Author Topic: Marcus Faella- white supremacist arrested. Intent to kill Jews, and immigrants  (Read 2597 times)

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Offline Aces High

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I think Faella is an Italian name.   And he headed the white supremacist group.

Offline Aces High

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I will now insult him with the most offensive thing anyone can say to a white supremacist:  He doesn't look that white to me.

Dan, you read my mind!!   ;D.   He really doesn't look that white!

I'm 5 shades lighter than that pasta chimp.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 07:43:54 PM by Aces High »

Offline Painter

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Dan, you read my mind!!   ;D.   He really doesn't look that white!

I'm 5 shades lighter than that pasta chimp.
pasta chimp lol :::D

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Wait a minute, guys. We like Italians on this forum. If this Nazi pig is Italian, that doesn't mean he represents tens of millions of Italian Americans.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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pasta chimp lol :::D

Shouldn't put down Italians like if we are to be a mass movement.

Same goes to blacks as well.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline briann

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Shouldn't put down Italians like if we are to be a mass movement.

Same goes to blacks as well.

I would disagree.   All groups should be put down whenever they behave like animals.  However... blacks tend to behave this way far more often.

Offline Israel Chai

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I would disagree.   All groups should be put down whenever they behave like animals.  However... blacks tend to behave this way far more often.

Strongly disagree. Country and skin color do not make a man. Culture, values and religion do. Name calling based on these expresses hatred for something beyond their control. You are saying they can never be good men, so if one were to read this and believe it, why try?

I have wanted to say this for a while; name calling is easily taken as hateful ignorance. Your forum is a diamond mine of information, but silly comments direct us miners to the coal. How could one elect a man into politics who could say kike or s**t (or any variation thereof) skin? Leaders actions encourage similar ones. Should kids say these, even to a bad person? These have no bearing on the person they are, only to what they were born with, and therefore while I commend this forum for being able to tell the ugly truth about Jewish anti-Semites, saying Jewish anti-Semite kike, or self-hating kike, is a pathetic irony; while those who may have heard your views understand you are not, saying such things indicate what you fight. It is said to be wary not to become those you fight.

I know brilliant and creative black people, as well as ghetto, honor-less, shameless and heartless black people. I know the dumbest Arab muslims around, and work for an Arab Christian with over 10 patents. I am a half-Ashkenazi half-Sephardi Jew and devote myself to helping others and making a better world for them, and have both communists and ultra-orthodox members of my family. These days, its too easy for anyone to show how bad, or good any race or nationality or religion is, and re-enforce that with hatred. This forum shows enough hatred of all the most vile monsters in the world to drive a man mad; do not succumb to, or pave the way to hateful ignorance. The point of it all is we're better than them; we don't do that. Militancy works best with power; what needs to be said on how certain races disgrace themselves by tolerate the most vile evils will be heard when there are more people behind the movement, but if it appears the foundation of the movement is hatred to people undeserving of it you don't have a mass movement; you have a target market.

Perhaps I have difficulty relating to the emotional, but not all Arabs should be expelled from the promised land; the Jewish ones can stay. Not all black people are lesser intellectually or morally; the good ones cry for our help. I was robbed and beaten at 13 years old by a group of black people over 20 for five dollars, but so was the only black kid that liked books and not rap, and that was for nothing. Hatred is not strength. Hatred gives others power over you. If I had became racist anyways, I would never have had the opportunity to exact my revenge on these thugs.

Now in time one learns that people here aren't actually racists, but realists, still, name-calling puts you in league with those who are. Likely this Italian was a piece of s*** with no soul that deserves a life in a rotting cage, and knowing many Italians, he's not the only one that thinks in this despicable manner, but you won't help the Italian American community attack him and fight their own from going down this hell-bound path, you force them to defend him by attacking all Italians, or they become self-hating for defending you. Pick a fight with ideology, and life choices, but make it feasible for others to agree and support you in it, or you loose your support and help the cause you intend to oppose. From Christianity they say "love conquers all". I love the Italian Americans so much I have to call this rat scum that, so they can defend themselves, I love Israel and peace so much I have to go fight and kill as many Iranian soldiers as needed until they no longer have to ability to attack and kill the innocent. I love humanity so much I will decry its ills in any person I can see, but I believe people can still do good; make it easy for them to do so. A race cannot stop to be; a religion and way of life can (and in an increasing number of cases, must). Cancer can be cured with a shotgun, but the masses will turn to one that can remove it with a knife.

If you believe you can enter into or even influence politics, speak like an elite, or how can a simple man call you his leader? It was said here "in the world of the blind, the one eyed man is king". This is simplistic, and unjustifiable by the current situation; many two eyed men call the blind masses from their perch to walk off a cliff. This they can not see, and do know believe it to be bad, so it is harder to believe the one-eyed man who points them to safety in the desert, that they can feel. The devil is perfect at doing everything wrong, so we must be perfect at doing everything right to win a multitude.

If Regan hated Russians, Stalin's heir would reign, but he hated communists and helped their oppressed, so there is freedom. With Arabs, giving them arms would back-fire, but verbally supporting Persians, Africans, Kurds and even Arabs to fight their oppressors  is what they need, as info is salt to the snail of islam.

If we don't like Arabs why fight Islam? Most importantly, why do they think we fight Islam, and how could they be sympathetic? They couldn't possibly see things as us trying to make a better world for everyone; its false pride and selfishness that is seen, not humility at being given the opportunity to make the world better as a free man, and empathy for those who could never dream of what we take for granted.

Point: The weight of righteous anger and indignation directed at the unspeakable horrors of our world is lost with one childish second of name-calling.

