Author Topic: British odds maker lists BHO as heavy favorite to win 2012 Presidential Election  (Read 5275 times)

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I'm not encouraging anyone to place a bet on the 2012 Presidential  Election or anything else.     The reason I'm posting this is to illustrate that the most objective entities,    the odds makers who accept bets,     believe  that Barack Hussein Obama will win the 2012 Presidential Election.      We are in serious trouble.

As of a few minutes ago,    the odds on Obama winning the election are 4/9.

The odds on Romney winning the election are 7/4.

This is a SUBSTANTIAL difference!

The polls that list Obama and Mitt Romney in a tight race probably don't reflect the reality of the race.      I'm convinced that objective odds makers see what I'm seeing:

1)     Romney is running the ullra politically correct campaign that I expected from him..
2)     The media and many elected officials,  including on the so called right,    are covering up for BHO on a number of key issues.
3)     BHO will do anything to get  re-elected.     Romney doesn't have remotely close to the same desire.
4)     Election fraud in favor of BHO is a very realistic possibility       

"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


Offline cjd

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Well, when Romney beats around the bush about selecting Condi Rice as vice president I am surprised the odds are even that much in his favor.
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Offline Zelhar

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7/4 means a return of $11 for every $7 in case of a win ?
Or perhaps more likely in means they think Romney has a chance of little over 36% (4 successes out of 11 tries if elections were an iid), so they pay $11 for a win on a wager of $4.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 04:49:06 PM by Zelhar »

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Unfortunately, I agree with odds makers. Romney is allowing Obama and the leftwing news media to step all over him.

When Obama and the Bolshevik media demand that Romney release more years of his tax returns, how would I respond? I would demand that Obama release his school records to show us what his grades were when he got full scholarships from Columbia University and Harvard Law School. I know Jewish geniuses with 96% averages who couldn't get even partial scholarships. How did Obama get full scholarships to two of the most expensive and respected universities in the world? He got it solely because he's black. In fact, Obama has gotten everything in his evil worthless life solely because he's black and Muslim. Yes, being a Muslim is also a big advantage in our sick society.

If I were Romney's campaign manager, or if I ran one of the big ad PACs, the leftwing media would be screaming hysterically but Romney would have a double digit lead in the polls.

Offline Rubystars

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I agree with the odds against Romney too. Every time Romney has had an opportunity to show strength, he's shown weakness.

Offline Dayenu

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Unfortunately, I agree with odds makers. Romney is allowing Obama and the leftwing news media to step all over him.

When Obama and the Bolshevik media demand that Romney release more years of his tax returns, how would I respond? I would demand that Obama release his school records to show us what his grades were when he got full scholarships from Columbia University and Harvard Law School. I know Jewish geniuses with 96% averages who couldn't get even partial scholarships. How did Obama get full scholarships to two of the most expensive and respected universities in the world? He got it solely because he's black. In fact, Obama has gotten everything in his evil worthless life solely because he's black and Muslim. Yes, being a Muslim is also a big advantage in our sick society.

If I were Romney's campaign manager, or if I ran one of the big ad PACs, the leftwing media would be screaming hysterically but Romney would have a double digit lead in the polls.
Although you are technically correct, a response like that would be SO politically incorrect that Romney would have shot himself in the foot so badly that he might as well resign from the race right then and there immediately after making that statement!!  Donald Trump made that statement but only AFTER he stated that he would NOT himself run for the presidency.  That would be drinking the Kool-Aid!!

Offline syyuge

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I will be surprised if the situation is really so bleak. Ultimately all concerns of the deciding voters may boil down to the degenerating economy and polarized in favor of whomsoever the voters find fit to alleviate and correct it. Such situations generally and mostly should create anti-incumbency votes, if Romney is not so weak.     
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Offline realist26

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Although you are technically correct, a response like that would be SO politically incorrect that Romney would have shot himself in the foot so badly that he might as well resign from the race right then and there immediately after making that statement!!  Donald Trump made that statement but only AFTER he stated that he would NOT himself run for the presidency.  That would be drinking the Kool-Aid!!

Yes. The opinion polls include blacks, Hispanics, liberal Jews, single mums, college students and that is why this race is neck and neck.  If Romney was to attack, these people would be even less likely to vote for him as they do not want to know the facts, and in any event can't comprehend them.  As I have said in previous posts, the us has an almost irreversible demographic problem and that is part of the reason why the media is so pro Obama.  Romney has made a decision to be passive and non confontational in hope that the ignoramuses don't turn up on election day

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Although you are technically correct, a response like that would be SO politically incorrect that Romney would have shot himself in the foot so badly that he might as well resign from the race right then and there immediately after making that statement!!  Donald Trump made that statement but only AFTER he stated that he would NOT himself run for the presidency.  That would be drinking the Kool-Aid!!


