Author Topic: Richard Slitherstein his comment on and what he'll be doing on Rosh Hashanah  (Read 1002 times)

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Sanctimonious Over Sanctity
Aussie Dave | Sep 16, 2012 | 3 comments

The Jewish New Year – Rosh Hashana – begins tonight and lasts for two days. It is one of the Holiest times in the Jewish calendar. We believe on Rosh Hashanah, “all inhabitants of the world pass before G‑d like a flock of sheep,” and it is decreed in the heavenly court “who shall live, and who shall die . . . who shall be impoverished, and who shall be enriched; who shall fall and who shall rise.” Rosh Hashanah serves as the first of the “Ten Days of Repentance” which culminate in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

In short, it is a highly important day for Jews and an opportunity to repent for our sins.

Anti-Israel blogger Richard Silverstein sees the message of day as applying to Israel’s leaders:

    God demands that we be accountable for our actions and for the times when we’ve missed the mark. He demands that we views ourselves humbly and not grandly. These are all qualities lost on many in Israel’s leadership. The laws of teshuva say that you always have to make allowance for the sinner to repent his misdeeds. It’s hard to imagine this can happen to this crop of political leaders. But let’s remain hopeful shall we?

    As I grow older, it seems there is less and less to be joyful and hopeful about in the world.  But let’s not lose faith.  For there are moments of lucidity and breakthrough.  The Arab Spring was one such.  One can always hope that such a movement will have a similar impact, if not now then eventually, within Israel itself. opposed to himself, who will be spending this holy of days in synagogue praying and repenting in a hall being videotaped spreading his propaganda.

    On Monday, September 17th, I’ll be joining Dick Blakney to speak on, Why Both Republicans and Democrats are Wrong on Iran.  The event will be at Horizon House, 900 University Street in the Performance Hall at 10AM. We plan on videotaping the talk and I will host it here when I have the file.

    We’ll be discussing the latest developments in relations between Israel and Iran; and the harshly partisan tone the debate is adopting in the presidential race. It’s never good when science, religion or issues of war and peace become partisan footballs in political debate. No one makes cool, rational decisions when emotions are boiling over. If Sheldon Adelson and his hundreds of millions have their way, you’ll be forced to decide who to vote for based on whether or not he’s willing to join Bibi in a war against the mullahs.

    That’s not good for our Mideast policy, not good for the presidential campaign, not good for anyone.

    Come see us on the 17th!

Of course, we already knew Silverstein was ignorant about Rosh Hashanah, but it is still rich that someone lecturing Israeli leaders about G-d’s will would choose to desecrate the day in such a manner.

I mean, it’s not as if Silverstein couldn’t do with the self-improvement.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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He'll probably be getting a rectal pap smear over Rosh Hashanah.

Offline AsheDina

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He may not publish it:

'A bunch of Christian Copt yahoos'

Well, well...You really are for minorities, aren't you??  Everyone knows that the COPTS are the minority in Egypt.  And here you are, on the side of the MAJority? 
That is not the Jewish way.

The ambassador was helping the Muslim bro'hood take charge of Egypt. He was a radical/Marxist Hillary stooge.

He way 'gay' to boot. And don't tell me you are stupid that you don't know what they do to 'gays' in the Muslim lands.. Here, we may vehemently disagree with the life-style, but we dont HANG and sodomize them.
He lived like a dog, he died like a dog.

Oh, you want this person in prison for burning the Koran?
You DO remember, dont you, that America used to execute Communists?
Now, ya all rule?

Did you casually forget the Rosenbergs? Here you are so quick to hang a person who hates the koran?
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 :laugh: :::D

He was killed in the same way Obama did Gadaffi. Sodomized, then killed. the laws of cause/effect.

Good post, Mark. Very well done.

This Richard only wants the First Amendment to apply to leftists that are Dhimmi, or straight up Commie.
I advised this putz to try to remember the Rosenbergs and perhaps he should tread a little lighter.
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Im sorry, Mord, I should have went to Silversteins blog.
He is an idiot
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Offline mord

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Im sorry, Mord, I should have went to Silversteins blog.
He is an idiot
You can say that again and a half man
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03