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Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:12:43 PM »

 With only seven weeks to go in the presidential campaign, Rasmussen Reportsdaily Presidential Tracking Poll 
for Saturday shows GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney up by 2 points over President Barack Obama in a nationwide sampling of voters.

Republicans and Democrats agree the election probably will be decided on Obama's jobs-and-economy record. And both campaigns are gearing up for the new week by trying to shift the focus away from the recent attacks on U.S. diplomats and missions in the Middle East.

Romney drew support from 48 percent of voters nationwide in the Rasmussen poll, while President Obama had only 46 percent support. Two percent prefer some other candidate, and 4 percent remained undecided. 

“When ‘leaners’ are included, the race is tied at 48 percent,” according to Rasmussen. “Leaners are those who are initially uncommitted to the two leading candidates but lean towards one of them when asked a follow-up question.”

Obama is launching an aggressive effort to convince voters in the most competitive states — Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia — that his economic policies are working and that Romney is risking the nation's recovery with a plan that caters to multimillionaires over the middle class.

"They want to go back to the same old policies that got us in trouble in the first place," former President Bill Clinton is shown saying in the 60-second TV ad.

Romney is trying to get back to the economy, his strength, even as a new national survey by The New York Times and CBS News finds that he has lost his longstanding edge on the question of whom voters view as most likely to restore the economy and create jobs. Voters are feeling slightly more optimistic that the president's policies are helping. Still, that poll and others found the race narrowly divided.

"Beating an incumbent is never easy," Romney told ABC on Friday. He dismissed polls that show Obama ahead. "I'm doing well . . . and this is a campaign which I think will come into focus as the debates occur."

Frustration has been showing in some GOP circles because Romney failed to move ahead of Obama despite months of highlighting the nation's high jobless rate and the millions of dollars spent pushing an economic message on TV. Romney allies have been urging him to find a message that will persuade disillusioned voters to give him a chance. They reject the notion that Romney is careening from topic to topic, despite recent emphases on Medicare and international leadership.

Diverse advice is pouring into Romney's camp: Paint Obama as a weak leader at home and abroad; shift the focus firmly back to the economy; fire up the conservative base; concentrate on the relatively small number of undecided voters.

Some of Romney's associates, including his running mate, say personality, not policy, may hold the key to reassuring wary voters.

"I'm not the only one who has told Mitt that maybe he needs to talk more about himself and his life," Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, the GOP's vice presidential nominee, told conservative activists Friday.

The buttoned-down Romney has relatively little time to show a warmer, more assuring side to voters. Three presidential debates in October may offer his best chance.

In the race to reach 270 electoral votes for victory, polls suggest Obama holds slight edges in the crucial states of Ohio, Florida, Virginia and New Hampshire. And internal polling by both campaigns shows close races in Colorado, Iowa and Nevada. Both sides agree that Romney is doing better in North Carolina, which Obama narrowly carried in 2008.

The wild card might be Wisconsin, Ryan's home state, which Obama won by 14 percentage points over Arizona Sen. John McCain. Both campaigns are spending money there. Vice President Joe Biden visited Wisconsin on Thursday, and Obama is scheduled to go this coming week.

Ohio and Florida are the most coveted toss-up states. Romney's election is not assured even if he wins both. But a failure to carry either state would almost surely doom his chances.

Obama leads Romney by a single point in Virginia and Ohio, and he maintains a two-point lead in Florida, according to the Rasmussen poll. 

Romney leads the president by six points in North Carolina, and the former Massachusetts governor has also regained a slight lead in Missouri. 

Half of the voters say they somewhat disapprove of the of Obama’s job performance while only 49 percent of voters say they at least somewhat approve of his job performance. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2012, 07:58:44 PM »
Right now, gallup has Obama by 4, but that still averages the last week which includes the convention bounce.... so.... Id give Obama a 1 - 2% edge at the moment.

Offline realist26

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2012, 08:31:47 PM »
Election will boil down to turnout of blacks, Hispanics, single mothers and college students

Offline Lisa

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2012, 08:32:00 PM »
Romney's lead should be much higher, if only he would stop being so politically correct.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2012, 09:27:51 PM »
Romney's lead should be much higher, if only he would stop being so politically correct.
It's not just Romney, it's the entire Republican party.

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2012, 10:53:17 PM »
I just wish someone would openly tell Obama off.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2012, 11:20:30 PM »
I just wish someone would openly tell Obama off.
Clint Eastwood for president....

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2012, 11:22:18 PM »

Don't get so happy!
Last time all the repubiks kept saying McLame was higher than obongo.

Offline Nachus

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2012, 11:30:52 PM »

 Let's all pray that Mitt Romney wins!

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2012, 08:34:18 AM »
I just wish someone would openly tell Obama off.

We're dealing with a situation where you have a large number of moderates that will get very upset and abandon Romney if he hits too hard, but when he's not hitting hard enough he's alienating his conservative base. I really think that these types of campaigns are becoming unwinnable.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2012, 02:00:10 PM »
We're dealing with a situation where you have a large number of moderates that will get very upset and abandon Romney if he hits too hard, but when he's not hitting hard enough he's alienating his conservative base. I really think that these types of campaigns are becoming unwinnable.
I agree with you Rubystars. The establishment Republicans know that they have little to lose by becoming leftist (we have no choice but to vote for them anyway; maybe some of us will stay home or go third-party but most will stay loyal because the alternative of BHO is unthinkable), but tons to lose if they become too "extreme" (their moderate core will abandon them in droves). I had a moderate/liberal Republican friend who narrowly decided to vote for McCain four years ago who explained this to me well. Unfortunately the majority of Republicans are like her these days, not Reaganites.