Forgive me for being so blunt, but the media and the establishment have succeeded in brainwashing you completely. You really have been drinking the Kool Aid and thinking exactly as the establishment wants you to think.

In 1988, the Democrat candidate for president was Michael Dukakis and the Republican was George Bush, Sr.

In July 1988, Dukakis had a 17% lead over Bush in the polls. Reagan's second term was ending and there were serious scandals like Irangate. Bush was very unpopular and polls showed most Americans considered him to be a "wimp". The media spoke of the "wimp" factor. Americans were in the mood for a change.

What did the Bush campaign do? They took a case of a convicted black murderer named Willie Horton who was allowed out on a furlough in Massachusetts where Dukakis was governor. Horton raped a white woman while out on the weekend furlough. Bush's campaign showed Horton's black face all over their television commercials. The media, the commentators, the pundits and the so-called experts all called Bush's commercials "racist".

But the more the media and the establishment "experts" attacked Bush, the more he went up in the polls. The "politically incorrect" commercials enabled Bush to close the 17% gap in the polls and even surpass Dukakis. On election day, Bush beat Dukakis 54% to 46% - that's an 8% margin of victory. So Bush went from 17% behind in July to 8% ahead on election day - a 25% change, which is astonishing in American politics.

I could give you other examples of how "politically incorrect" campaigns can work if done properly. In the case of Obama, there is enough ammunition to absolutely devastate this black Muslim racist Jew-hating America-hating Marxist traitor. The media would howl but we would win at the polls by going over the heads of the media.

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Yes. The opinion polls include blacks, Hispanics, liberal Jews, single mums, college students and that is why this race is neck and neck.  If Romney was to attack, these people would be even less likely to vote for him as they do not want to know the facts, and in any event can't comprehend them.  As I have said in previous posts, the us has an almost irreversible demographic problem and that is part of the reason why the media is so pro Obama.  Romney has made a decision to be passive and non confontational in hope that the ignoramuses don't turn up on election day


Wow, you couldn't be more wrong. This is precisely what John McCain tried in 2008 and we saw the great results.

Forgive me, but you guys are so gullible. This talk about the "moderate independents" is ridiculous. In the three elections where Republicans did not try to run centrist campaigns to appeal to "moderates" and "independents" - in 1980, 1984 and 1988 - when the Republicans ran to the right on the Reagan platform, they won by landslide victories.

As recently as the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans were condemned for being "Tea Party extremists" yet they won by a landslide.

The Republicans who followed your Washington establishment centrist "politically correct" model - Gerald Ford in 1976, Bush Sr. in 1992, Bob Dole in 1996 and John McCain in 2008 - all lost.

Let Romney do to Obama what he did to Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry and Rick Santorum in the primaries. It worked then and it would work now.

Offline Dayenu

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The way George H. W. Bush dispelled the "wimp' factor was to embarrass the universally despised Dan Rather live and say that it was unfair to badger him, Bush, on Iran-Contra when he, Rather, lost his temper and walked off the set in Miami for six minutes leaving the screen blank; it wasn't Willie Horton, that was added when it was safe.  Affirmative Blacktion is an immutable fact of life.  We let Lyndon Johnson push that one down our throats.  Bring that one up and it is like sleeping with an AIDS patient without a condom. 

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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The way George H. W. Bush dispelled the "wimp' factor was to embarrass the universally despised Dan Rather live and say that it was unfair to badger him, Bush, on Iran-Contra when he, Rather, lost his temper and walked off the set in Miami for six minutes leaving the screen blank; it wasn't Willie Horton, that was added when it was safe.  Affirmative Blacktion is an immutable fact of life.  We let Lyndon Johnson push that one down our throats.  Bring that one up and it is like sleeping with an AIDS patient without a condom.


Wrong. Polls taken in July 1988, long after the Dan Rather incident, showed Dukakis leading Bush by 17%, which is a landslide margin. So the Rather incident had no effect on the polls in the summer of 1988.

There is no question that the Willie Horton issue is what beat Dukakis. The polls at the time showed people responding specifically to that issue. Focus groups showed that even working class Democrats were upset over the Horton incident.

If you are correct and we can never touch racial issues, then the Bush campaign's decision to make Willie Horton a major focus should have led to a disastrous Bush defeat. Instead Bush won by a landslide, carrying 40 out of the 50 states.

Four years later in 1992, Bush did follow your advice and ran a "politically correct" campaign. And he lost. Badly.

Offline realist26

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I totally understand your point of view but in 2012 the media is more left wing and the demographic issue is more acute.  Further, Romney does not have the personality or charisma to get through to many people.  In any event, it seems as as though Romney is beginning to take the gloves off and appears to be personally offended by the continual Bain attacks.  So as the campaign gets dirtier, with the democrats deflecting attention from all relevant issues, the Romney strategy may evolve

Wow, you couldn't be more wrong. This is precisely what John McCain tried in 2008 and we saw the great results.

