Author Topic: Russia takes steps to ban Koran and deport Sharia supporters (?)  (Read 1412 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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A new phase of the war against Islam begins in Russia. After the knife of KGB censorship paced the famous Islamic writings and essays, both generally cognitive and academic, as well as after a number of prominent Islamic scholars were banned, the invaders have got down ingenuously to the Koran.

An educational film "Miracles of the Quran" has been declared extremist in Russia. Now this film is banned and one watching it could lead to prison.
In addition, the chapters of the Koran, 32. The Prostration and 50. The Letter, as well as the booklets, "The purpose of life of a Muslim", "Transcription of the verses of the System of Islam", Islam - a system of life, society and state" and several other publications, are forbidden.

It is curious that a movie of Harun Yahya, Miracles of the Quran, which is quite harmless in terms of fighters against "jihadism", got under the knife of KGB censorship. Apparently, even the proven sciebtific facts, including those accepted by the critics of Islam, will be declared now in Russia "extremist" and "illegal".

However, the most notable is the prohibition of the chapters of the Koran. And this is just the beginning. There is no doubt that sooner or later the entire Koran will be banned in Russia. Moreover, the verses are declared "outlawed", which are not calling for jihad and give no orders to fight the infidels. The verses that awaken a fear of Allah in the people are forbidden.
So is forbidden the 16th verse of the 50th The Letter chapter, warning the people:

"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein".

As for the 32nd chapter The Prostration, which consists of 30 verses, in it Allah says about the creation of the world, warns about the inevitable punishment for infidels and sinners, about the command and creation, about the inevitability of death and repentance of sinners whom their repentance will not help, as well as about the reward for the faithful.

Obviously, these chapters do not talk about any terrorism and extremism. But it is also clear that the Koran itself simply cannot be "unextremist" for the infidels, as the book of Allah ruthlessly exposes the very false essence of tyranny of infidelity, denounces false gods, and destroys the foundations of power of Taghut.
It is clear for any sane person that the infidels are waging war not against terrorism and extremism, but against Monotheism.

Interestingly in this regard is the fact that together with the banning of chapters of the Koran, a landmark statement was made by the ringleader of Russian aggressors in the occupied territories of the Caucasus Emirate, Khloponin.

He openly encouraged to expel Muslims, who want to live under Sharia, from their country.
Khloponin proposes to deport these Muslims in the Middle East.

"My position is clear: anyone who does not want to live in Russia according to Russian, secular laws, should not live here. For them, there are states in the Middle East, go there and live".
In addition, Khloponin suggested deporting Muslims also to the countries neighboring Russia.

We would like to mention in this context that the idea of ​​deportation of Muslims from their lands seized by Russia is not new. During the Russian-Caucasian War in the 19 century, whole Caucasian ethnic groups who also wanted to live by Sharia were driven out and destroyed. There was a new deportation in the 20th century. Ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the occupied territories of the Caucasus is organized regularly by Russia, and there is no reason to think that Moscow abandoned this practice.

Offline TruthSpreader

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Re: Russia takes steps to ban Koran and deport Sharia supporters (?)
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2012, 06:01:27 PM »
Good for Russia. I hope other nations follow this example.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline syyuge

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Re: Russia takes steps to ban Koran and deport Sharia supporters (?)
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2012, 06:25:28 PM »
War between the friends, it was to come out one day in this fervent manner. Hope all other nations emulate this.
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Offline Zelhar

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Re: Russia takes steps to ban Koran and deport Sharia supporters (?)
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2012, 06:27:50 PM »
It' s bullcrap from a muslim site. I wish the Russians were banning Quran and deporting muslims, but they don't. In fact they pay billions of dollars for a muslim terrorist who rules Chechnya. The Chechen mafia also carries out assassinations and special operations for the Putin regime, like that journalist that was murdered several years ago.

Russia is also an important ally of most rogue muslim nations and the Islamic world in general. There are probably hundreds of thousands of Russian sluts who married high ranking Quranimals who studied in Russian universities.

I think Russia hates America so much that they just don't notice or don't care for the harm their ties to Islam does to them.

Offline Dan193

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Re: Russia takes steps to ban Koran and deport Sharia supporters (?)
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2012, 06:37:45 PM »
Putin is a hypocrit.  He's the biggest supporter of Iran and Assad.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Russia takes steps to ban Koran and deport Sharia supporters (?)
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2012, 07:55:27 PM »
Oh, its from a pislamic web site.

Offline TruthSpreader

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Re: Russia takes steps to ban Koran and deport Sharia supporters (?)
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2012, 09:09:08 PM »
Oh now I know. It's a fake. I should've known.  >:(
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision