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Offline Aces High

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FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« on: August 20, 2012, 07:40:30 PM »
Sidney Zion- makes what happened plain as day:

April 19, 2001

FDR’s Holocaust of Inaction

By Sidney Zion

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FDR died on April 12, 1945. I was 11 years old and heard the news on the radio in the bird store, where I was buying seed for my little canary.

I ran home to tell Grandma. She broke into tears. "What will happen to the Jews?" she said.

They were dead, the Six Million, but the war in Europe wasn't over and we didn't know. When the truth came out a few months later, the story was that "nobody knew."

It took about 20 years before we began to know that Roosevelt knew everything from day one about Hitler's extermination of the Jews of Europe -- and did nothing to stop it.

Now the documentation is at hand: not only did FDR know, he was a co-conspirator in the murder of the Jews. I believe it's the duty of both Jews and gentiles to bring Roosevelt's role in the Holocaust to the fore, to the knowledge of the world.

The Jews of America, during those horrific years of the extermination, turned their faces away from truth and delivered their votes and their love to FDR.

The Jewish establishment, led by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, was in thrall to Roosevelt, who continually warned them that if they made a fuss over the murders of their people, they would encourage anti-Semitism in America.

They thus picked up FDR's mantra -- the only way to save the Jews was to win the war.

We won the war, and the Jews were dead. But this lie remains the line of the Roosevelt apologists, led by Arthur Schlesinger, FDR's chief historian. Schlesinger and his acolytes dismiss the idea that Roosevelt could have saved Jews; they say that nothing could have been done.

The first answer is this: If you never tried, how do you know? Of course, it's worse than that. Not only did FDR refuse to try, he blocked every effort to rescue Europe's Jewry.

Roosevelt, in 1939, turned back the St. Louis from our shores, sending the Jews aboard the ship back to almost certain death in Germany. This cold-blooded rejection, on the eve of World War II, set the pattern for FDR's policy that eventually locked the Six Million into Hitler's ovens.

Once the Germans saw that America didn't give a damn, they understood that the Jews were the world's garbage.

Roosevelt knew in 1941 of the Final Solution. He kept this to himself. When Rabbi Wise was informed by the Jewish underground, Roosevelt told him to keep quiet.

In November 1942, the State Department "unleashed" Wise, allowing him to say that 2 million Jews had been killed in Europe. This story appeared in a few paragraphs in The New York Times on page 10, surrounded by ads for Thanksgiving turkeys.

Imagine if FDR had delivered this news in a press conference or in one of his famous fireside chats? The world press would have made it page one. Hitler would have known we were serious.

But the message then -- and throughout the war -- was that the Jews of Europe were expendable. Save them and where will they go? Better to let them die than let them come to America or, God forbid, Palestine, where Arab oil meant more than those unwanted Jews.

Ben Hecht, the great Hollywood screenwriter, refused to buy this decision. He led a group called the Emergency Committee to Save the Jews of Europe. He ran ads in the newspapers; he called Roosevelt "the humanitarian who snubbed a massacre."

In 1944, Hecht and his committee got FDR to create the War Refugee Board. It saved 250,000 Jews. Roosevelt was running for a fourth term then. If he had done this earlier, millions of Jews could have lived.

On the anniversary of FDR's death, I think of those dead Jews and of my bubbe, who cried the day I told her that he was gone.


Offline Aces High

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 08:23:21 PM »
The Israeli Jews don't have a solid understanding of the depth of the collaboration of the entire world to trap 6 million Jews  to burn inside Germany's ovens.   

Israeli Jews may or may not know that  American Jews of today really don't care what happens to Israeli Jews.  The same way the American Jews didn't care or say a word to save to save the 6 million Jews of Germany.
The world wanted the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.  And the same miserable world wants Iran to explode a few atomic bombs to take care of the Jews of Israel.

The Israelis are very naive if they don't take Ahmedinajad at his word, when he  repeated just a few days ago, that Israel is a tumor that will be wiped off the map. 

