Author Topic: African Slime  (Read 11593 times)

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Re: African Slime
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2007, 07:20:52 AM »
What is the surprise here. This black boy is only doing what his genes dictate. He is unable to control himself when the urge hites him. I remember when I first went back to college I was sitting next to a black boy, about 17 years old and he asked me (axed me) how many kids I had. I told him none and he told me his four by four different black girl hos. I asked why he had so many bastard niglets and he told me that he had to prove to his homies that he wasn't shooting blanks. That is their mentality. Allen, I know you will enjoy the "Birh of a Nation', it is taken right out of today's headlines. The scene with the congressional black caucus is hilarious, please make sure that you show the film to all your young relatives, they must be prepare for the future and the struggle that will ensue. Keep your powder dry and don't fire till you see the crackpipe in their hands.

How happy I am to find you here, fjack. You should get a set of wings for the great service you have done bringing this magnificent film to mine and everybody's attention. I just finished watching it. It makes it plainly clear there is a solution to the problems we face with black beasts. And it is a balanced film, it does show the 0.5% of decent blacks that do exist. Yes, the Congressional Black Caucus scene is quite funny, especially the guy with the booze under his newspaper and the feets up on da tables. Lillian Gish is angelic looking, and quite an actress. It seems to have been somewhat difficult to communicate solely with facial and body expressions and not seem robotic or awkward, she pulls that off flawlessly. What a cinematic feat for 1915, screw Gone With The Wind. Is Intolerance any good? It likes like it might be. You know, I remember seeing many many years ago the scene where the kids are playing with the sheet and they scare off the pickaninnys. I never knew what that was from. About 30 minutes into this I realized that it must be from this movie, and yup, it was. It's a shame that such a glorious movement like the KKK turned into such a pathetic caricature of itself. From a righteous band of white freedom fighters to a gang of antisemitic/gay fools. There needs to be a new organization of white men that get back to the fundamentals understood by the first white knights of the KKK, but of course it must have no connection to white sheets, etc. or use that name, which has become tarnished over the years. I am interested in exchanging ideas with any interested parties. Thanks again, fjack!!!   


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2007, 10:42:45 AM »
Lastly Erica, why do you assume that I don't know the meaning of fornication? Could you please post a link to another thread that demonstrates my using words without knowing their meaning[and don't pick obvious attempts at sarcasm ;)] , Oh, do you still listen to ask JTF Erica? Wasn't that story about the dashiki wearing black genius "professa" very funny? "You don't look Chinese". Good night for now, my new best friend here!!!
And another thing Allen, the way you described the situation, fornication wouldn't have been the right word to use if, in fact a grown man was physicallyl assaulting a "LITTLE JAPANESE GIRL!" And no, I don't watch JTF videos anymore. They just [censored] me off. ANd I doubt that the installment you're speaking of would be very funny to me. People like yourself and Chaim love to make fun of people but hate to be made fun of.
Erica, the word fornication clarified the meaning of the entire post. Admit it, you assumed. And you assumed wrong. I forgive you for calling me an ass. And let it go on record that NO action should be taken against Erica for calling me a bad word. I want to be more forgiving in these turbulent days. G-d bless you, my new friend.
You don't like to admit when you're wrong do you? Did you purposely call the woman (who was in fact 20 years old) a LITTLE GIRL to grab our attention? You misled people, well me, to think that a black MAN raped a LITTLE JAPANESE GIRL IN A CLOSET. And when you added that the black man was 'fornicating with" a little girl, can you see where the assumption arose? Probably not. And stop calling me your 'new friend'. I was never a friend to you, not even when we were corresponding in Youtube email. I knew you'd stab me in the back.


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2007, 10:46:46 AM »
Lastly Erica, why do you assume that I don't know the meaning of fornication? Could you please post a link to another thread that demonstrates my using words without knowing their meaning[and don't pick obvious attempts at sarcasm ;)] , Oh, do you still listen to ask JTF Erica? Wasn't that story about the dashiki wearing black genius "professa" very funny? "You don't look Chinese". Good night for now, my new best friend here!!!
And another thing Allen, the way you described the situation, fornication wouldn't have been the right word to use if, in fact a grown man was physicallyl assaulting a "LITTLE JAPANESE GIRL!" And no, I don't watch JTF videos anymore. They just [censored] me off. ANd I doubt that the installment you're speaking of would be very funny to me. People like yourself and Chaim love to make fun of people but hate to be made fun of.
Erica, the word fornication clarified the meaning of the entire post. Admit it, you assumed. And you assumed wrong. I forgive you for calling me an ass. And let it go on record that NO action should be taken against Erica for calling me a bad word. I want to be more forgiving in these turbulent days. G-d bless you, my new friend.
You don't like to admit when you're wrong do you? Did you purposely call the woman (who was in fact 20 years old) a LITTLE GIRL to grab our attention? You misled people, well me, to think that a black MAN raped a LITTLE JAPANESE GIRL IN A CLOSET. And when you added that the black man was 'fornicating with" a little girl, can you see where the assumption arose? Probably not. And stop calling me your 'new friend'. I was never a friend to you, not even when we were corresponding in Youtube email. I knew you'd stab me in the back.

Erica, your problems with me are no longer.......stay tuned.


