Dannycookie57 observes: "...Just realized something. From a large India, two muslim countries were born on either side of it: Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Interesting how it looks the same with little Israel right now?
A most keen observation, Dannycookie57!
And, guess which country was most instrumental, both in encouraging the religious disharmony between Hindus and Muslims to the breaking point, and also in "taking sides" with both groups, intentionally deceiving and dividing them, and then changing its foreign policy to acknowledge "a new Muslim State on the Indian sub-continent to be named Pakistan (which means "Pure Land")

Answer: Why, our old friend THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN!
next question:
Which country was the first to recognize the new Muslim terror State of Pakistan and immediately sign huge armaments contracts with its leader?
3 guesses....the first two don't count!