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Man, I hate antizionists. Only one Jewish state and they hate it. It's the size of New Jersey and is 20% non-Jewish, but they don't care. Nothing will satisfy them short of the Jews disappearing off the face of the planet.
Good info. My sister ( 1/2 liberal... ) dated a copt once and his parents even disaproved of that relationship. He got dumped pretty quick because he expected her to stay home all day. I say if their leader will curse the Jews and the land of Israel, you fight g-d in trying to support the coptics. I don't care for emotional judgement, so their suffering is fair and deserved. And to the person that said they basically "used anti-semetism in self-defense", I've never heard a more ignorant statement. Their self-defense pits them against g-d, and marks them as loyal dhimmis, good for rape and pilage. Security is achieved by fighting back. Bowing to the will of your opressor shows only how comfortable you are on your knees. Nobody respects a kiss-donkey, they just like getting their donkey kissed.
The person who praised the Coptic pope is a Nazi troll who has his own forum where he blames Israel for 9/11.
Your just a fountain of disinformation... Half truths and guess work leads to a lot of waisted time... You and the gift giver were made for each other