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Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« on: September 21, 2006, 01:39:13 AM »

Shalom Chaim,

I would love to visit Mount Lebanon. What are the Kahanist plans for liberating it? How will it be developed?

What do you think of these pictures? What would we do with the places in the pictures?

If you think Northern Medinat Yisrael is beautiful, wait until you see Northern Eretz Yisrael. It's time we liberate it. It has the physical beauty of the current Northern Israel times 1,000.

I have posted additional pictures of occupied Lebanon at in the new Eretz Yisrael Section.

With Love of The Land and People of Israel,

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 04:26:06 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2006, 03:39:49 AM »
I am asking this for Yacov Menashe.

What do you think of this group? Are they good Jews? Are they Kahanists? Are they religious? What do you think of their logo?

By the way, their logo reminds me of the logo of that nut Mordechai Levy's organization, The JDO.


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« Last Edit: December 27, 2006, 12:28:50 AM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2006, 10:33:26 PM »
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hardwork and answering my questions.

What is the story with Mike Guzofsky who currenty resides in Israel and runs website, the Jewish Legion, and Voice of Judea? I know the State Department lists them as terrorists, but I read that JTF also opposes them.

What happen to Guzofsky and what is your opinion of him?

When PBS did a documentary on the Kahanists they mentioned many people such as Noam Federman and Mike Guzofsky, but piled them altogether as if they are one group. Do they have any contact with each other or is just more of the same poor biased reporting that is to be expected from PBS?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 02:37:06 PM by Maimonides »
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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2006, 06:40:07 PM »
Dear Chaim, I was looking into moving into a coop near Queens college. What do you think of the area? It seems like a good Jewish area, but the "Pomonoc housing project" concerns me. I see a lot of low class people walking around kissena and also there seems to be an arab area nearby south of kissena the smells bad. Do you think it's worth buying property there? Thanks

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2006, 11:26:55 PM »
Dear Chaim, Shalom, I know as always that time is an issue on these shows so im gonna keep my 2 questions short. I know that you do not have anyway sugar whatsoever because it is poison and terrible healthwise, however how do you find drinks such as orange juice or other types of fruit juices that are 100% sugar free? every drink that would seem to be healthy that i see is loaded with sugar. My second question is what do you think of the NBA legend Michael Jordan. Although we know what you think of the vast majority of NBA players, I've never heard you bring him up. He would seem to me like a normal black, he doesnt have a criminal record, he talks like a human being, and i feel bad for him in the respect that his father was killed by a muslim nazi, what are your thoughts on Michael Jordan? Till next time, Mark ;D

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2006, 12:15:19 AM »

Europe has been following socialism/communism/humanism.  Gas prices are high, rents, house prices and other prices are high as well in Europe.

My question is why Euro has more value than the US Dollar? (1.00 Euro = 1.31950 USD)

There are reports in the internet that Euro will replace the US Dollar soon...?

If this is the case how can we claim that capitalism is successful and free market economy is better?

Thanks In Advance!

Christian Zionist
« Last Edit: December 30, 2006, 11:13:06 PM by Christian Zionist »
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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2006, 12:43:14 AM »
Hello Chaim, I have a few questions, shorten them if you need to,

1: What do you think about the Agudath Israel? It seems to me that these people are very anti-Israel, Not quite on the Neturei Karta level, but still are. The voted against Israel in 1947 and were against the territories before they were dismantled by Sharon YM"SM. Can you tell me which Rabbis were or are in this organization and your thoughts on Agudah.

2: I eat some unhealthy food. Like candy and ice cream ocassionally. I do eat mass quantities of fruits and vegatables also. But I was wondering everytime I am at my Rabbi's house for Shabbat, he has usual shabbat fare such as brisket, matzoh ball soup, kugels, kishka puddings, cholent, schmaltz herring, gefilte fish and other fatty Ashkenazic foods. Although delicious, every time I eat it I feel so sick to my stomach and nearly on the verge of vomiting. I like the food, but could it be some reaction in my body? Yet I feel so good after eating a green leafy salad with some skinless grilled chicken I make for myself for dinner most of the week. The shabbat food on the other hand, I get sick. What is it with this food? Is Sephardic food better? My Rabbi, while a very nice man, is so big and can take eating this food yet he remains fairly healthy. I am a big fellow too, but more on the muscular side. It kills me after eating it. My family has a bad health history so maybe thats it? Whats your take.

One more before I go, Have you ever been to Israel for more than a month? If so was this before they threw you out, and how is your Aliyah procedures going? Have you filed a lawsuit against Israel, hired a lawyer to defend you and your right to go to Israel?

Thanks again Chaim, I hopefully will get more involved personally in the future with JTF anf the Hilltop youth. Keep telling the truth brother. Even though the Rav is gone in human form he is proud of you still. Most of all G-d is proud of you. Thanks for changing my outlook on life and giving me truth I need to hear.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 05:44:53 AM by cosmokramer »


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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2006, 03:59:42 PM »
     Shalom Chaim.  Do you believe that man evolved from hominid beings?

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2006, 12:02:50 PM »
Dear Chaim -- This may be a bit out of your 'wheelhouse', as my question involves the New Testament (the Book of Revelation, no less) rather than the Torah, but I would appreciate your forbearance with this Gentile, asking your opinion about the following.

Like many of your posters, I'm disturbed to see the United States and my ancestral homeland in Europe being overrun by primitive third-world malcontents.  And while I try to avoid getting consumed with what might be called 'newspaper eschatology', I cannot help but note that the once far-out claim that 'the end is near' (as often spouted by traditional conservative Christians) sounds ever more plausible.

With this in mind, I noted Revelation chapter 7 verse 9, speaking of a vision consisting of "all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the Lamb" (New King James translation).  I would presume that John of Patmos (the writer of Revelation, suspected to be the same man as Saint John the Apostle) would have known from his travels and/or divine guidance from God what these various 'nations, tribes, peoples' (etc) looked like.

And now to my question:  Given the plummeting numbers of Caucasians of European ancestry throughout the world (even in Europe), magnified by the loss of traditional Christian faith in nations that were once the bedrock of traditional Christian faith (again, mostly nations of European ancestry), vs. Revelation 7:9 above, I cannot help but wonder if this is yet another indicator that 'the end is near'.  In other words, Christian Europe is dying fast, and thus if the end does not come soon, then that would presumably leave a major gap in John's observation in Revelation 7:9 that 'all nations, tribes, peoples' were present at the end times.

So, in your opinion, ?is this a reasonable indicator that, indeed, 'the end is near'?

My thanks for your consideration of this question.

Flyover, USA

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2006, 03:53:11 PM »
Hello Chaim

What is your take on Saddam's Execution and what implications to follow after? Including the JTF stance on the matter.

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2007, 10:28:56 PM »

Greetings, Chaim

Meir Kahane had said: "Jews need to use their fist the way they use their heads", on the Larry King Show.
Howcome most Jews were passive during the holocaust? Are most Jews really taught to turn the other cheek?  Since biblical times until the reestablishment of the Holy Land in 1948, Were the Jews ever warriors?

Thanks, Chaim

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2007, 11:17:39 PM »

When you say that Arab Muslims are to leave Israel, and when the kahanists rule the country they will kick out the Muslim terrorists. Do you include the expulsion of the Bedouin and druze?  I do know that some Bedouins join the Israeli army and do see themselves as Israelis and not ''Palestinian", yet they are still Muslim. Bedouins are also nomadic people who do not get involved in politics.  What is the plan of JTF to deal with the Bedouins and druze?
« Last Edit: January 03, 2007, 04:37:23 PM by imaknick »

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2007, 12:50:26 AM »
Dear Chaim when the late and unlamented Irv Rubin was asked what he thought of you on the Geraldo Rivera Show, did Rivera refer to you as Victor Vancier or Chaim Ben Pesach. Second, I go to Yeshiva University and that nutjob Mordechai Levy used to go around trying to recruit students to go with him to his "training camp" in the catskills. I had the oppurtunity to speak with him and I asked him if he knew the Jewish Task Force or Victor Vancier and he denied it. It is likely that I will have the unfortunate experience of seeing this lowlife again and I want to know how I can verbally assault him for doing such things as waking up you and your family at 3 am or disturbing your efforts to free Soviet Jewry. Thanks as always

-Mark :D

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2007, 07:40:04 PM »
Shalom Achi

Do you drink coffee and tea? Are they healthy? What do you put in them? Surely you don't use sugar or honey.

What does Judaism say about having pets? I recall you saying something in the past about how zoos are not good (unless they are inhabited by schvartzas) but I hope this logic does not also apply to household pets. I've never had a pet before, though would consider having a dog. I'm amazed by how smart and friendly most dogs are. They truly are man's best friend. 

[Yacov Menashe adds: I know you have said you like the real animals in the zoo and how you like the monkeys in the zoo and not the kind of monkeys that roam the streets. I was wondering my myself what you though of pets. My parents got a cat when it was a kitten a year before I was born and it died when I was 18. We also had another cat most of my childhood that died a year later when I was 19. Then we had a new cat but it got hit by a car and died. Then my parents got divorced and now my mom has a cat in her house that looks like our first cat. I like cats, not dogs. Have you ever had a pet? If so, what kinds of animals were they? I also used to have goldfish. Mine lived about 6 years and my sister's lived even longer. Below is a picture of a cat on display in the Apprectiation For Creations sectin of the forum. It looks like my first cat which is my favorite cat ever and my mom's current cat is my second favorite cat because it looks the same. What is your opinion on cats?] 

On last week's 'Ask JTF', I was slightly surprised by your response to Ari, who mentioned that he was unhappy with his current job. Usually I can predict the type of answer you give to people's personal questions, having listened to you for so long. While you gave Ari a good answer, you neglected to mention that he consider aliyah. Obviously you believe all Jews living in the galut should do this and most of the time it goes without saying on your programs. Still, I was somewhat surprised not to hear you say it when given the chance.

Bonim Binyanim
« Last Edit: January 13, 2007, 11:48:47 PM by Bonim Binyanim »

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2007, 08:57:50 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

I listened to Arutz Sheva the other week and heard Daniel Pinner, and they gave out his cell number. Is it worth me calling and leaving him a message showing my support as he is in prison for firing shots into the air.

What do you think happens to people like Menachem Begin and Yitzack Shamir as they were heroes and became traitors (well as you already know Begin was very critical of Kahane and shamir banned him). Will these people go to heaven or hell.

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2007, 10:19:22 PM »
I often wonder if you think that Israel can actually be saved from its corrupt bolshevik establishment that grabbed power in 1948 and hasn't let go. I'm not so sure it can be. If Rabbi Kahane couldn't do it and died trying, what makes you think that you can?

What do you think about Olmert speaking with the Vatican about giving up the graves of King David, King Solomon and King Hezekiah to Vatican control?

I don't beleive in evolution but one time I took a look at Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on the same stage and I thought that it was possible that I was looking at the "missing link". What are your thoughts on blacks and evolution?

I was listening to Arutz Sheva once and Tovia Singer was arguing with a black muslim nazi from ethiopia, Sheik Jig-Abu al shvartze. The sheik said that Jews hate blacks because the Rambam said that sub-saharan africans are somewhere between a man and an ape. Tovia said he had never heard of it and it was probably mistranslated. Do you know if the Rambam actually said this?
Ok, last question. When my brother visited Israel he was at a shabbat table in the shtachim, (my sister lives in the shtachim with her husband and two kids, by the way) and the mother of the family(the family was dati leumi, of course) told my brother the following about Gush Katif: "I fought against the withdrawal, I went to all the hafganot, but in the end if this is what Moshiach wants, I accept it". My brother was shocked by her statement that the state is the messiah and we must accept whatever it does. I think that this why most dati leumi rabanim told people not to fight the soldiers. I found her theology perplexing and I want to hear if you agree with her theology, if you think her belief is widespread among dati leumi and also Rabbi Kahane's opinion on the State-Moshiach issue? 

Thanks as always Chaim. You're my favorite speaker after Rabbi Kahane TZ"L You should live good and long days ad meah v'esrim biz a hundert und tzvanzik
« Last Edit: January 13, 2007, 11:28:21 PM by judeanoncapta »
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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2007, 07:45:25 AM »
Dear Mr. Ben Pesach:

  I'm not the Norman that you know. I chose this user name at random. Anyway, I remember going to the JTF website four or five years ago and reading an article that was written on the widespread consanguineous marriages (inbreeding) that is common among Muslims. The article made reference to a book titled Genetic Disorders among Arab Populations. After further research I learned that in Judaism it is permitted for an uncle to marry his niece. Here is a link In the article Rabbi Jeffrey Wolfson Goldwasser writes: "Traditionally, Judaism does permit marriages between uncles and nieces. In fact, it is considered in the Talmud to be a meritorious match (B. Yevamot 62b). By the late medieval period, however, at least some Jewish legal authorities wished to end or limit the practice. For example, Sefer Hasidim declares that a marriage between an uncle and niece 'will not be successful,' an apparent effort to discourage the practice. Permitting and encouraging marriages between close relatives is not at all unique to Judaism. Many cultures regard different forms of endogamy (in-marriage) as permissible and desirable." Jews have also married their cousins in the past like Albert Einstein. What do you think? And why would these marriages be desirable of all things?
  And also, when I used to watch your show you would wear sunglasses and a hat (I no longer have cable so I don't know if you still wear them). Did you do this so you wouldn't be recognized? Do you carry a gun with yourself when going outside?
  And last question, do you hate any person who drives a German car like Mercedes, even if they're Asian and hence have had nothing to do with European-Jewish affairs?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 10:14:50 AM by Norman »

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2007, 07:54:23 AM »
Shalom Chaim and listeners,

     What are your opinions of Jewish radio in the U.S. – there is Nachum Segel, Dov Hikind and many other shows in different states. Do you listen to them? There is no Jewish radio station in the U.K. and some person who would accommodate heretics and the assimilation-ist Reform/Masorti movements and is anti-religious, is actively trying to set it up – I have fought with him – calling him s self-hating, leftist Jew and many other adjectives that you often use, whom I hope never gets a station.
       Is it anti-Semitic, do you think, the way government-linked agency’s here have consistently denied for there to be a Jewish radio station in Britain? Is setting up an illegal pirate radio station the solution and legitimate? Also: I’m not winding you up Chaim I am in the middle of planning an interview with Mayor of London, Ken Dyingstone!

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2007, 07:55:28 AM »
What i didn't explain was that I am a radio show host in London.

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2007, 12:09:30 PM »
Dear Chaim,
      On your last Take Back America show you stated that most Khazars didnt convert to Judaism, I believe in this you are mistake, the Archeologist Kevin Brook has shown that the Khazar cemetaries switched from Pagan burials to Jewish burials in the mid 8th Century which would seem to show that their were mass conversions.

Also HaRav Saadyah Gaon wrote a letter to the Khazar King giving him a Bracha that he be succesful in destroying the Caliphate and liberating Eretz Yisrael, I think this is clear evidence that the Rishonim wanted Eretz Yisrael to be liberated and return to Jewish sovreignty. Why do you feel that some Charedim are so opposed to Jewish sovreignty even if Israel was a Halachic State?
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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2007, 06:02:39 PM »
Hi Chaim and I am happy to hear that your Israeli audience is growing due to the shmucks at wikipedia. I really hope you become the prime minister of Israel very soon so I no longer have to read and watch news reports saying " Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert urges restraint despite consistent rocket fire on Sderot." Also sometimes I am left scratching my head at how foolish Jews in Israel are. I have relatives in Kiryat Motzkin And Kiryat Atta in Israel that are not religous and they were telling me how much they hate Muslims and how they want to kill them all. They completely agreed with all the things you talk about Chaim. Then they told me that they voted for likud becuase they like netanyahu. I asked them why they didn't vote for Marzel and they said that he has no chance. Then I told them that if they voted for him maybe he would of had a chance and they just brushed it off. So you are so right that many people do agree with you it is just a matter of reaching them. On another note,  Here is my question for this week. I know you do not like any of the talk show hosts and for good reason. I know that while some of them say some good things, none of them go far enough. If you had to single out the talk show host that is the most righteous, who would it be. I like Sean hannity the most. I know that he allows the services of his millions of viewers to go to waist which is a crime. I think that even though he is far from where he should be, he is still the best out of the bunch. Whenever he talks about Israel it is clear that he completely supports the jewish state and that he hates the dirty muslims. He always antagonizes those new black panther shvartza nazis whenever they are on his show. He also seems like a nice down to earth person and he is obviously more pro jewish than his kike co host. Even though I used to listen to michael Weiner savage on WOR, I no longer do. He is just a egotistical maniac who brings muslims on his show explaining what a wonderful religion it is and is soooooo embarrassed that he is jewish. Anyways I was just wondering who you feel is the best out there. Also being that I am a huge car enthusiast, I was wondering if you drive and what kind of car you have. I hope that is not too silly a question but I just had to ask it. Be well
« Last Edit: January 11, 2007, 06:09:47 PM by ihkili18 »