We all know what happened to Barry Goldwater for being "too extreme", and America today is hundreds of times more leftist than in 1964. From the very beginning, the brainwashed American sheeple have feared the bogeyman of the "radical right" more than the daily reality of the radical left. And people wonder why America deserves to be judged.

Offline syyuge

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2012, 03:14:23 PM »
In a tough contest optimism is the best friend and pessimism is the worst enemy. Both just can not go together.
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Offline Rubystars

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2012, 12:09:49 AM »
In a tough contest optimism is the best friend and pessimism is the worst enemy. Both just can not go together.

We may win this time around, by a hair, but the USA has a demographic bomb about to go off with all the illegal immigrants flooding in and having lots and lots of children which will grow up to vote for socialist policies. I predict that by 2050 there will never be another conservative or constitutionalist in power if things don't change fast, and there's no indications that things will change from the course they're on at all.

"Progressives" are really regressives, but perhaps that name fits them because they do seem to be the ones whose views the country is progresing toward. The young generation doesn't understand why conservatives are against "true love", so they are pro-gay, and don't understand that killing a baby inside the womb isn't an ok thing to do to preserve the ability to have uncontrolled premarital sex which they think is their fundamental right. They also have no sense of what being an American means or regard for the heroes and history and culture of the USA, so they don't see what's wrong with being a multicultural nation full of people who don't speak English and follow foreign religions such as Islam.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2012, 02:09:55 AM »
We may win this time around, by a hair, but the USA has a demographic bomb about to go off with all the illegal immigrants flooding in and having lots and lots of children which will grow up to vote for socialist policies. I predict that by 2050 there will never be another conservative or constitutionalist in power if things don't change fast, and there's no indications that things will change from the course they're on at all.

"Progressives" are really regressives, but perhaps that name fits them because they do seem to be the ones whose views the country is progresing toward. The young generation doesn't understand why conservatives are against "true love", so they are pro-gay, and don't understand that killing a baby inside the womb isn't an ok thing to do to preserve the ability to have uncontrolled premarital sex which they think is their fundamental right. They also have no sense of what being an American means or regard for the heroes and history and culture of the USA, so they don't see what's wrong with being a multicultural nation full of people who don't speak English and follow foreign religions such as Islam.

Memory is repetition. If they heard true things more often, they would believe them instead of the lies they're fed. Better that Romney spoke the whole truth, then, win or loose, his words would have value. How much more can the lefty media say about Romney? Even if he came of as a Mongol Hun after speaking reality against Obama, the media would just continue calling him an "extremist" but at least he would have scored a point. Republicans are always defending and worrying about how to save their voting base, while libbies attack and earn more voters. Plenty of libbie policies loose them voters, but you underestimate the power of a fast spreading fad or ideology.

As stupid as it sounds to a completely ignorant person, if Romney made an ad saying BHO was trying to sell America out to terrorists, by destroying the army and economy and importing Somalian and other muslims to kill Americans, and that he was a muslim who plans to make America a muslim state in his second term, he would be up ten points in the polls the next day. The media made Romney the boogeyman, and the libbie game plan is to attack him and everything he says. They have no defense, however, since very few left-wing policies are in any way justifiable, so he'd crush them.
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Offline realist26

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2012, 09:07:27 PM »
Yes. America is a demographic time bomb waiting to go off.  A dictator is required for the next 4 years that will deport illegals, censor the media and cut the deficit to zero overnight.  Unfortunately that won't happen and by the time the next election comes, even a higher proportion of the population will be non white

Memory is repetition. If they heard true things more often, they would believe them instead of the lies they're fed. Better that Romney spoke the whole truth, then, win or loose, his words would have value. How much more can the lefty media say about Romney? Even if he came of as a Mongol Hun after speaking reality against Obama, the media would just continue calling him an "extremist" but at least he would have scored a point. Republicans are always defending and worrying about how to save their voting base, while libbies attack and earn more voters. Plenty of libbie policies loose them voters, but you underestimate the power of a fast spreading fad or ideology.

As stupid as it sounds to a completely ignorant person, if Romney made an ad saying BHO was trying to sell America out to terrorists, by destroying the army and economy and importing Somalian and other muslims to kill Americans, and that he was a muslim who plans to make America a muslim state in his second term, he would be up ten points in the polls the next day. The media made Romney the boogeyman, and the libbie game plan is to attack him and everything he says. They have no defense, however, since very few left-wing policies are in any way justifiable, so he'd crush them.

Offline TruthSpreader

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2012, 09:39:43 PM »

 Let's all pray that Mitt Romney wins!

We need more than pray to help Romney win.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2012, 09:43:46 PM »
I'm starting to wonder how real this all is? We have Soro's money everywhere!
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Romney Leads Obama By 2 Points.
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2012, 11:32:35 PM »
Yes. America is a demographic time bomb waiting to go off.  A dictator is required for the next 4 years that will deport illegals, censor the media and cut the deficit to zero overnight.  Unfortunately that won't happen and by the time the next election comes, even a higher proportion of the population will be non white

Oh. Well no. How about America not have a dictator, stop censoring the media, and be the first in a while to do something about the budget. It doesn't matter if there white... you stupid or something there's non white Jews, it's about being an illegal and holding primary loyalty to Mehico, holding a criminal counter-culture (with indisputable evidence pointing to black and some hispanic ghettos, and people from there and those that have taken the culture from there or support its values) that goes around ruining lives of the dominant culture. Asians are generally well behaved, and muslims will be muslims.

Even just Romney would be fine for now.
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