Point: Don't try and beat the ignorant at their own game; G-d's way is superior. If then they reject you when you have presented the truth with love, they can all be killed honorably.

Point: Folk belong usually to more than one group. Be compatible with all good people, by not forcing them to defend themselves for the day they were born, but by the decisions they've made, and thereby you give them a chance to be better people.
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Offline briann

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Boy LKZ, its amazing how much you extrapolate from things I never said.

I never said groups behave like animals BECAUSE of their surplus skin pigmentation.  I am not sure why you had to inject that into this conversation.  I have the utmost respect for many ethnic groups that are just as dark as blacks.

Blacks behaving more like animals has NOTHING to do with their surplus of pigmentation...   Its a combination of many things.... but mostly, black culture is an extremely negative influence on them.  And when their culture/idiology is barbaric and evil... we as a group should point this out.

This is what Chaim believes as well.  And why its a common theme on many of his videos.  We should never stop pointing out the evils of black culture (or any culture/idiology/religion that behaves in an evil manner).

I don't think most Italians should be lumped into this category, but I can think of dozens of other groups DO.

Offline Israel Chai

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Boy LKZ, its amazing how much you extrapolate from things I never said.

I never said groups behave like animals BECAUSE of their surplus skin pigmentation.  I am not sure why you had to inject that into this conversation.  I have the utmost respect for many ethnic groups that are just as dark as blacks.

Blacks behaving more like animals has NOTHING to do with their surplus of pigmentation...   Its a combination of many things.... but mostly, black culture is an extremely negative influence on them.  And when their culture/idiology is barbaric and evil... we as a group should point this out.

This is what Chaim believes as well.  And why its a common theme on many of his videos.  We should never stop pointing out the evils of black culture (or any culture/idiology/religion that behaves in an evil manner).

I don't think most Italians should be lumped into this category, but I can think of dozens of other groups DO.

Of course you didn't say that. You clearly aren't that dumb, or you'd be at strom front. This wasn't only directed at you, I hope you notice, but it's the name calling that immediately associates with these concepts. Nobody says these things outright, even the actual racists, they just do the name calling, so it is assumed by the less informed that you think this way. Surely you do not expect the masses to really judge the whole forum, they will leave immediately in the case a a poor first impression.

Of course "ghetto", most African, and "gangster" culture is outright evil, and the liberal culture defends it because of their race, ironically enough. Race is their game, so don't bring it up with name calling, or you'll reduce the number of liberal converts generated, as I (and don't expect a story) once was. Luckily, I like to read so much I didn't care if you guys were racist, which is honestly the first impression I got from the forum.

The point is they should not be lumped in as Italians, but as bad Italians. Now statistically black people have more barbaric monsters than Italians, but I have a cousin that is a half-black Jewish woman. I show the stories to her, not the forum, because of titles with "drek skin" and the llikes, which serve as needlessly offensive deterrents to accept the obvious truth; black culture is rotten to the core, and the ones that succeed follow Christian or Western culture.

What name-calling based on race/ something beyond anyone's control does, clever as you guys are at it, (and that was a compliment) is it makes the target un-cool. A good black person seeing such thing will either see himself as an exception in his entire race, or as an enemy of the commentator. Attack his culture and convince him it hurts him, and now you're his friend, or leader. Politics is leadership, which everyone seems to ignore that is what this forum is stated as being devoted to, as well as religion, which are separate ideals that have congruent paths. To be a leader, you still have to present things as if everyone of every race and religion is your leader, or emotional responses are generated, not free-thinking.

Point: I express no doubt in the validity of your comments nor do I believe you to be hateful and ignorant, but all it takes in one word in a completely truthful speech to be a racist, in the eyes of the world. Don't build your armor with an open hole.
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Offline USAReturn2GodNow1776

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^ I agree with you that we shouldn't trash people over what they didn't choose. But I'm all for avoiding certain people over stuff they didn't choose. For me, it's midgets. I find them creepy. And if they were more common, I'd totally totally avoid them all no matter how nice some might be. I'm glad they're not that common so I don't have to worry about it.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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^ I agree with you that we shouldn't trash people over what they didn't choose. But I'm all for avoiding certain people over stuff they didn't choose. For me, it's midgets. I find them creepy. And if they were more common, I'd totally totally avoid them all no matter how nice some might be. I'm glad they're not that common so I don't have to worry about it.

I don't know about you though I could use a midget with a flat head to use as a moving table  :::D

God I'm terrible!
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Israel Chai

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^ I agree with you that we shouldn't trash people over what they didn't choose. But I'm all for avoiding certain people over stuff they didn't choose. For me, it's midgets. I find them creepy. And if they were more common, I'd totally totally avoid them all no matter how nice some might be. I'm glad they're not that common so I don't have to worry about it.

... I once knew one, G-d rest his soul. Statistically speaking, midgets are not generally a detriment to society, so whatever emotion you think you feel towards them is not based in fact. I know statistics well enough not to take great offense to anti-black comments (or avoidance), but I would not elect a politician who would descend into name calling and childish emotions over something that in itself is no evil.

And for confederate, is not the joke I dislike here, its the fact that you objectify. Respect for life is respect for G-d. If you had one as a loyal friend who would do anything for you, would it be this?
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Offline Rubystars

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Most Italian people I've talked to have seemed like really great people. This guy's an obvious exception.

Offline mord

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He actually looks Cuban.As far as condemning a whole nationality over 1 guy is crazy.There are nuts in every nationality including Jews
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Offline Lisa

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I agree with everyone here.  That Faella looks quite swarthy for a white supremacist.  In my Iranian Jewish family, I have several fair haired, very light skinned, blue eyed, and green eyed relatives.  They look a million times more "white" than this monster.