This is in reference to Abdullah Hassan Taleh al-Asiri, the homosexual Saudi suicide bomber Lisa posted about last week who was able to get a fatwa issued enabling him to engage in sodomy to widen his rectum in order to accommodate explosives to
assassinate Saudi Arabia's counterterrorism chief, "Prince" Mohammed bin Nayef, in a martyrdom attack. (The latter fat, disgusting camelrapist, sadly, only received two
E. coli-laden finger lacerations from the attack. Apparently Asiri didn't take it enough, as he didn't have enough C4 in him to make much of a blast.)
(It's also too bad Fag Buchanus didn't know of this young homo's goal and the means he would use to achieve them, so that he could help him reach Paradise and its virgin boys reclining on couches, but Fag's probably impotent anyway so it wouldn't matter.)
Have fun, guys!
![rotflmao! :::D](