When women want to dress immodestly and mingle with observant Jews.
WHAT?!? This does not happen on an EGGED BUS. Perhaps you should take a trip to Israel and actually ride on a bus to see what goes on there. Sitting next to a man or a woman is not "mingling" and it's not immodest!
Are you suggesting there is no requirement for women to keep tzniut?

No, so why are you putting words in my mouth that I never said?
I actually said
THE OPPOSITE somewhere in this thread. I replied to nekama agreeing with him that the laws of tzniut are very important.
Is this what the Rabbi is claiming? It doesnt take a Talmid Chocham to realize that there are laws of Tzniut,
So you are defending his behavior in front of Rav Eliashiv, and you think he knows better than Rav Eliashiv? LOL.
But do you think it is OK for a woman to dress immodestly and attempt to seduce a religious man?
This is like asking me, "do you think it's ok to eat pig?"
What do you think, muman? Come on, get serious here. Please.
What barriers are you suggesting never existed?
Barriers on buses. There aren't any. Go to Israel and ride a few buses, then you will know like I do. The subject in this thread has been about buses. You replied about buses, that some woman is trying to break down barriers there. I replied back to you that no barriers exist on buses. Please do not create smoke and mirrors or create confusion here. Just stick to the points being discussed.
When you reply to a discussion about buses in particular and then state something very vague and general about feminism in general and how evil women are trying to undo traditional customs and traditional societal mores, this is a form of
obfuscation. Because your response is not about buses, it's just a general point, set up as a straw man. I'm not disagreeing to some general speculations about feminists. I'm disagreeing with you if you are suggesting that those trying to forcibly separate genders on buses are simply "upholding barriers" (which never existed), and those who refuse to comply are "breaking down barriers." So, are you saying that, or aren't you?
Your reply was to Ron's statement about 'mehadrin buses,' so that implies that you think people who oppose bus segregation are breaking down barriers. Let me know if I am correct or incorrect about what you are saying.