I think Hashem is greater than Chaos and Nature combined...
G-d is greater than Satan. Yet evil exists for the reasons we cannot fully comprehend. Evil is necessary. It is part of Creation. But still we experience it as evil.
I just wanted to express the idea of goodness in the most economical terms. What is good? Creation. What is Creation? Infinite creativity and the growth of complexity. Like art and knowledge are becoming more and more complex. When art starts to disintegrate (like a lot, not all, of modern art) - that's not a good thing. Entropy in individual life is a loss of coherence, the loss of order that is expressed as aging and finally death. Yes, death is part of Hashem's design, but on an individual level, it is experienced as something deeply tragic and bad.
The rules of Kashrut. What are they? Basically, the rules of separation. Separation is the same as order. Separating A from B creates a unit of information. Information decreases entropy. Mixing things increases entropy (in most contexts).
Give me any example of evil, and I will show you how it could be seen as a loss of order.