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2007, 10:10:36 PM »
Dear Chaim,
                I'm curious if you know and your opinion of Tammy Bruce? She is a political commentator, who was once a nosebleed liberal, a president of NOW and a lesbian. Her turning point cames when her fellow feminists criticized her for using the O.J. trail to hilight of domestic violence, rather than licking his boots for being a black man persecuted by the white courts (their opinion not mine).Over the years she, her views shifted and now she is one staunchest conservatives i've ever read. I would recommend her books, mainly The Death of Right and Wrong: Exposing the Left's Assault on Our Culture and Values, because she was an insider into the leftist pathology. she pillories the Feminist Elite's hatred of men, marriage and motherhood, the Black Elite's championing of violent rap, the Gay Elite's "grab for children" by insinuating let-it-all-hang-out sex-ed programs into schools, the Academic Elite's nihilism and anti-Americanism, and the Entertainment Elite's "moral depravity beyond measure. Or is the fact that she is a lesbian make her unacceptible ?
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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2007, 07:31:20 PM »
Tammy Bruce is also pro-Israel.  She wrote in one of her books that they scapegoat Israel instead of fixing the problems in their own societies.

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2007, 03:33:26 PM »
Dear JTF,
What are we going to do about the future of Queens county? Everywhere you turn there's some sort of creature lurking around. Except for Howard beach, all of south queens is full of gibbons, slime, and third world beasts. The whites don't hold their ground. They all move to Long Island and the idiots increase their commute to Manhattan. Do you recommend people stay in Queens? Because at this rate, we'll be covered with filth in about 5 to 10 years. I don't even want to mention Brooklyn.

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Re: Ask JTF For January 14 Broadcast
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2007, 06:28:58 PM »
Hello Dear Chaim,

Hope all is well.  Thanks for your thoughtful and positive comments about my career endeavors last week.  I'll keep you posted on me breaking away from the affirmative action mess, hopefully as soon as possible. 

Some good news for a change, I read this week in the Jersualem Post of all places that the birth rate in Judea and Samaria is greater than the rest of Israel and of the occupied Muslim Nazi territories as well.  G-d willing with the help of JTF this will continue and these lands will remain Jewish for all eternity.   

Moving on, I enjoyed the Internet broadcast with Yacov.  He asked some fascinating questions about the subject of race, but I agree with you that a Jew is a Jew regardless of ethnicity (and to think, some morons call you a racist when we all know you're a moderate). 

Anyway, a couple of brief questions this week, as I imagine you may be running long in the broadcast at this point.  What do you think of Dennis Prager?  He is a "so-called conservative" and I have heard him defend Israel on occasion, certainly not as vociferously as JTF of course.  Still, he does seem to have his heart in the right place and I enjoyed his criticism of the Quran a few weeks ago.

Second, a quick nutrition question.  I know you stay away from dairy, but does this include fat free milk products like skim milk and egg whites as well?  Do you think these products are harmful as lean protein sources in the diet?

Thanks for taking the time to answer all our questions.  Until next week, G-d willing.  All the best.