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2007, 10:51:46 AM »
Lastly Erica, why do you assume that I don't know the meaning of fornication? Could you please post a link to another thread that demonstrates my using words without knowing their meaning[and don't pick obvious attempts at sarcasm ;)] , Oh, do you still listen to ask JTF Erica? Wasn't that story about the dashiki wearing black genius "professa" very funny? "You don't look Chinese". Good night for now, my new best friend here!!!
And another thing Allen, the way you described the situation, fornication wouldn't have been the right word to use if, in fact a grown man was physicallyl assaulting a "LITTLE JAPANESE GIRL!" And no, I don't watch JTF videos anymore. They just [censored] me off. ANd I doubt that the installment you're speaking of would be very funny to me. People like yourself and Chaim love to make fun of people but hate to be made fun of.
Erica, the word fornication clarified the meaning of the entire post. Admit it, you assumed. And you assumed wrong. I forgive you for calling me an ass. And let it go on record that NO action should be taken against Erica for calling me a bad word. I want to be more forgiving in these turbulent days. G-d bless you, my new friend.
You don't like to admit when you're wrong do you? Did you purposely call the woman (who was in fact 20 years old) a LITTLE GIRL to grab our attention? You misled people, well me, to think that a black MAN raped a LITTLE JAPANESE GIRL IN A CLOSET. And when you added that the black man was 'fornicating with" a little girl, can you see where the assumption arose? Probably not. And stop calling me your 'new friend'. I was never a friend to you, not even when we were corresponding in Youtube email. I knew you'd stab me in the back.

Erica, your problems with me are no longer.......stay tuned.
My problems? You have a problem. You can't seem to understand that saying that a man fornicated with a little girl, when you meant something else altogether is problematic. I can't see how everyone else didn't read the first post of this thread and think the same way. AND I WAS ON YOUR SIDE visa/vi pointing the finger at the man (who's status has now been changed to student) for doing something incredibly tacky and unbecoming of a real man!I'm convinced that even if I say something in your favor, you'll always bash me for no apparent reason. Whatever.

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Re: African Slime
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2007, 04:51:16 PM »
I didn't think it was a little girl - I got the impression that they were both students of the same age.

Hey Allen-T if your talking about what I think your talking about( when it comes to Imerica's surprise) forget it  - don't even think about it - cut it out!
Things would be too strange around here - and not many people would be happy - except maybe(and only just maybe) Erica.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2007, 05:51:13 PM »
I didn't think it was a little girl - I got the impression that they were both students of the same age.

Hey Allen-T if your talking about what I think your talking about( when it comes to Imerica's surprise) forget it  - don't even think about it - cut it out!
Things would be too strange around here - and not many people would be happy - except maybe(and only just maybe) Erica.
Bullcat, I didn't know what grade his wife taught, as he said she's a teacher. So when he said "little girl" I actually thought that he meant LITTLE GIRL... can you see that? When you see the words "African man fornicating with little Japanese girl" what do you think?
At any rate, I came out against the man, THEN after finding out that they were students, came out against the both of them. What is the problem?

ETA: question mark...
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 05:54:42 PM by Imerica »


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2007, 05:57:17 PM »
I didn't think it was a little girl - I got the impression that they were both students of the same age.

Hey Allen-T if your talking about what I think your talking about( when it comes to Imerica's surprise) forget it  - don't even think about it - cut it out!
Things would be too strange around here - and not many people would be happy - except maybe(and only just maybe) Erica.
Did you know what level of education his wife taught before replying to this thread, bullcat? And if he's speaking about me possibly being kicked off of the site for disagreeing with the context of a word he added, that will be all well and good. I'll be okay. After all he brought me here in the first place.

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Re: African Slime
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2007, 07:03:50 PM »
No - Imerica - I still do not know what grade Allen-Ts wife teaches.  I just read the whole post before jumping to conclusions.

And if he's speaking about me possibly being kicked off of the site for disagreeing with the context of a word he added, that will be all well and good. I'll be okay. After all he brought me here in the first place.

No - I don't think the surprise has anything to do with you - really.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: African Slime
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2007, 07:15:48 PM »
I see I missed the boat from reading the locked thread about Allen-T leaving the forum.  I'm very disappointed.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2007, 09:50:19 PM »
I see I missed the boat from reading the locked thread about Allen-T leaving the forum.  I'm very disappointed.
That's not good news at all. He held this site and its mission in such high esteem. I wish him well. Eventhough we dont' agree.


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2007, 09:55:16 PM »
I see I missed the boat from reading the locked thread about Allen-T leaving the forum.  I'm very disappointed.

Sad but justified, Bullcat. Helping the jewish cause doesn't give anybody a blank cheque to attempt spiritual murder on the jewish people no matter how well-meaning they may be. Rabbi Kahane (ZT'L)has said as much.


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Re: African Slime
« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2007, 11:22:29 AM »
I see I missed the boat from reading the locked thread about Allen-T leaving the forum.  I'm very disappointed.
That's not good news at all. He held this site and its mission in such high esteem. I wish him well. Eventhough we dont' agree.

I am not sure why but I'd like my last words to you to be pleasant. Anything I was wrong about I apologise. Anthing I was right about, I hope you see it too someday.  :)