Offline Dan193

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 11:27:35 PM »
Someone brought up a good point to me.
If Roosevelt or Eisenhower was President in 73, neither of them would have sent the airlift of weapons to help Israel defeat the Arabs. 
Alexander Haig was the main reason why Nixon helped Israel in the 73 war.
Kissenger didn't want Nixon to help Israel with weapons.
Thankfully Nixon listened to Haig.

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 11:34:04 PM »
The average German of that generation was no good. But those at the top in America, Britain, and elsewhere were far more evil than the average German of that generation!

Offline Dan193

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2012, 08:25:00 AM »
Sidney Zion was one of the best writers for the Daily News.
He was as Pro Israel as they come.  Sadly he passed away in 2009 from Cancer. 
Now we have to deal with Kapo's like Thomas Friedman, Roger Cohen and Peter Beinart.

Offline Nachus

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2012, 02:15:22 AM »

 FDR should rot in hell!

Offline TruthSpreader

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2012, 05:58:11 PM »

 FDR should rot in hell!

Isn't he already in hell?
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2012, 06:23:43 PM »

 Good point. The fires of gehenom are too good for him and the rest of the evil trash that have flooded and continue
 to pollute this world. May the souls (assuming they have one) of the wicked rot! Not original, nevertheless true.

Offline cjd

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2012, 08:05:31 PM »
Sidney Zion- makes what happened plain as day:

April 19, 2001

FDR’s Holocaust of Inaction

By Sidney Zion

Follow on

FDR died on April 12, 1945. I was 11 years old and heard the news on the radio in the bird store, where I was buying seed for my little canary.

I ran home to tell Grandma. She broke into tears. "What will happen to the Jews?" she said.

They were dead, the Six Million, but the war in Europe wasn't over and we didn't know. When the truth came out a few months later, the story was that "nobody knew."

It took about 20 years before we began to know that Roosevelt knew everything from day one about Hitler's extermination of the Jews of Europe -- and did nothing to stop it.

Now the documentation is at hand: not only did FDR know, he was a co-conspirator in the murder of the Jews. I believe it's the duty of both Jews and gentiles to bring Roosevelt's role in the Holocaust to the fore, to the knowledge of the world.

The Jews of America, during those horrific years of the extermination, turned their faces away from truth and delivered their votes and their love to FDR.

The Jewish establishment, led by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, was in thrall to Roosevelt, who continually warned them that if they made a fuss over the murders of their people, they would encourage anti-Semitism in America.

They thus picked up FDR's mantra -- the only way to save the Jews was to win the war.

We won the war, and the Jews were dead. But this lie remains the line of the Roosevelt apologists, led by Arthur Schlesinger, FDR's chief historian. Schlesinger and his acolytes dismiss the idea that Roosevelt could have saved Jews; they say that nothing could have been done.

The first answer is this: If you never tried, how do you know? Of course, it's worse than that. Not only did FDR refuse to try, he blocked every effort to rescue Europe's Jewry.

Roosevelt, in 1939, turned back the St. Louis from our shores, sending the Jews aboard the ship back to almost certain death in Germany. This cold-blooded rejection, on the eve of World War II, set the pattern for FDR's policy that eventually locked the Six Million into Hitler's ovens.

Once the Germans saw that America didn't give a damn, they understood that the Jews were the world's garbage.

Roosevelt knew in 1941 of the Final Solution. He kept this to himself. When Rabbi Wise was informed by the Jewish underground, Roosevelt told him to keep quiet.

In November 1942, the State Department "unleashed" Wise, allowing him to say that 2 million Jews had been killed in Europe. This story appeared in a few paragraphs in The New York Times on page 10, surrounded by ads for Thanksgiving turkeys.

Imagine if FDR had delivered this news in a press conference or in one of his famous fireside chats? The world press would have made it page one. Hitler would have known we were serious.

But the message then -- and throughout the war -- was that the Jews of Europe were expendable. Save them and where will they go? Better to let them die than let them come to America or, G-d forbid, Palestine, where Arab oil meant more than those unwanted Jews.

Ben Hecht, the great Hollywood screenwriter, refused to buy this decision. He led a group called the Emergency Committee to Save the Jews of Europe. He ran ads in the newspapers; he called Roosevelt "the humanitarian who snubbed a massacre."

