Look at this commentary (not from me, but very good)
http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6906205856510467947&postID=6860035082771787877 Although I strongly support your cause, I think it was a disastrous mistake to invite politicians like Tzippi Livni to the demonstration. Politicans do not come to these sorts of protests, l'shem shamayim, they come to make political hay and to hijack people's involvement in the protest.
Let's be honest, THE ONLY REASON THE MEDIA IS PLAYING UP THESE INCIDENTS IS BECAUSE THE HAREDI PARTIES ARE IN THE COALITION WITH THE LIKUD. The Left is going to run the next election campaign on the platform "The Likud has sold the country out to the Haredim". It was this slogan that led the Left to victory over incumbent Likud governments in 1992 and 1999. The 1992 results led to the Oslo agreements disaster.
The Left, if they win would put the Haredim in their coalition and GIVE THEM MORE "for the sake of the peace process" as they would put it.
If the Left were in power now, there would be NO media coverage of the harrassment of the girls at the Orot school. The media are not "neutral" protectors of the public's right to know, they serve the political interests of various parties.
Having a completely cynical politician like Tzippi Livno who flip-flops all over the map in addition to her role in the crime of the destruction of Gush Katif come to such a rally discredits it in many peoples' eyes.
I want to also point out another thing....there is a bizarre and quiet but real alliance between the far Left and the extremist Haredim. It was the Left that took control of the Chief Rabbinate, which had been run for many years by Religious Zionists and gave it to the Haredim. Why is this? A couple of reasons...the Left enjoys seeing religious extremism because it discredits the Orthodox/religious community in the eyes of the non-religious Israelis, having internal fights among different religious groups weakens them (this was a critical factor allowing Sharon to push through the destruction of Gush Katif) and the Left views the Religious Zionists as a bigger threat because of their identification with the Judea/Samaria settlement movement and because their more tolerant presentation of Orthodox Judaism is more attractive to the general non-religious population.
Thus, it is important that those involved in these protests keep their eyes open and not let alien interests hijack it for their own negative aims.