Author Topic: Self-Hating ACLJewess Bullies NM State Fair Over Bin Laden Images On Targets  (Read 2318 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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And people wonder why Pedofronters have so much success when they try to argue that Jews are a fifth column for Islam in America.  ::)

Attorney Gets New Mexico State Fair Officials To Pull Shooting Gallery Targets of Bin Laden

Quote from: Yahoo News
NM fair booth pulls targets depicting bin Laden
Associated Press – 2 hrs 27 mins ago

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A shooting gallery booth at the New Mexico State Fair has pulled targets depicting Osama bin Laden and other Arab-dressed figures after complaints that they were racist.
The "Live Combat" attraction at the fair that ends Sunday allows fairgoers to shoot paintballs at mannequins and targets.
The Albuquerque Journal reports in Saturday's editions that attorney Tova Indritz said she was shocked and upset by the Arab imagery she saw when visiting the fair and complained to fair management that it was racist.
A fair spokesman didn't return a call from the Journal Friday.
But booth operator Orlando Camacho said the targets were not racist or intended to offend Arabs. He says the targets were removed or covered as soon as the complaints were made.

Edit: A quick Google search reveals that Tova Dykitz is an Ivy League elitist that makes her living helping negroes and illegal aliens get off the hook:

Tova Indritz

Attorney at Law
2040 Fourth St NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Practice Areas: Criminal Defense (60%), Immigration (20%), Criminal Defense: White Collar (20%)
Law School: Yale Law School

and, that she is an ACLU Nazi: (Scroll down to the second to last page to see a picture of this hideous old hag.)

Board Members Tova Indritz and Mark Ayers congratulate ACLUNM Vice-President Theo Crevenna after he received the 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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They should have just taken her picture and added it to the targets.

By the way, the Pedofronters probably would have agreed with the self-hating Jew on this.  They don't want their Muslim Nazi allies being depicted as targets.  They would prefer Jews or Sikhs to be targeted.
Yes, of course you are right. Gayvid Puke and the rest of his Aryan fudgepackers in Pedofront are fanatically pro-Sh*tlam. They are Muslim-lovers both figuratively and literally. But they do practice taqqiyah to try to convert ignorant, unsuspecting legitimate right-wingers by pretending to be anti-Muslim.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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The issue is that liberal Jews always ask themselves this question, "How would I feel if that were done to me or my people, how would I feel?"  That is the sine qua non of how these people think which in and of itself is not a bad a idea, but THE EXTREMES to which this idea is taken becomes obscene and can make Jews a target for hatred.  Like look at that woman in Sweden in that YT video cited by all of those nazi freaks  who was talking about multiculturalism in Sweden and Europe, and saying, in this very armchair liberal manner, that "yes of course Jews will have leadership roles in this movement."  She led some group called paedea or something like that.  I wanted to tell her to watch out for her own back in SWEDEN and stop worrying about everyone else.  It is isn't her job to tell other people what Jews should or shouldnt be doing in relation to anything but her own family--if that. For Gd's sake she is living in a country where entire cities are being cleansed of Jews, like Malmo and this dummy is talking like that, Yimach schema to that entire agenda of Jews being murdered and forced out while their fellow Jews talk about peace and justice to a bunch of would be criminal anti-zionists

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I don't think they even care what happens to their own. Leftism and the worship of third-worlders in general and their enemies in particular is their religion.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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I don't think they even care what happens to their own. Leftism and the worship of third-worlders in general and their enemies in particular is their religion.

Do you remember seeing that woman from Paedaia or however you spell it.  I think that video may have been posted on this website

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I think I know who you mean. Gayvid Duke brings her up all the time. For all we know, she's not even Jewish.

Offline IsraelForever

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I would be curious to know if she would consider it racist if Jews were shooting pictures of Hitler, Mengele, Eichman, Goering, etc.?  Would that be racist or justifiable hatred?  If Americans can go into Pakistan and shoot and kill the real OBL, then why can't Americans shoot his picture?  This is beyond the beyond. 
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 06:02:35 AM by IsraelForever »

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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I think I know who you mean. Gayvid Duke brings her up all the time. For all we know, she's not even Jewish.

I think she is Jewish, and she is paving the way for a Jew free Sweden, idiot that she is

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I think she is Jewish, and she is paving the way for a Jew free Sweden, idiot that she is
She's paving the way for a Judenrein world.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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She's paving the way for a Judenrein world.

Let me see if I can find this dope's claim to fame.

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Re: Self-Hating ACLJewess Bullies NM State Fair Over Bin Laden Images On Targets
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2012, 07:10:15 PM »
Let me see if I can find this dope's claim to fame.

She's a well meaning (in her own head), totally migusided person.  Still, a fool is a fool, and she is one at that.

I have no idea how she thinks that 'multiculturalism' is the answer to anti-Semitism in Sweden.  The leading anti-semites in Sweden are hard core Leftists who think Radio Islam is a blessed phenomenon.

In a real way, I have pity for her.  Likely, she thinks she's doing everything right and is actually in the process of tragically fooling herself and, more tragically, everyone else under her leadership.  This pipe dream idea  that everything will be "A-ok" as long as Europe becomes "Multicultural" is an incredibly tragic, all too imminent, disaster waiting to happen.  The name of her group shouldn't be Paideia, but (false) panacea

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Self-Hating ACLJewess Bullies NM State Fair Over Bin Laden Images On Targets
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2012, 07:32:14 PM »
I think that these Jews probably believe that as a minority, if they cause the dominant society to be accepting and tolerant of minorities, that they as Jews will also be tolerated and accepted. What doesn't make sense about that is that they don't even seem to care what other minorities are being tolerated and how those minorities feel about Jews themselves.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Self-Hating ACLJewess Bullies NM State Fair Over Bin Laden Images On Targets
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2012, 07:57:50 PM »
What a hideously ugly old ho.

Offline NoMosqueHere

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Re: Self-Hating ACLJewess Bullies NM State Fair Over Bin Laden Images On Targets
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2012, 02:30:10 PM »
It's the typical sick jew mentality.  I see it everywhere here in NYC, and it depresses me greatly. 

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Self-Hating ACLJewess Bullies NM State Fair Over Bin Laden Images On Targets
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2012, 04:25:42 PM »
what a sick sack of trash