showed up in that episode
The God Complex.
They sussed that she was and she actually said don't be frightened.
Now why would she say that unless there was something to be frightened off?

Anyway I do hope the PC brigade don't take over and use the show to push agendas.
Thats just plain bad.

And speaking of future doctors.
Its an established part of DW lore from the old series, that Time Lords only get twelve regenerations.
So if they want a thirteenth doctor (lucky for some) they will have to think of a way round that.
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Offline Rubystars

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Re: Lets kill Hitler - did it suck
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2011, 08:14:32 PM »
By liberal bent I assume you mean the muslim who showed up in that episode
The G-d Complex.
They sussed that she was and she actually said don't be frightened.
Now why would she say that unless there was something to be frightened off?

Actually I meant the whole show. I haven't seen the most recent episodes so no spoilers please. Haven't gotten a chance to watch them yet after that one with the dollhouse.

Anyway I do hope the PC brigade don't take over and use the show to push agendas.
Thats just plain bad.

Well too late for that in my opinion but it could be worse, a lot worse.

And speaking of future doctors.
Its an established part of DW lore from the old series, that Time Lords only get twelve regenerations.
So if they want a thirteenth doctor (lucky for some) they will have to think of a way round that.

12 regenerations = 13 doctors