In 1944, Hecht and his committee got FDR to create the War Refugee Board. It saved 250,000 Jews. Roosevelt was running for a fourth term then. If he had done this earlier, millions of Jews could have lived.

On the anniversary of FDR's death, I think of those dead Jews and of my bubbe, who cried the day I told her that he was gone.

Personally speaking I dislike the above article... It over simplifies the picture back then... A picture that was not simple by any means... True FDR's name should be among the guilty for not trying to do more however I believe he only was taking the path of least resistance... Actions like FDR took are what you get  from Washington when you have big money Jewish people like Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times burying accounts of Nazi atrocities against Jews in the back pages of his paper...  Worse still many  Jewish organizations that FDR was beholden to were silent on the issue...  FDR had a depression weary country and two wars to deal with...  He was not going to become overly concerned about European Jews unless someone put a little fire under his rump... 
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Aces High

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 08:41:33 PM »
Personally speaking I dislike the above article... It over simplifies the picture back then... A picture that was not simple by any means... True FDR's name should be among the guilty for not trying to do more however I believe he only was taking the path of least resistance... Actions like FDR took are what you get  from Washington when you have big money Jewish people like Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times burying accounts of Nazi atrocities against Jews in the back pages of his paper...  Worse still many  Jewish organizations that FDR was beholden to were silent on the issue...  FDR had a depression weary country and two wars to deal with...  He was not going to become overly concerned about European Jews unless someone put a little fire under his rump...

FDR was a Devil.....    He forced back a ship of  930 Jews to the death camps of Germany.  Too bad he wasn't burned in the ovens, like the Jews he sent back were. 

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 09:53:20 PM »
FDR was a Devil.....    He forced back a ship of  930 Jews to the death camps of Germany.  Too bad he wasn't burned in the ovens, like the Jews he sent back were.
You may want to do some reading on the then secretary of state Cordell Hull.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline IsraelForever

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2012, 10:28:20 PM »
It's interesting how some people will make excuses for FDR's allowing Jews to be slaughtered by not helping out when he COULD HAVE HELPED.  And, then, there are people like Raoul Wallenberg and other Righteous Gentiles who, UNLIKE Roosevelt, RISKED THEIR OWN LIVES to save Jews.  As far as I'm concerned, there's no excuse for FDR's not giving a damn about Jews in desperate need.  Why should I make excuses for someone like him? 

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2012, 10:40:55 PM »
Sad to say, Esav Soneh Et Yaakov.

 I will try to ask in future JTF to Chaim, why do the nations generally hate Jews soo much?
.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Offline Aces High

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2012, 11:06:32 PM »
It's interesting how some people will make excuses for FDR's allowing Jews to be slaughtered by not helping out when he COULD HAVE HELPED.  And, then, there are people like Raoul Wallenberg and other Righteous Gentiles who, UNLIKE Roosevelt, RISKED THEIR OWN LIVES to save Jews.  As far as I'm concerned, there's no excuse for FDR's not giving a damn about Jews in desperate need.  Why should I make excuses for someone like him?
He didn't have to lift a finger to save those 930 Jews, all he had to do was just let the boat dock.    In fact, Chaim mentioned Roosevelt had the navy fire a warning missle at the boat to force it to leave with the 930 Jews in it.  He's personally responsible for their murders.    Each and every one of those murdered Jews on that boat  is more valuable than his entire family put together.  If there is a hell,  I pray he's in it. And suffering measure for measure, the fear, anguish, pain and ovens that those 930 Jews met their fate at.

Offline Nachus

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2012, 02:24:42 AM »

 Heroes like the blessed, great Raoul Wallenberg and Chiune Sugihara and a handful of others were too few. May the
 name of the wicked rot. So be it!

