I am sorry to embarrass you but a first poster says “Remember those who fought against fascism”.
Not sure what do you want to prove with pictures of nazi troops? One of them is from occupying what seems to me Serbian region of Vojvodina.
Another question-who defeated Hitler? This is a very simple question and I hope that you will provide simple and honest answer.
Joesph Stalin invaded Poland on the bases, the fight against Fascisim. Im sorry but that is just a properganda word used by Socialists to demonise other Socialists or capitalist. Fascisim is actualy Pragmatic Socialisim with nationalisim. While Hitler and stalin were revolutionary Socialists and completely rejected Capitalisim. It should be noted that Fascisim is nearly like Social Democracy, but Totaleterian and non democractic. It also has some degree of capitalisim and favours Corporatism. Fascist Italy, at one point in history, was the biggest welfare state.
Oh yeah, the pictures are from Poland, not Serbia! Such a ridiculous claim!
Heres the flag of Fascisim!