Author Topic: Obama already put the fear into Israel: Israel is now back pedaling on Syria.  (Read 1262 times)

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Offline Aces High

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Does this mean Israel will have a war with Syria?
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Offline Aces High

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Here is the main line in the article:   IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz warned lawmakers that a misstep by Israel in securing Syria's chemical weapons could lead to a regional war.
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In my opinion, he should just keep quiet.  The less said the better.  No need to alleviate Syria's tension over the possibility of an attack on their chemical weapons. 

Offline Khan Krum

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Well from what I have saw Bibi and Obongo are good friends.

Offline IsraelForever

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I liked what John from Syracuse wrote in the comments.  I totally agree and couldn't say it better.  He wrote:  "Yes, brilliant!  Wait until the WMD's are falling on Israel. Of course Israel will have to ask the UN, EU, and Obama if it is OK to fight back because they do not want to have their standing in the international community suffer. G-d have mercy on Israel and wake these idiot leaders up. Destroy the WMDs now before it is too late." 

I find it interesting that when George W. Bush went into Iraq the liberals excoriated him because there were no WMD's.  So I guess that even if there were WMD's in Iraq, it wouldn't have made any difference to the liberals because now there ARE WMD's in Syria and do you hear any of them clamoring for us to make sure that they are safe from our enemies??  Of course not!  That's because they're imbeciles when it comes to these things.  They're weak and ineffectual and have no sense of history.  As Jews, we should know history -- and, in particular our OWN history and how very, VERY horrible things can happen to us.  If Hezbollah gets their hands on these WMD's, Israel is in deep deep trouble.  I'm very frightened these days.

I woke up on 9/11 and the Twin Towers were down.  The UNIMAGINABLE happened!  And it was done by the same kind of people whose aim is to destroy Israel and who might soon have horrible biological weapons at their control and who would love to use it on Israel.  How can anyone not doubt this? 


Offline syyuge

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I reiterate that Israel shall destroy the WMD's of Syria.
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Offline cjd

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It's easy to make off the cuff remarks like The shvartza President and Bibi are great friends however I honestly do not believe that is the case... This is a situation that has to be well thought out before action is taken.... The problem is the fact that if Israel moves in on a situation like this that no matter what the outcome Israel will be in a no win situation... Just as in Iraq whatever garbage they have thats being called WMD's will vanish and be non existent... Even though everyone in the world knows they were there it will look as though Israel acted out of needless aggression... I seemed to hear something  last night over the radio that I sometimes leave on for background noise about even Russia now warning Syria over the handling or use of WMD's... This may give Syria some second thoughts... Sadly the way the picture is going in that part of the world a regional conflict is not only possible it is most likely probable... Israel should be preparing for that more than anything else.
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Offline Dr. Dan

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The next war with might just be another yom kippur type war.  And the outcome will be the same for better and for worse.
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In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Khan Krum

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The next war with might just be another yom kippur type war.  And the outcome will be the same for better and for worse.
Let's pray that the enemy doesn't bring nukes. I watched a thing about Hiroshima and Nagasaki- no one deserves to be nuked. Although I'm not opposed to Israel&West having nukes- of course not. Because we aren't mentally unstable and don't threaten others. So when liberals ask why does Israel get to have nukes but not Iran, it's because Israel never threatens anyone, only defends their land, and the Israeli people aren't psychos.