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2012, 07:01:38 PM »
It's interesting how some people will make excuses for FDR's allowing Jews to be slaughtered by not helping out when he COULD HAVE HELPED.  And, then, there are people like Raoul Wallenberg and other Righteous Gentiles who, UNLIKE Roosevelt, RISKED THEIR OWN LIVES to save Jews.  As far as I'm concerned, there's no excuse for FDR's not giving a damn about Jews in desperate need.  Why should I make excuses for someone like him?
It's not a question of making excuses for FDR it's a question of understanding the entire picture...  Cuba was willing to allow the passengers of the MS St. Louis  to disembark with the posting of a $500 dollar bond per passenger... 29 passengers took the deal... Where were all the American Jewish organizations that were busy raising money for the DNC and its causes... They could have raised 500g's in the blink of an eye even back then for this unfortunate group of passengers.. Why did the ship then bypass the Dominican Republic which offered to accept 100,000 Jews in 1938 and proceed to Florida...  Why didn't Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times plaster the front page of the Times day after day with the plight of the passengers on the MS St. Louis... In them days the papers were highly profitable and 500g's would have been pocket change to someone like Sulzberger... Why did his paper not post the bond as a gesture of good will...In 1939 America was not at war it's people were not interested in being at war and did not want to know about anyone else's problems... The had enough of their own right here at home and FDR knew it... It was up to people like Sulzberger to headline the plight of the refugees making it impossible for FDR and the American people to ignore their plight...   The simple statement is FDR was the devil... I know he was the devil to my father who had to leave high school in his third year and fight in Patton's army over in Europe... However my point is the devil had a great many minions that seem to escape scrutiny.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Dan193

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2012, 11:22:51 PM »
It wasn't only Roosevelt, his top adviser John J Mccloy who was one of Roosevelt's top advisors in WW2 told Roosevelt not to bomb any of the Nazi death camps in Poland.
What [censored] me off about Mccoy was, years later he would try to blame Roosevelt for not bombing Auschwitz, when it was Mccoly who was telling Roosevelt not to bomb Auschwitz.
Read below a letter Mccloy wrote in 1944, which shows how he didn't want Auschwitz bombed
Auschwitz bombing debate
Main article: Auschwitz bombing debate
During World War II, as Assistant Secretary of War, McCloy was a crucial voice in setting U.S. military priorities. The U.S. War Department was petitioned throughout late 1944 to help save Nazi prisoners by ordering the bombing of the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. McCloy responded that only heavy bombers would be able to reach the sites from England, and that those bombers would be too vulnerable and were needed elsewhere.[citation needed]
However, only a few months earlier, Allied forces had bombed industrial centers just a few kilometres away from the concentration camp, and would continue to do so, apparently even causing some damage to buildings in Auschwitz, while sustaining very low losses. Indeed, regular US bombing raids from Foggia, Italy to nearby strategic targets routinely crossed right over Auschwitz en route.[7]
On another occasion, when replying to another appeal to bomb Auschwitz, McCloy claimed that the final decision on the selection of bombing targets, including those attacked by American planes, lay with the British alone. This was an incorrect claim. According to Michael Beschloss, in an interview three years before the latter's death (in 1986) with Henry Morgenthau, III, McCloy claimed that the decision not to bomb Auschwitz was President Roosevelt's and that he was merely fronting for him. McCloy also alleged to Morgenthau that Roosevelt refused to approve the Auschwitz rail bombing because he would then be accused of also killing Auschwitz prisoners.
In the early 1970s, McCloy stated that he himself "could no more order a bombing attack on Auschwitz than order a raid on Berlin".  However, while in the field with General Jacob L. Devers, advancing eastward through Germany in early 1945, a "suggestion" from McCloy resulted in Devers' Army bypassing and sparing the historic Romantic Road town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. For his action, McCloy was later made an honorary citizen of the town. These and other pro-German actions by McCloy resulted in significant protests much later, when McCloy was announcing the Volkswagen Scholarship at Harvard University in 1983.

Now read this letter by Mccloy in 1944, which shows he didn't want Auschwitz bombed.
John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War, explains to John W. Pehle, Director, War Refugee Board, that the War Department cannot authorize the bombing of Auschwitz, November 18, 1944.

Mr. John W. Pehle, Executive Director
War Refugee Board
Treasury Department Building, Rm. 3414
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Pehle:

I refer to your letter of November 8th, in which you forwarded the report of two eye-witnesses on the notorious German concentration and extermination camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau in Upper Silesia.