Forgive me, but you guys are so gullible. This talk about the "moderate independents" is ridiculous. In the three elections where Republicans did not try to run centrist campaigns to appeal to "moderates" and "independents" - in 1980, 1984 and 1988 - when the Republicans ran to the right on the Reagan platform, they won by landslide victories.

As recently as the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans were condemned for being "Tea Party extremists" yet they won by a landslide.

The Republicans who followed your Washington establishment centrist "politically correct" model - Gerald Ford in 1976, Bush Sr. in 1992, Bob Dole in 1996 and John McCain in 2008 - all lost.

Let Romney do to Obama what he did to Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry and Rick Santorum in the primaries. It worked then and it would work now.

Offline Sveta

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The way George H. W. Bush dispelled the "wimp' factor was to embarrass the universally despised Dan Rather live and say that it was unfair to badger him, Bush, on Iran-Contra when he, Rather, lost his temper and walked off the set in Miami for six minutes leaving the screen blank; it wasn't Willie Horton, that was added when it was safe.  Affirmative Blacktion is an immutable fact of life.  We let Lyndon Johnson push that one down our throats.  Bring that one up and it is like sleeping with an AIDS patient without a condom.

Are you Chaim Jr.?


Is there affirmative action (affirmative BLACKtion) in Israel?  Do Sephardim get preference over Ashkenazim?  Do so- called PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis get preference over Jews?  Do Soviet Jews and recent Jews who made alliyah get preference over long term residents?  Do darker complexioned Israelis get preference over lighter ones?  Are Jews in Israel as insane as they are in the U.S.?

« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 05:24:49 AM by Chaim, Jr.

This is a quote that Chaim, Jr. wrote on Ask JTF. This is the guy that informs on Chaim to the Israeli authorities to keep him banned from Israel.

Offline syyuge

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Overall Chaim is correct and Romney should have guts for it to march forward.
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Offline Rubystars

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Even I say affirmative blacktion from time to time. I'm not saying one thing or the other about the poster on this board but I just thought I'd mention it's a pretty common phrase.

Offline realist26

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Unfortunately, I agree with odds makers. Romney is allowing Obama and the leftwing news media to step all over him.

When Obama and the Bolshevik media demand that Romney release more years of his tax returns, how would I respond? I would demand that Obama release his school records to show us what his grades were when he got full scholarships from Columbia University and Harvard Law School. I know Jewish geniuses with 96% averages who couldn't get even partial scholarships. How did Obama get full scholarships to two of the most expensive and respected universities in the world? He got it solely because he's black. In fact, Obama has gotten everything in his evil worthless life solely because he's black and Muslim. Yes, being a Muslim is also a big advantage in our sick society.

If I were Romney's campaign manager, or if I ran one of the big ad PACs, the leftwing media would be screaming hysterically but Romney would have a double digit lead in the polls.

Offline nessuno

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I think people are 'dying' inside for someone to step out of the politically correct box.  Just waiting and hoping.   In all aspects of life.
Romney wouldn't even have to get down in the mud or use dirty tactics.  Right.  There is so much of BHO's own words and deeds to use against him.  Just look at Chaim's and Shlomo's great video!

I also think Rice would be a disastorous pick, any other woman for that matter.

I think it will have to be outside forces and ground root efforts working, in order for Romeny to get elected.
*grass root  LOL not ground root
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 10:51:43 AM by bullcat3 »
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Are you Chaim Jr.?

This is a quote that Chaim, Jr. wrote on Ask JTF. This is the guy that informs on Chaim to the Israeli authorities to keep him banned from Israel.


He probably is Chaim, Jr.

I just got a letter last week from an agency of the Israeli government telling me that he has been sending strange messages about me to the Israeli Prime Minister's office. The Israeli Prime Minister's office was concerned that he was unstable and so they forwarded his message to American law enforcement agencies who are monitoring his actions. The Israeli Prime Minister's office expressed concern that he might try to harm Israeli diplomats or Israeli nationals in New York. Law enforcement in the U.S. felt that his letters were potentially threatening toward me personally and so I have been notified. I told them that he is a complete coward and that I am in no way concerned about my safety. But he may try to do some sneaky illegal things against Israel.

What a mental case.

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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The prominent Israeli attorney Yoram Sheftel was also told about what Chaim, Jr. said and wrote about Sheftel on this forum and in letters that he sent to JTF. Sheftel, who is probably the most famous lawyer in Israel and who is personal friends and neighbors with most of the Israeli Cabinet ministers, immediately alerted Israeli authorities. Israeli authorities then alerted American law enforcement who already are monitoring Chaim, Jr.'s bizarre behavior.