As Rabbi Kahane said many times in his lectures... The only place in America to really know what the average American thinks about Jews is in the local Saloon/Bar.... Before I did Teshuva (back in 2003) I used to hang out at a little bar in town and believe me... once they get liquored up... they will start blabbing about how the Jews control everything...
Trust me, you put a bunch of Jews in a bar, and we will start blabbing about the gentiles in a negative manner as well... but the stereotypes of course are different.... Trust me.... I was once drunk and I went on a tyrade about how much I hated catholics... and that they are covering up for molestors and their ideology about birth control is ruining the country.... In hind-sight, I wish I hadnt said those things.
But let me give you some antedoctal evidence here. In my area, I saw a guy driving around with HUGE letters on his car saying 'I LOVE BEING JEWISH' (he was part of a Jewish Fraternity and I live next to a university).... most of the people were honking and cheering for him..... and I REALLY doubt they were all Jewish.
Had he done this in the Ukraine.... there would be very few cheers and some angry name calling....
Had he done this in the Islamic world... he'd be gunned down in seconds....
Basically... I am trying to give you perspective here.
Religions will always be doing this sorta thing and the stereotypes will endure... this is human nature.... But here in the U.S.... I am noticing something going beyond tolerance.... its as if the gentiles are going out of their way to be supportive of Judaism/Israel to show that they are good Christians... unlike those accross the pond.... and especially unlike the Islamic filth. And 9/11 just re-enforced this.