Maybe so, My father was a Negro from Texas. Good man none the less. My Mother is a Turkish Sephardic Jewess from the Bronx.
First off, if your father is a coon that means you are also "coloured". Being Jewish doesn't make you anymore white than it does that Black-as-COAL Singer Lenny KRAVITZ ... MMM HMMM

. Now do you understand his song "ALWAYS ON THE RUN" from 'Whitey'!
Second, Black Males in the "pre-Rosa Park-N-Ride days" would be taken to the Gallows or more commonly a local Tree and Hung as an Ornament for even whistling at a White LADY, let alone "polluting her womb". Take a look at what Whitie do 2 yo peepz : Btw Great LIGHTING for such an old Photo, don't you think ??

Afterwards, they would sing the Glorious Christian hymn "AMAZING GRACE" !
Last and CERTAINLY not Least, I'm sure the Nordic ISRAELITE Brethren on this Forum would LOVE to be told of your Multicultural Tale... MMMHMMM

Plz be sure to confide in the SUPERMEN Amongst You !!

Make sure to sign each post in the White Supremacist section;
SIEG: German for VICTORY of "Man" over all BABOONS

who have been his Servants !!