2/29/2012 9:00 p.m.
I was just listened to Zev Brenner interview Ed Koch, yimach shmo, I mean, yimach shma vezichra, that bald, ugly fag and SHE said in HER interview that Obama will have an "overwhelming victory" in November regardless of whom the Republicans put up in November. I would not dismiss anything that Edwina Krock says because SHE is a very astute political observer and SHE reads the N.Y. Times and Washington Post every day cover to cover and knows all the power players personally and SHE is NEVER WRONG when SHE makes a prognostication with that much emphasis. I cannot say she is wrong because I only view politics like I watch professional wrestling. I cheer for the good guys and boo for the bad guys when I can figure out who's who!!