Readers of JTF are a special brand of activists. We share an ideal which is righteous and we are technology savy; and as a result we can be a power which must be acknowledged. The Internet provides us a tool which, if used properly, can influence many, many people. Every week we see the work which Chaim and other great members have done through videos on YouTube and through threads on the forum. We also have members who actively stand up for Israel on every News site talkback, not allowing any Israel or Jew bashing to go unchallenged.
Every JTF member has an ability which must be put to good use. Do not sit idle as our people are herded to slaughter once again. The Torah commands a Jew to stand up for the good cause, even when the opposition seems mighty. We should never be afraid of what others think of us, the Jewish people have been accused of every sin under the sun. All the righteous people in the world know what it means to suffer. But suffering itself is not something which we should be proud of, more precisely we should be cognizant that the result of our suffering is that our prayers will certainly be answered. Suffering does act as an atonement for the sins of our people, but we also must work to awaken our fellow Jews and righteous Gentiles that the clock is running. We must work to tell others the truth, even if it means we lose friends and offend some liberal-minded people. We know that liberalism is a disease which can be cured. I know this because at one time I would have considered myself liberal, and I know that my mother who was liberal has been awakened.
Utilizing the power of words we can cause subtle changes in the physicality of this world. Remember that the world, according to our Torah, was created by Hashem through the power of speech. I was a very good student in the fields of creative writing and persuasive composition, my mother being a school teacher for a time in the field of writing. We all have the ability to affect people around us, and if used effectively we can accomplish our greater goals.
I am calling for all readers to exercise their right to free speech. We are obligated to use it while we can, we must be vocal about our beliefs. I watch the news in my home {On} and leave my front door open and the volume on loud enough to hear in my yard. I do not hide my beliefs, and I will openly express my displeasure with the president. Even though you would think that I would be hated, nobody has said a thing about this, and as many know I dress Jewish {with Kippah and Tzit-Tzit} and nobody has dared say anything about it to me.
Everyone needs to get out of their constriction {Mitzrayim} which prevents them from being all they can be. Hashem gives us potential and we must be able to muster the will to utilize it. People ask me how I get the energy to do what I do? Realize that I drive 3 hours a day to<->from work and put in a full eight hours. My only answer to people when I am asked this is "With Hashems blessing I am able to do this". Because it all comes from him, and we are his agents to bring about the change which he wills of us.
I hope that somebody reading this is motivated to speak up for the cause. If I only moved one person a little bit I would be satisfied...