The Operation Staff of the War Department has given careful consideration to your suggestion that the bombing of these camps be undertaken. In consideration of this proposal the following points were brought out:

a. Positive destruction of these camps would necessitate precision bombing, employing heavy or medium bombardment, or attack by low flying or dive bombing aircraft, preferably the latter.

b. The target is beyond the maximum range of medium bombardment, dive bombers and fighter bombers located in United Kingdom, France or Italy.

c. Use of heavy bombardment from United Kingdom bases would necessitate a hazardous round trip flight unescorted of approximately 2,000 miles over enemy territory.

d. At the present critical stage of the war in Europe, our strategic air forces are engaged in the destruction of industrial target systems vital to the dwindling war potential of the enemy, from which they should not be diverted. The positive solution to this problem is the earliest possible victory over Germany, to which end we should exert our entire means.

e. This case does not at all parallel the Amiens mission because of the location of the concentration and extermination camps and the resulting difficulties encountered in attempting to carry out the proposed bombing.

Based on the above, as well as the most uncertain, if not dangerous effect such a bombing would have on the object to be attained, the War Department has felt that it should not, at least for the present, undertake these operations.

I know that you have been reluctant to press this activity on the War Department. We have been pressed strongly from other quarters, however, and have taken the best military opinion on its feasibility, and we believe the above conclusion is a sound one.


John McCloy
Assistant Secretary of War

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2012, 11:29:42 PM »
The United States received detailed information about the layout of Auschwitz-Birkenau from Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wexler, two Jews who had escaped the camps in April 44. 

Yet another argument for not bombing the camps was that it would have made no difference in the grand scheme of the Holocaust and the Final Solution; Jews still would have been killed by the millions. Erdheim notes, however, that destroying Crematoria II and III at Birkenau would have eliminated 75 percent of its killing capacity at a time when it would have been difficult, if not impossible, to rebuild them.

Erdheim also rejects the idea that the Nazi's could have simply sent the Jews to another camp:

Without the extermination facilities, the SS undoubtedly would have been forced to slow or altogether halt the deportations (which in the spring/summer of 1944 amounted to 70-80,000 Hungarian Jews a week) while they resorted to other, less efficient means of killing and body disposal.

 Another argument used by McCloy and others for not bombing Auschwitz, was that it would have required a “diversion of considerable air support essential to the success of our forces now engaged in decisive operations.” Erdheim's response to this claim is that if Churchill or Roosevelt had ordered an attack, it would not have been considered a diversion.

 Erdheim concludes:

Doris Kearns Goodwin, a noted Roosevelt historian, once said that she thought bombing Auschwitz would have been worthwhile “if it had saved only one Jew. FDR somehow missed seeing how big an issue it was.” With the kind of political will and moral courage the Allies exhibited in other missions throughout the war, it is plain that the failure to bomb Birkenau, the site of mankind's greatest abomination, was a missed opportunity of monumental proportions.

Former U.S. Senator George McGovern piloted a B-24 Liberator in December 1944, and his squadron bombed Nazi oil facilities less than five miles from Auschwitz. In 2005, he said “There is no question we should have attempted ... to go after Auschwitz. There was a pretty good chance we could have blasted those rail lines off the face of the Earth, which would have interrupted the flow of people to those death chambers, and we had a pretty good chance of knocking out those gas ovens.”

Reflecting the ongoing controversy, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum historian Peter Black's response to McGovern's argument was that had the rail lines been destroyed, the Nazis might have shot the Jews instead. He also said the government couldn't pinpoint where the gas chambers were and would have had to carpet-bomb the camp.

The focus on bombing Auschwitz may actually be misplaced, since that was just one of hundreds of concentration camps (albeit perhaps the worst). Many Jews could have been saved by bombing other camps as well. The Allies did bomb Buchenwald, for example, but not for the purpose of saving Jews.

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Re: FDR's Holocaust of Inaction
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2012, 06:40:39 PM »
Somebody brought up something interesting to me.
If you made a switch between John J Mccloy and Alexander Haig in WW2 and Haig was Roosevelt's top advisor instead of Mccloy.
Haig would have demanded Roosevelt bomb the death camps and I think Roosevelt might have done it.
We all know Haig was the main reason why Nixon sent Israel the weapons in the 73 war.