I vote we rally round santorum for the time being, why??heres why.
Despite people saying Romney has the best chance, on what evidence? Facts are, and Chaims metioned this, is the fact that hes not likable. Hes like a flipflopping, beter looking version of mccaine.
Mike Huckabee on zero money defeated romney last year, if michalle bachmann dropped out of the iowa race, Santorum would have won easily.
Heres my prediction.
Santorumm moved third in the polls in NH. If Gingrich losses out, i predict he, and all the others will rally round santorum as Romney wont get the conservative or chistian vote. Gingrich has been slating romney viciously, whilst praising Rick Santorum. Hes basically going to be Ricks sorragate runner. Hopefully rick perry will leave and then if Santorum can survive till the bible belt is game over for Romney.
Remember folks the democrats slate who more competition.
Romney, despite his money and establishment backing just does not warm the crowd.